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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. You had to log in to complain about needing to log in to see it, and then instead of just 'seeing it' once you were logged in, you instead moaned that you needed to be logged in, and couldn't see it.
  2. Thanks. I was wondering if I had anything in common with anybody. All is not lost it seems.
  3. Does anybody like this guy btw ? I watched the concert last night, and he is one heck of a guitar player / singer.
  4. Full Joe Bonamassa gig http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBmLywRxxwA
  5. I've just played a level or two of the Aliens Colonial marines. It's very nice. It reminds me a lot of Doom 3 but with great audio and lighting.
  6. Whoever did that is a buffoon damn it. That's all I'm going to say on the subject. *Gives Rubes my best Dalziel impression.
  7. Next time, shut the fuck up when somebody posts a new thread, and we wouldn't be having this pointless discussion.
  8. Can you believe such a tame attack caught us out ? It's time our defenders became defenders again, and quit being up the pitch.
  9. Why are folk so defensive? Critisism that is constructive and offered with good intentions should be considered a little more than it has been. The forum colours here are a default style sheet, so it's not like anybody is having their work critisised. Romey complained a few days ago about advertising words that are underlined. Did I not try to help? What you didn't see was the admin turning the option to have them on 'off'. Why? A simple tick in the 'Auto-Link Product Names' 'no' box is all it takes. Nobody is critisising. Some of us are just trying to help our forum to help it'self. If it doesn't want to help it'self, we can't force it, but the truth is more likely that they probably don't have the time, or don't know how, other than Louis, who I don't think I've ever had a conversation with during my time on here. The 'like it like it is' brigade need to be more open minded.
  10. Lol, it's not to help Bill, but to 'help. I just happened to be responding to Bill. Besides, my intentions are good, but some folk rarely realise that. As for you TJ, yes. You are to blame. You and the trouble causer who started this thread and then legged it.
  11. I only mention it to help Bill. If folk want to visit an empty forum every day then that's their choice. I would hate to visit overly busy forums, but if a forum is run well, it can be busy, but also highly mature and interesting. I get a bit irritated by the digging up of old threads here instead of creating new discussion. Peoples minds change, and it's a bit weird quoting somebody and realising their post was 3 years old etc. Forums either get busy or they don't, but a few upgrades to brighten the place up should be standard, busy or not, and the annoying thing is I would have even done it for them for free, but still they can't be bothered. I think I'll not offer help, or indeed too much enthusiasm in a hurry again, as I can't say I don't get put off by the defensive attitude, not to mention the funny fact that some who say they like it like it is don't even realise what the alternatives are, such are those that eat grass, and refuse to try anything else, as grass tastes ok.
  12. I think you've got the wrong end of the stick guys. Nobody wants it to be like GOT. I believe they just want it to be slightly better than it is, and it's not hard to do to be fair. As for majorities, I'm not sure you can judge opinion based upon this thread, and certainly it is about what might make the forum more enjoyable and attract a few more posters, as opposed to what the current members want. It used to be 'a lot' busier than it is now, and another 50 members would do the forum the world of good. There are only so many conversations you can have with such a small group before you already know what the replies will be.
  13. So, we're not going to see any changes then ? Ok, I don't have a problem with that. Your forum, your rules, though be aware it's only going to go down hill with that stance. I've decided the best way to change things is to build my own Everton forum, and let everybody join so they can critisize it.
  14. That's my whole point. Your members are complaining that it's too quiet, and the admin are stating 'that's how we like it'.
  15. Chicoazul a sensible poster ? You might like the forum as it is, but as it is, it is dead, and has been for too long, and the only way to change that is to try out new ideas. If I didn't care I wouldn't point out where I think it falls down. We currently have 5 members online, one of whom has been a member since Nov 11 and has yet to make a single post. Not much to attract new discussion really.
  16. Like all the blind, you see no reason to change. Take 6 posters away from here and the forum would be finished. There is 'every' reason to change. GOT is a good forum. The fact you were banned was your own doing.
  17. We don't get new members as such because the forum is predominantly empty, set in it's ways, and offers little to attract anybody, given it's competition. Example: Christmas time. Every other forum made an effort to brighten the place up, with backgrounds, lights, animations, and so on. What did we do here? Nothing. Forum colours. Not at all Everton related, and boring on the verge of suicide. Other forums are bright and cheery. Smilies. We have the most boring smilies known to man. Links. The other forums allow members to share streams etc without problem. What do we do? We prohibit it. Forum history. Go to any other forum, and you can find posts with a quick browse. What do we do? We hide posts older than (x) and we have to be a Ninja assassin to find them again. Then we used to delete all the images to save space lol. Home page. We don't have one. Why? News articles. We don't have any. Moderation. Getting better, but still inexperienced (imo). Plugins. We don't use any. Why? Possibly down to the fact that the admins and mods may not know how to use them, or how to use code, or may not have the time. User gimmicks. Nothing much to offer members by way of having a laugh here, such as rep, competitions etc. Fantasy football. We don't allow none members to participate, and if somebody joins, they are investigated, and then removed. Why? Let anybody join them, and attract a bit of outsider interest. Forum issues. Slow speed, paste issues, inconsistency with I.E Swearing. Mostly done on here in jest, but a few words should be censored out, and replaced with words such as cunt = "I am thick" etc in the admin panel. I can go on, but these things are pretty easy to do and would attract a lot more members, not to mention embracing ideas from others. If you keep doing the same things, you'll keep getting the same results. It's easy for the long term members to say "If you don't like it, don't stay" but that is a recipe for disaster. Isn't it just possible the place needs fresh ideas and a different approach? We can always put things back to how they are now if stuff doesn't work. It has little to do with the current members, but more to do with the environment the current members post in. Brighten the place up a bit please. If you don't know how, just say, and I'll do it for you.
  18. "Excuse me 6yr old Isabelle, but would you mind considering whether acting in our horror movie may have any future psychological repercussions for you, before you sign on the dotted line? "
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