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Posts posted by Aidan

  1. 9 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

    I definitely do not want him now, I'll have a heart attack :lol:.

    Just done a bit more research and apparently he only plays 343 or 351, and hardly strays away from this.

    If he comes here it sounds like this is the formation we will implement. Also likes a high press and developing youth players.

    Also likes his outside CBs to carry the ball up the field and join the attack with the CM covering him, whilst pushing his wing backs high and wide.

  2. 6 minutes ago, dunlopp9987 said:

    As shit as things were under Rafa, there were actually more times we fought back for points than I can remember in previous managers. Southampton, Burnley, United, Arsenal, Chelsea.

    And to top it all off he has the lowest win percentage out of the lot of them

  3. 10 minutes ago, Bailey said:

    This is what I remember from Ferguson. A lot of huff and puff without much quality to go with it. 

    I think the players have done pretty well on the whole. It has been an even game and neither keeper has been troubled. They are getting all the time and space they want down the flanks and eventually it will count. 

    Well at least they've got huff and puff, under previous managers they haven't even had that.

  4. 1 minute ago, Btay said:

    Dropped Coleman and Keane. Huge respect 

    Yeah I didn't expect that. I'm not sure Holgate or Kenny are any more reliable but without any alternatives I suppose this is the best he can do.

    4 minutes ago, BedfordBlue said:

    New signings not even on the bench typical Everton 

    Yeah strange.

  5. 5 hours ago, StevO said:

    Doesn’t do anything there to distance himself from it. I’m sure he’s like to finish the job with Derby but not a chance he turns Everton down. 

    Yeah it definitely sounds like he'll accept the job if it's offered to him. I wonder if he will end up being interviewed, I'd imagine he would be.

  6.                    Pickford

    Coleman Mina Keane Godfrey

    Gray Doucoure Allan Gordon

               Richarlison DCL

    If Ferguson wants to go for the "most arsed" XI like he suggested in his press conference, this is probably it. Maybe a slight variation in formation but I'm pretty sure Dunc reverted to 442 last time he was the boss, although that was against 3 of the 'top 6' teams so maybe it'll be different.

  7. 7 minutes ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

    As much as he would be my preferred choice I can’t see us getting Potter or any other manager who is already in a job.

    It's difficult to turn opportunities like that down in any walk of life when someone is going to come in and double your pay check.

  8. 1. DF for a few games to see how he gets on, then more if he does well and re-evaluate in the summer.

    2. Potter. Plays good football, wants to build something special and is doing so on a limited budget at Brighton. Might bring Bissouma.

    3. Lampard. Did well on a limited budget (granted it was at a powerhouse of a club) and might be able to bring in a few bigger names to the club. Not really fussed about him but I'm also not too well up on internationally based managers.

    4. Nuno. Ideally over Lampard but I think he aims to be heavily involved in a lot behind the scenes and I'm not sure the board will be prepared to give him that amount of control.


    None of Morinho, Rooney, Biesla.

  9. I can't see how he is a good defender. He's an average defender in the grand scheme of things but his head is up his arse more often than its in the game. He has far more spells of self capitulation then he does of actually looking like a quality defender. We can't afford players like that we need consistency especially in his position.

  10. 1 hour ago, Shukes said:

    Would love him, but can’t see him leaving Brighton for us. Not after watching us sack so manny managers. He is young and has plenty of time ahead of him, so no need to rush into a job that could ruin his reputation.

    Unfortunately, that’s the club that we are.

    That's what I initially thought Shukes but just have a look where all our previous managers have left to after being sakced. If he comes here for 6 months and makes a mess he's probably going to get the United job or something 😂

  11. 9 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

    Just like last time it wouldn’t last for more than a game or two. By the time he took charge of his final game that had been used up and we looked crap again.


    Duncan's heart is in it and we couldn't give it to anyone who would want Everton to succeed more (Rooney included). And I know that's not enough alone, you need much more than passion and determination to win football matches. It's the Denis Straq situation isn't it?

    What I will say though, is that Duncan has been around for awhile at Everton watching on. People say he is part of the problem, perhaps he is, maybe he isn't there is no way of knowing that. Anyone that's been at the club now for awhile is 'part of the problem' to fans. Some staff will be a waste of a wage, others will be good members of staff who are very good at what they do.

    He's learnt as the assistant of Ancelotti one of the world's most successful managers. He's then learnt from another highly successfulmanager in Rafa Benitez. Both of these have managed the biggest clubs in the world. Carlo was heavily rumoured to want him at Real Madrid when he left, so he is clearly well thought of by the high calibre gaffer.

    He's seen where the mistakes are being made first hand. Knows the players better than I would imagine anyone else at the club, and will have a vision in place as he has been aspiring to be manager of Everton before he even took a coaching role here.

    After sitting back and learning as an assistant since his last interim role, do you not think he could be ready to step up and take control of the team? Maybe give him a few games and identify other targets in the mean time. If things go well give him until the end of the season and make a decision from there? He's much more experienced than his last role where he was thrown in the deep end and still got a tune.

    I'm not saying he would be the perfect replacement. The reason I'm behind giving him a chance is because as a football club we've ran out of different styles of manager to employ. We've ran out of ideas. Let's do the opposite of what we did last time around and give it to the man who actually would die for the club.

    And he lives local & knows the city 😜

    Sorry to rant on a bit Romey. Again.

  12. 1 hour ago, Bailey said:

    I see that you have now changed your opinion after today but I will still respond to some of this because I do agree in parts.

    The one main thing I don't agree with is this motion that we are a team. On the pitch we are all over the place and we have seen with the Digne situation that there are some cracks in the dressing room as well. We look more like a team of individuals than at any other time I can remember after say the Koeman era. There is no evidence that this group of players are playing like a collective unit. 

    I am also a little unsure about the transfer strategy. If Digne wasn't going to be sold, would we have made any of the signings we have? I am sceptical. 

    Gray has certainly worked out really well, Townsend is still a bit of a nothing player for all that I think he is a good character for the squad and I agree that Gordon has come on a lot this season. The caveats are that Rondon has been dreadful and almost every other player has gone backwards.

    I think we need to seriously start seeing the seeds of progress on the pitch for him to be given much more time at the club. I am really struggling to see anything to give me hope. 

    I tried my best to think rationally about it but the results speak for themselves. I'm genuinely fearful for what will happen to us this season and after we play like that against Norwich, a team who struggle every single game, I can't justify it.

    I don't think we look like a team either, just merely giving my opinion of what Rafas mindset might be. Nothing seems to be working and once again we seem to be going backwards.

    I don't see how we bounce back after tonight. The players are being abused after almost every game by the fans, their confidence just be shattered.

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