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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. It would get blue with Rooney lol. How he gets away with it beats me. Football is a different game though, and will no doubt bring differing results.
  2. Is there a subsciption fee? Are we talking footy streams and free movies etc? Laughing at the 'manly must have' bit.
  3. Come on lads, let's not be mean. Dalziel needs a chair, so let's have a whipround.
  4. I think Fellaini gives us more heart than most. If he were to remain here he has what it takes to become an Everton great.
  5. Are you sure he is dead, or was it staged ? * Bad wrestling joke, sorry.
  6. PS.. Don't agree with the everyday action argument though. There has to be a clear understanding of what is ok to undertake on an individual basis, and what is ok on a mass gathering. We all run, but it wouldn't work if 40,000 people did it at the same time, etc. We can't base anything on what works for us as individuals.
  7. They're questions you need to ask the governing bodies Paul. If everybody was responsible and aware of the consequences of their own actions, the world would be wonderful, but not everybody is like you or I mate.
  8. Crysis 3 only £21 for the Origin key. Email received within minutes, and can download as soon as you register with Origin. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=181095147206&ssPageName=ADME:L:OC:GB:3160 I don't know if any of you guys play games, as not once has anybody acknowledged any deal I've given anybody, but it's my nature to share.
  9. It 'is' different, and you weren't. The debate isn't just about whether folk want to stand, or are prepared to stand, but about changes to current stadiums, and indeed laws, in order to accomodate. We've all stood at a bar too, or at a bus stop, but that doesn't justify doing it anywhere else, and is irrelevant as a 'for'. It's a spectator sport, and as such, each ticket holder has a right to be able to view the game in which they paid for, unrestricted in view, and in a safe environment. No amount of signatures will change the principles behind any decision. We live in an age of risk factor statistics and prevention. All the smokers in the country could sign to return smoking to pubs, but as long as the government make decisions in a 'what if' line of reasoning, it will never happen. The best thing for fans to do is to accept the current legislation, and try to come to terms with it as such that it becomes less of a burden. We all have preferences, and I do sympathise, but it won't happen.
  10. I think folk need to consider the costs involved for clubs, as it's not just a case of a few tweaks, especially in the era of Health & Safety. The fans that want to stand are possibly not a majority of any stadium support, not to undermine their importance, and petitions do nothing but muddy the statistics. It's one thing rallying for support and getting signatures, but it just gives a false impression regarding true numbers, just as getting your mate to back you up on something he privately couldn't give a toss about. I think fans need to be sensible, and calculate the numbers of fans who genuinely want to stand by their own 'unpersuaded' feelings, and then see if it's worth the effort and cost to accomodate. Rallying for petitions online, and gaining signatures largely from people who don't have a legitimate interest or who possibly don't support from within the stadium, isn't the way forward.
  11. Why would you get abuse ? Standing was fine in it's day, but pretty uncomfortable and bad for anybody shorter than the guys in front, and was a haven for pick pockets. It's not like a concert, where folk are tapping their feet etc. When a goal went in, you often needed a suit of armour as a kid to prevent being wacked in the ear by some sweaty fat bloke, or worse, having hot Bovril fly through the air, or a cup of warm piss spill over your foot. You'd end up 4ft further forward than you started, rail or no rail. They could allow the bottom of the stands I guess, but a step backwards imo.
  12. I don't get some things with our kids. Many get a chance, play well, yet one off day and they're 'not ready', yet we see senior players who are poor week in week out keeping their place. The kids must be really unimpressive in training.
  13. Why would Moyes be negative about somebody putting extra training in ?
  14. I used to play a bit of guitar, but woke up one day and all enthusiasm had gone. Not played since, save for picking an accoustic up occasionally. Here's Joe when he was a kid, playing the late Danny Gattons Telecaster.
  15. I think it might have been better than Arsenal winning. It gives us something to chase.
  16. Ha ha, the devil has to come out occasionally.
  17. My only worry is that Moyes will turn to Heitinga, who has been poor. Maybe it's time to give the kid Duffy a go. I think the issue will be us having 2 inexperienced lads on our right side, but maybe it could work out ok.
  18. Avinalaff

    Reading (H)

    We need height in defence. They constantly let us down.
  19. Avinalaff

    Reading (H)

    Streams are awful.
  20. Avinalaff

    Reading (H)

    If you wash your hands first.
  21. Avinalaff

    Reading (H)

    Does anybody think Howard has been told he isn't allowed to break Southall's record, and dropped?
  22. We might score more goals if we actually took shots. You can hear the frustration in the fans shouting "shoot" every time we're near the box. If we shoot more, Jelavic might get a few more opportunities to pounce.
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