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Posts posted by Aidan

  1. 16 minutes ago, Palfy said:

    Definitely a pen you can’t pull players back in the area they are going to go down. 

    But do we get that pen at the other end that's the question you need to ask yourself. Those fouls happen countless times a week in the box and the vast majority are not given as penalties.

  2. 4 hours ago, Goodison Glory said:

    Don't get me wrong I hyped about this signing (particularly as it came out of nowhere)....but he seems to have a trait of sliding and extending his (long) legs...hopefully the quicker prem league won't see him rack up the yellow cards (or worse)

    For some reason this triggered a thought in my head about how good Hibbo was at slide tackles.

  3. I would imagine if we spent £35m+ on a player he would be expected to start the vast majority of games. But at 20 years old, he's only started 11 games in the Ligue 1 (21 subs appearances on top of this, totalling 1350 minutes).

    He's clearly highly thought of, but I'm not expecting him to come in and vastly improve our midfield right away.

    On a positive side it would be nice to have an absolute powerhouse in our midfield, something we've lacked since Fellaini. He's 6'5 and looks really quick too, and seems to have good technique.

  4. 8 hours ago, Matt said:

    Maybe this is why Gana isn't done yet?


    1 hour ago, c1982 said:

    We’d need both. Lampard said Gana and another - most just presumed Billy Gilmour on-loan and not a €40m powerhouse though!

    Paul Joyce confirmed that Onana would be in addition to Gueye.

  5. 38 minutes ago, Goodison Glory said:

    Where did this "Ali up front" mantra come from. I've never ever considered him capable of leading the line. A central support role - absolutely - but leading the line....that's asking a lot.

    I'd love to see some details on our loan agreements for young attacking players  - are they paying 100% of the wages, can they be recalled from loan? 

    He seems to have scoring instinct, would still rather him than rondon.

  6. 52 minutes ago, RuffRob said:

    I do hope VAR is a little kinder to us this season - think we definitely suffered a little bit last season. 

    I would think we will start of this game set up much like we did against the big 6 last season - counter attacking. Will be nice to see us hopefully be a little better in possession than we where last season, but this is very early days and Chelsea is a tough start. 

    It a passionate and hardworking effort for 90min from all the player is what I am hoping to see above anything on the first day, which hopefully we set the president of how we go out on the pitch for the rest of the season. Lets make Goodison the most horrible place for any teams to come to. 

    I'd like to see us better in possession, but I still don't see how we do that with the midfield we currently have.

  7. 1 minute ago, Btay said:

    Funny when people turn their nose up signing players from relegated teams but him and Richie have been our two best transfer of the Moshiri era.

    It's bollocks. Nonsensical. Just shows how thick some fans are. Because James Milner, Jagiekla, Wijnaldum, Robertson, Maguire, Richy, Gana, Roy Keane are all rubbish aren't they? The team got relegated, a squad of 20+ players, not the individual. Stick Ronaldo in the Norwich team last season, they'd probably still go down, doesn't make him a bad player does it?

  8. What worries me is that running around annoying the opposition was the best part of his game. If he's lost that, which he will eventually with age, he literally has nothing else to offer.

    It's not like he's going to adapt his game and become a Gareth Barry. I think he will improve the squad in the present, but for how long I'm not so sure about. Doesn't feel like a sensible singing for me.

  9. 5 hours ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

    I spent 25 years in the Royal Navy, mostly based in Plymouth or Portsmouth so I know exactly what you mean!

    Didn't know that Dunc, I was based at HMS Collingwood for a couple of years. Love that part of the country.

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