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Posts posted by Aidan

  1. Think I read somewhere it should be done Wednesday. The sooner the better we really need to start the process of bringing players in.

    Wonder if Mendes has been in touch with Farhad about his available players already. He's got a few we could be interested in on his list.

    His players include André Silva, Guedes, Renato Sanchez, Ruben Neves (who should leave Wolves this window), Pedro Neto. Di Maria has one year left of his contract, or maybe a loan move for Trincäo from Barcelona would be on the cards?

  2. 5 hours ago, Isaiah said:

    Honestly one of the biggest indicators for me that we're going nowhere will be if Dunc is kept on as assistant manager. If he has designs to ever manage us then he needs to go and be a manager somewhere and show what he can do. The top job at Everton will always be waiting for him if he's successful in his own right. But no more hanging around the dugout doing God knows what other than "being passionate" and "loving the club".

    For me the best route he can take is taking an interim role and being made permanent. We change managers so often, I'd imagine if he impressed on his next turn and there were no big names who wanted to manage Everton, he would have a year to show what he can do.

    Plus I doubt Ferguson would want to leave Everton under any circumstances.

  3. 1 hour ago, RuffRob said:

    joking aside, they would actually do well to take some note of what the fans feelings are on potential candidates and the footballing philosophy they trying to entertain us will over the next few years. Not sure I could stomach a continuation of the dross we where watching at the end of this season. 

    I hope they consider a manager who is forward thinking and innovative. 

    I hope they dont take the average Everton fans opinion too far into consideration though 🙄

  4. I'm unsure on why so many people are dead set on him not having the ability to be our manager. 

    He's worked under a lot of different gaffers, including one of the best as his assistant. He's kick started our form prior to carlo coming in and according to reports, didnt fancy leaving to work under CA at Real Madrid. 

    He has desire, ambition, loyalty and a genuine love for the club like you and I. I also get the impression he's close to the players and they respect him. 

    Saying he hasn't got the ability isn't the truth, we simply don't know if he has or hasn't. Employing him would be a bigger risk than most other names, however we're safe in the fact that he will always have the clubs interests at heart. 

    In his biography he said after he retired 'I'm going to go away and get my badges, and one day I will come back and manage this team'. He already has, but there is no doubt he wants a proper shot at it. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Palfy said:

    I think we are already seeing a split between owner chairman and DoF all wanting to have a say, with Moshiri wanting Nuno Kenwright wanting Moyes and Brands not wanting to rush into any decision until all possible candidates have been evaluated. I really fear we will get some sort of compromise based on who Moshiri says we can have, for all his lack of knowledge and total incompetence when it comes to all things football, Moshiri seems incapable of letting go of the reins on the most important decisions revolving around the team. 
    I am truly worried that Moshiri will be looking for a designer name that he’s heard of and he feels is a big enough draw for his empire, and not looking at the technical vision and emotional fit because he doesn’t understand that side of the game. 
    God help us and all who support us we are still in for some turbulent times 🙏

    Think I read somewhere (I'm sure it was the athletic, but I may be wrong) that Brands has full control over the appointment. 

    If Moshiri wants to step in and add his two cents, brands might as well uptick and leave and let him rebuild even more. 

  6. Looks like were opening talks with nuno today according to myers. He also says David Moyes is also a 'front runner'. 

    Would Moyes leave WHU for a return to Goodison? Possibly. An agreement wasn't reached for him to extend his stay the first time round at WHU but its u clear if that was his or the clubs decision, my guess is the clubs. Moyes doesn't have to be loyal to his current employer. 

    I'm not sure who I prefer out of those two. Im not sure Nuno would be the right choice considering our current starting XI, and Moyes is another excuse to build and I have no doubt if he did come here it would be for at least the next 3 seasons. 

  7. 49 minutes ago, Bill said:

    Carlo Ancellotti, Marco Silva, Ronald Koeman, Roberto Martinez, we've tried them all and they've failed.

    Time to go back to basics, like Hafnia said Everton is a good job for the young ambitious manager so who is in the running. ?  There are too numerous to name so I'm just going to put one forward. The only unbeaten manager in Evertons long history ..... Duncan Ferguson.

    Called on in an emergency and took charge  for 3 very difficult premier league games ... (Chelsea, Man Utd, Arsenal) and a caribou cup game against Leicester.  Won 1 Drawn 3.

    Was there ever a better feeling for the Fans than to see Duncan racing up and down the touchline hugging the Ball Boys when they beat Chelsea 3-1, and have the players ever given as much for any other Manager as the did for Duncan. Goodison Park was bouncing like its not bounced before, or since.

    This suggestion will probably be laughed at by a lot of people, but the Club itself is becoming a laughing stock to the rest of football, we've tried the so called best, now let's try the rest.

    I'd love Duncan. Like I said before, someone who loves the club and will do anything for it. The only downside is as soon as his tenure is over he isnt realistically going to be part of the club anymore. He cant go from management and step back down into a coaching role. 

    It might be naive, but if we want to put someone in the role that we know for certain is 100% committed, Duncan is the man. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, badaids said:

    I reckon we’ll get the next Walker/Silva/Koeman off the rank and failing that Dunc or Rooney. And thank fuck Mourinho is already at Roma...

    I actually hope Dunc gets it. I know he won't, but it'd be nice to see a manager in place who actually cares about the club. Haven't had one since Martinez. Rafa would be my initial choice though, probably the best manager we are able to attract, and would likely want to build something here. Dont want to see the likes of Rooney, Lampard or Gerrard anywhere near my club. 

  9. 22 hours ago, MikeO said:

    He was twenty-one when he signed for United and had played more than a hundred games for Palace, so not a teeenager or playing his first games.

    Thought he went through the academy at United but i see he didn't now. My mistake. 

  10. On 28/05/2021 at 12:33, Zoo 2.0 said:

    Whenever we've played him he's looked average, mark him closely and its job done

    Thats easily said when you're playing Crystal Palace. 

    Its easy to focus one good player when a team only has one good player. And yet Zaha has still got the return he has over the past few seasons. 

    A player with an end product, lightening pace, dribbling abilities and is capable of winning a game on his own. Seems to me he's the mould of a player we've needed for a long time. 

    As for the United remarks presumably you're talking about when he was a teenager trying to break on the scene playing his first professional games? A little unfair. 

    On 28/05/2021 at 12:33, Zoo 2.0 said:

    Not to mention that at 28, totally the wrong side of what we want to bring in.

    And what player do we want to bring in? Because i want to bring in ones that improve the squad, disregarding the age. Interestingly, all the main signings we made last summer were 28 or over. 

  11. Just now, milesey05 said:

    I’m still puzzled by the non red card. Last man- denied a goal scoring opportunity!!

    when did the rules change that he tried playing the ball so all is okay?? 

    Another rediculos change in the rules. Deny a goal scoring opportunity but if you try to play the ball its a yellow. No justice in it really as players will, as they do, look to play the ball fully knowing theyre not going to get it. 

  12. Difficult to say we've improved on last season. Factually we have. We've got 10 more points and are likely to finish 2 positions higher. 

    We've also added 3 starters to our squad (admittedly who have had their fair share of injuries). 

    We have improved, but considering recruitment and expectation, its very very marginal. 

    To put it in perspective we're 10th on goal difference behind a team that were promoted from the championship last season with West Ham also outperforming us. 

    That is simply not good enough, and when we say we've improved it's difficult to say it with any vision of us being on the right track. 

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