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Posts posted by Aidan

  1. 2 hours ago, Palfy said:

    I agree get him only if we still have the budget to sort the defence out. 

    I'm not sure Mosh is planning on closing that cheque book anytime soon. Plus I think i read somewhere the deal was looking to be a loan. Either way Real will want to get his wages off the books and his contract is up in 2022 so if it is a loan deal his contract only has 12 months left to run after the loan, so a decent fee should be arranged. 

  2. Wonder with Sigurdsson and Gomes struggling to find form if we could implement him into a kind of 4231? 

               Doucoure Allan 

       James Bernard Richarlison 


    Not sure of how it would work tactically, but he seems more comfortable in the centre and he seems to do better than Gomes and Siggy when he plays. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Btay said:

    We can't and shouldn't be affording passengers. We gave them a chance to play themselves into some form but this is the point of having a competitive squad. Said it during our winning streak that Gomes needed to be dropped to make an example, despite being in a winning team. We lost a couple of key performers and we are now in this position. We can't be dependent on the same 3/4 players to be at their absolute best to win us games each week whilst the rest go through the motions. 

    I think at this moment in time we are left with no other choice 

  4. 2 hours ago, Bailey said:

    If Davies came in, he would be crap and then we would be saying bring Gomes or bring Siggy back or play Bernard or Gomes there.

    We just need to face it that none of them are good enough to play there week in week out at the moment. 

    It almost feels at the minute Sigurdsson and Gomes are just being rotated until one of them has a good game and can claim a spot to start the next week. I think when richarlison returns we can almost afford for one of those two to almost be passengers until we can recruit someone to play in that 3 man midfield. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Gwlad all over said:

    If Jordan's head isn't in the right place then all sympathy and there are few on here who don't have undertanding/experience of mental issues. He'll probably play a blinder or two for England but we are talking Everton and I hope Carlo puts Robin in v Fulham. JP's not instilling confidence in the defence.

    He's been trash since his second season here. His mental health because of the VVD incident has nothing to do with his ability. He's playing as he was prior to the incident and will continue to do so. 

    Its a shame because I thought he showed so much promise after that first season he had for us. I think he's massively let it get to his head. 

  6. 8 hours ago, pete0 said:

    Probably catches the ball. Worse case bounces it on the spot and catches it as he'd be directly over the ball without the push.

    This man hunt for Pickford is getting out of hand. Really feels like people are willing him to fail. He's won us more points than he's cost since he's been here, so far this season he hasn't cost us any and yesterday even played apart in us scoring.

    He's not the best in the world but he's very fucking good. If any of the top six lost their keeper no doubt in my mind he'd be on their short lists.


    7 hours ago, Matt said:

    But he did get pushed, there’s no point discussing what would’ve happened. Try jumping with your hands up trying to catch a moving ball and have someone push you slightly in the middle of your chest. Your arms immediately move inward, you move back and you’ve lost balance. Maguire has even said he “probably” fouled, so why is this even a discussion? 

    Not a witch hunt. A player who makes on average 1 big mistake a game is going to naturally get scrutinised whatever happens. I agree though, hardly worth arguing about. 

  7. 17 hours ago, Matt said:

    So a blunder is him not being able to catch a ball whilst being pushed?

    Honestly, he looks like he's going to make a meal of it anyway. Hardly even a push really, but i suppose he gets the benefit of the doubt as who knows what would have happened if Maguire didn't touch him? 

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