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Everything posted by FanchesterCity

  1. @ £7.00, any color t-shirt, any size, one colour logo wwww.promoking.co,uk no minimum order (cheaper if you buy more, and that's heavy t-shirt, lighter ones are cheaper) At such low cost, no screen printing - it'll be transfer type printing, but potentially you could get the numbers higher if folks get the sizes they need?
  2. XL for me, which upsets the apple cart :-( You lot need to let yourselves go a bit! Still think the prominence of royal blue helps (so I'd vote for the first of Bill's t-shirts). VistaPrint are doing them at 5 quid each (so folks could have diff sizes if they needed) - no guarantee on quality though
  3. For sale - 10,000 unsold red shirts, Liverpool area, small inscription on back 'Caroll' All proceeds go to 'The 35 Million Club' a charity for former goalscorers.
  4. I like the breast pocket type ones, very subtle and classy. However, I still reckon the best all round compromise of 'I'd wear that' and at the same time getting it noticed is the last image I but up - Royal Blue shirt - TT logo in white. Looks smart, says 'Everton' to other fans, and you can read 'toffeetalk' from across a bar.
  5. Ive seen groups of lads wearing their own designs at other events (festivals) and when there's 3 or 4 lads all wearing the same t-shirt it gets them noticed and folks ask what it's all about. Works really well. Not sure how many of you actually meet up though - easier said than done I expect. Just my opinion but I think the TT logo (in white) on Everton's royal blue would be more eye catching than white (just might be harder to find shirts that are just the right shade). If someone's genuinely getting them made - I'll have one (will pay up front). Every bit helps eh?
  6. Not too happy with this one, but what the hell.
  7. J, not sure if you're au fait with it all, but if you need them in vector etc let me know. If you're working in Photoshop or similar - 8 inches across x 300dpi is 2400 pixels wide. Louis has the 'pukker' logo in vector (I sent it to him last week).
  8. I think every club's got them, and the more successful they are, the more they attract the kids who are deciding on a club for the first time (6 yrs and up?), 10 years on and they are turning up at games and acting like idiots. TV / Internet's not helping either. 'Local' team is losing a lot of meaning now - with people moving further afield or working away from home. There's simply more and more fans who don't get to games, and there's 'weirdos' like me who'll go and watch Blackburn or Burnley if my team are away and there's someone decent playing there (it's my neck of the woods)
  9. If the purpose is two fold (make a bit of money, and promote TT, then probably best sticking with the logo), if there's no overwhelming desire to promote TT, just help to fund it, then I suppose it's whatever would sell the most! (I think it's a real shame that the official Everton logo can't be incorporated though, unless someone wants to run it by the club? but if you ask and get a 'no' there really is NO chance of using it then!)
  10. I think the ToffeeTalk logo is probably the least objectionable. But if anybody wants a different design and needs some help with artwork - let me know, I might be able to help (i.e. Tidying up someone's design etc). I can probably help with getting them printed at a good cost too, but if someone's already got a printer in mind - no worries.
  11. I think you're right about "would they still want Moyes". Regardless of how good (or not) he is, new owners always seem to want to change the manager. Even the better ones say "we're right behind him" and give him 6 months. Unless he did a miracle job after a take over, he'd be out. (That's not anti Moyes, just the way of the world at the moment)
  12. You might have to help me out with this one - it's hard to read between some of the lines with BK.... Are there any fans wondering if BK really does want to sell? By this, I mean, sometimes - when you hear him talk, it's clear he's passionate about the club, and deep down I think he knows that he personally can't afford to bankroll the club to the extent some other can - BUT - he's clutching onto the club too like some dad with his daughter - nobody else is good enough for her? We had a similar thing many years ago with Peter Swales.
  13. Yeah, hence the cagey 'that would be about right' comment from Harris. Although it does suggest they'd be open to talks if someone was coming in with an offer in that range. He could have said "I think Everton are worth significantly more". He's opened the door a bit for folks there saying "come and have a chat about it"
  14. I think that's right. On paper - Everton's got everything the other clubs have, arguably more (depends on your perspective), so logically it has to be something else putting them off. Big fan base - tick History - tick Decent team - tick (bit of a blip at the moment, but generally speaking, top 5-8 consistently) Good reputation - tick Fans who'll spend money - tick Stable club - tick (one of the most stable ever) It's all there. The stadium argument is a tempting one, and maybe that's the hurdle, but Lerner bought Villa with an older stadium (not sure if they can expand, but suspect they could). Ashley bought Newcastle (but they have a good capacity) There's nothing that really sticks out and says "don't buy!". Now I know the team itself is a touchy subject, but you'd expect new owners to invest a bit in the team, and in theory they'd want to win something... how much do you (hand on heart) think they'd need to spend to make the team serious competitors to win something - say FA Cup? 60 million (and a bit of luck on the pitch?) - that would be 2 expensive top notch buys, or 4 very fine players.
  15. Irrelevant and paranoid. What opinions on Everton would you prefer to hear? If I say it's not looking great - it's a piss take. If I say I think you can turn it around - it's a piss take If I say I think Moyes is top notch - it's a piss take If I say I think a take over will probably cost Moyes his job - it's a piss take If I say Everton are one of this country's leading clubs - it's a piss take Have a seriously good look. I've even donated to the funds - another piss take? You know some other fans DO give a toss about the game, and they have a keen interest the fate of Everton. I choose to take an interest in Everton and for that matter Newcastle. I didn't realise is was such a crime. Click ignore and your tension will ease.
  16. Yeah could be, but that seems damn cheap. City went for 220m 4 years ago (stadium helped, but we owed money and were in more disarray than you, AND it was a fire sale!). Not sure what Newcastle went for. I suppose you could say the market's declined since those heady days, or you could say inflation is roughly negated by the decline. at 160m Everton look a serious bargain. - makling me think there's some awful prohibitive catch putting folks off.
  17. Let's be realistic - Moyes has done well, been a great servant etc etc, but that's what he is, a servant of the club. Clearly he's become 'attached' to the club, so will always have a strong connection, but he's not an Everton fan per se. He's the manager of the club. Life would go on without him. He's been good to Everton, and they've been good to him. But IF Everton needed a change, then it's their right to try something/someone new. In all likelihood, if the club is sold, the owners will do as most owners do - back him for 6 months then ditch him for their 'own man' (as well as making a statement of intent). If the Everton / DM partnership is to continue, then it's likely to be with BK still at the helm. If Everton are to progress with the needed investment (and thus new owners), then it's likely to be without DM. It would be a shame to lose him, and I'm sure he's largely be revered at Everton for the rest of his life (barring disaster), but surely SURELY the 'brighter future' at Everton will be without him?
  18. Even with the parachute payments - you still lose money, as of often sponsors are less keen, and attendances fall - although, you can actually increase attendances if you're winning - fans do like to see a winning team. But don't got down, whatever you do. It's awful. I can't say I want any team to go down, but since 3 teams have to, it would feel more natural for at least 10 other clubs before Everton. I don't you're even close to going down, but I do think it's surprising easy to get caught up in at all, even for teams playing pretty well. Ultimately, nobody is immune. If I'm honest, I think there are some who'd like to see Everton go down (or any big club that's not been down for a while) just to give folks a taste of how awful it is, and to remind clubs that it can happen to ANYBODY. But any decent fan who holds back on that little urge will rightly expect to see Everton break clear of it, and be glad to see them do so. I want to go to games where the big clubs have full stadiums and the atmosphere is electric and there's everything to play for right up to the very last game of the season. Villa, Spurs, Liverpool, Everton, Arsenal et al - these are the clubs where such games should always be high points of the season. I'd just love to see a GREAT investor at Everton say "Liverpool, we're coming for you" :-) I actually like LFC but I'd just like to see a few different teams at the top for a change and let the traditional top 4 do the chasing for a while. BK (to me) seems a genuine bloke with all the right passion for Everton - but he can't take you back to where you belong. Let's just hope you don't end up with Venky's type ownership, even though all the signs are pointing to Asian suitors
  19. I've assumed that's 160m + plus the debt. So whoever's buying will need to pay more than 160
  20. Good spot!.. it read like players to me. There isn't a fan in the land who would hate going down, and it would be harder for Everton than most due to Everyone being top flight for so long. Theyd get over it though. Just been reading a post on another board. 13 years ago today wycombe 1 : 0 City... But the point being about the awful depression of trawling to awful grounds through industrial estates with no transport etc. It's another world. Evertons priority has to be making sure their fans never have to go through that. It's awful. Sod the players... They come and go... The fans are tied for life Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
  21. It's the nature of football these days. Player/club loyalty counts for little on both sides now. The is still some but few and fat between. Avin is right to say the future of the club is paramount over any player.... Or manager or chairman... And dare I say fan too. Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
  22. Well loved at City but his dad interferes via the media. still quick and a bit wiser now but he is a classic case of 'one touch too many'. No disrespect to Everyone but might have been good for you... But a proper strikers would be higher priority. Saga looks to have his best days behind him. Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
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