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Posts posted by Aidan

  1. 4 hours ago, Matt said:

    I think the last bit is key, his instinct has always been there but his execution wasn’t because he was having to work and think more. He’s got to be one of the most efficient strikers going at the moment, how many 1 touch goals does he have this season? Obviously due to the service too

    I'm not sure about the one touch finishing, but he's got 5 goals in the 6 yard box, already equal to the total he had last season. 

  2. Richarlison is going to be key for this game. We need to win our 1 on 1 battles going forward. 

    Hopefully Coleman is back for this one and Holgate comes in for Mina. 

    Also I've gone for Olsen as Leeds seem to like those narrow, deep crosses. Olsen seems much more confident coming off his line. 


    Coleman Keane Holgate Digne

           Allan James Doucoure

           Iwobi DCL Richarlison

    They seem to struggle in wide areas so plenty of crosses in would be ideal and getting the ball up in the air quickly to Dom i think would help. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Palfy said:

    I’m guilty of thinking the same Aidan so you’re in good company mate, even if I do say so myself 😁

    Just goes to show how much a player can improve doesn't it? Hes always been capable physically, and has developed really well technically, but most of all his intelligence has gone through the roof. His brain has soaked up so much of what it has been taught from countless managers, and Dunc. In fact, the many roles managers have given him if anything have possibly helped him to become more of a rounded player. 

    Still wouldn't like him at RWB though! 

  4. First half there were a lot of positives for sure. I'm happy with everyone's performance minus a few moments from the back line. 

    Second half Fulham were always going to come out and try to score a goal. We were pinned back and should have gone to a back 4 a lot sooner than we did. 

    Thought dom was absolutely unplayable today, everything he did turned to gold. His hold up play got us up the pitch over and over again and he capped it off with 2 goals. 

    Richarlison I thought also played well and you can tell he is getting frustrated not scoring too many. The goals will come for him though he's just getting unlucky. He's incredibly important to the team even if he doesn't score off assist. 

    A win is a win. Time to build on it. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Hafnia said:

    We’ve conceded as many goals as the bottom side in the table. Between the goalkeeper and defence and whatever else they are told to do its shite.

    I mean the team in 3rd place have conceded more than us. The sample size is so small it's not really relevant. 

    I think with Holgate back our defence will improve slightly, but a real reliable, consistent enforcer in centre half would be ideal. There isn't many of them about though. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Zoo 2.0 said:

    He's fast, that's all. 

    You can go to the continent (or South America) and get someone who is fast but with a ton of other attributes. This would be a lazy, half arsed signing at best. The only way I would be happy if is he came on loan first, as this is just Iwobi 2.0.

    On what planet does a club bid £20+ for James but not go to the likes of Ajax to enquire about Neres?

    Yeah ive watched James quite a lot since he went to united and he offers very little other than pace. Lacks flair and unpredictability. He fails to make up for that with any ability to score or create. 

  7. Dominic stood over the ball with real confidence and intent. He took a little glance up, seemingly into the goalkeepers eyes right before he started his run up. He looked hungry. He had the look of a dangerous striker in him! 

    The point im trying to make, admittedly with a semi on right now, is I wouldn't mind at all of he stepped up to take our next penalty. Being a striker is a numbers game, if it boosts his confidence because he gets an extra 3 or 4 goals a season from the spot then that would be great. His technique seemed to suggest he's been practicing them.

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