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Posts posted by Aidan

  1. 1 hour ago, Palfy said:

    Unfortunately it’s hard to legislate for 2 comical moments like that, especially from one of the improved players this season. 

    As much as Keane was at fault, I always feel like we look really uncomfortable defending whenever Holgate is on the field (either RB or CB).

    Hopefully next season, with a new RB & cover for LB, Keane and Godfrey can make a good partnership in centre defence for us. Godfrey has the potential to be a world class in that position. We've really lucked out on him as there isn’t many quality CBs to go around at the minute. Thank god Gabriel turned us down for Arsenal.

    On that note - it's difficult to pick between James and Godfrey for player of the season for me. I think Godfrey just edges it with the games James has missed. Such an important player for us already and so versatile. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

    At one point he played one of those threaded balls through the Spurs defence and Alderweireld went totally the wrong way for it. It made me laugh. Watching him play football brings me joy.

    When Alderweireld followed Sigurdsson making the run on the outside and James played it through to Richarlison in the centre? 

    It totally did me too let alone Alderweireld. He played the pass and my brain made my eyes follow a make believe ball to Siggy. 

  3. The team we saw play at the start of the season when all fit give me an inclination of where we are at ability-wise. 

    If we can add a replacement for the Gomes/Sigurdsson role and a new RB along with a little more depth I have no doubt we will vastly improve next season. The names we've been linked with (Koulibaly/Isco etc) are really exciting and we all know Carlo is able to get big names through the door. 

  4. A completely different game to what we saw at the start of the season when arguably our strongest squad started, something which cannot be said of many games this season.

    Richarlison was completely unplayable that day, and it seems from the initial handful of games his form has really dwindled this season in the league. If I remember correctly he made 11 dribbles in the reverse fixture. It felt like a taste of what's to come. Unfortunately our squad just hasn't got enough depth to keep that quality in performances.

    It really does feel like the season is pretty much over for us, and once again we look to next year to finally witness this "sleeping giant" rise up.

    I hope we can get the result and pray other teams around us fall off, allowing us to look to a European spot.

    I’m hoping to see some players return and give some good performances. Despite however many points we achieve towards the end of the campaign it is important we keep trying to put on as best performance we can, and carry that over into next season.

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