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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. I can tell how intelligent they look, which is what I wrote.
  2. A few issues with Mucha today, besides his good saves. He kept kicking the ball up field near the end, which for me is the last thing he should do, as we want to keep hold of the ball, and not give it to them, so playing short to defenders is the better play in my opinion. Also, a few wild punches, that went well today, could go wrong tomorrow, so still a bit of Prem experience needed. He isn't the most intelligent looking guy, which I think fans pick up on, but the last few matches have shown me that he has potential, and needs to grasp this opportunity and show Moyes he is every bit as good as I hope he can be.
  3. Cheers lads. So, 2 yellows = 1 match ban ?
  4. From the Blueroom ?
  5. Only if we want to wonder what might have happened had he had money for the rest of our lives.
  6. Few say nice things about the opposition on a match day. As for Pienaar, was it a straight red or 2 x yellows ?
  7. Anichebe worked his ass off, yet he picks City strikers ? You can tell he isn't an Everton fan lol.
  8. Not arsed what teams behind us do now. Time we focused on the teams in front. We still have to play the teams we are chasing, and that gives us every opportunity.
  9. Haf, shut the fuck up ha ha.
  10. I think Coleman is our player of the season, and despite Mucha being awesome when needed, it would be a travesty for Coleman not to get recognition for today.
  11. If that doesn't give your heart strings a big pull Davey, nothing will. I have to say I became a bit emotional for a few seconds there.
  12. Isn't that the problem Bailey? What is factual evidence, and what 'looks' a certain way, are traits of human error, and the whole reason we can't have refs calling these things.
  13. I think our first goal looked good. That can be the difference between Mirallas hitting hot form or not, and us being comfortably ahead. It really pisses me of when I see how many times refs get it wrong.
  14. What a goaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal !!!!!!
  15. When we play well, we get bad decisions. We can't win.
  16. Great minds think alike. You'll go far in this business. Stick with me kid.
  17. I did a questions & answers with the City lads on Love Everton if anybody wants to read it: The replies are actually quite good. They seem to have settled down slightly now that they've had a few seasons. Regarding the match, I think we are in poor form, and I'm hoping that win, draw, or lose, we will wake up today and get the hunger back. They have a lot of players out by all accounts.
  18. It was going to come out sooner or later Zoo.
  19. Matt, I'm aware that folk have feelings, so I'm not going to get into silly debate about anything that might cause your feelings to be hurt, but there are one or two things that don't sit well between us, and they are all very simple. If you want to get on better with me, stop looking for the fancy lines, and the smart replies, and just be a genuine bloke. A perfect example is this current 'Fucks that I couldn't give' thing you keep trying to get right, but keep messing up. It has the opposite effect from that which you desire, and simply makes you seem more interested in how you say something, and wanting to be the clever guy, than what you actually want to say. Humour is great, but sarcasm is an art best left to those who don't mind an occasional verbal bat across the head. Whoever came out with the comment "It's not what you say, it's how you say it" confused a lot of folk. Be genuine. Be honest, and be to the point, and you'll earn my respect, but some of your comments over the years have left you wide open, and you know the ones I speak of. I don't mind moderators when they are needed, but on a forum that averages a handful of people online at any time, most of whom have been here for years, it's probably best to quit with the I'm a Mod' approach, and 'These are the rules', as it comes across a bit like a Monty Python sketch, where you have a group of Supervisors sat in an office, twiddling their thumbs, waiting for the day the new recruit opens the door, so they can 'Supervise' them, (in a piss taking French accent only the MP team could speak). So drop the bollocks and we'll get on great mate, but quit pointing to rules written by a fat Everton fan (sorry Pat) scratching his arse on the Internet nearly 10 years ago wondering what to write down, like they're the flipping 10 commandments, and realise doing so is just strangling the site, and any natural course it may take. We all loved you so much better when you were just a member talking shite like everybody else.
  20. If Dawn doesn't mind, that is.
  21. Get up at crack of dawn to take wife to work, then go collect car from dealer. Get home knackered. Fall asleep. Miss match.
  22. So when you want to phone the missus, go have a kick about for 90 minutes first. Genius.
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