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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. I knew you had a sensible post in you ha ha. I agree entirely. Starting to sound like those horrible shite lately. Still loads to look forward to.
  2. It's a sad state of affairs when we're pissed off because he doesn't play the kids isn't it?
  3. Get a lead and plug it into your tv. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Your-TV-As-a-Computer-Monitor http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_sop=15&_from=R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=hdmi+cable&rt=nc&LH_BIN=1
  4. I have no objection to you not liking what I wrote either mate, but I still believe it to be true in the 'scenario' of the occasion. I'm sure there is already a lot of discontent that doesn't need persuading by anybody else (I think that's your point), but there's no need to shout the loudest, all of the time, and Haf's comments need to be slightly more sensitive regarding the alternative opinions that exist. I can tell a girl she's not the prettiest in the room, if I want to be an arse, but if I call her a 'fucking ugly bitch' then I'm going to have to accept it when her friends put me in my place (or in hospital) and that's my point with Haf. I'm not picking on him; I'm quite fond of the guy (until he jumps on the soap box), but just a little less volume on the ' Anti Moyes ' knob would be appreciated. I think that's fair.
  5. Write the squad down, and then see his options.
  6. Of course. If you are in a room with somebody who is going OTT with nasty remarks about somebody you happen to think highly of, then you're not going to be comfortable with it, and that's the same on here. I don't mind folk wanting Moyes out, but there's no need to go overboard with the ugliness, and I've know Haf for long enough to realise when he's getting into top gear. No need.
  7. Lol Romey, people didn't burn witches because of their own choosing. They were 'convinced' by Hafs ancestors to do it. State that you're not keen on somebody, in a room full of mixed opinion, and you'll probably get a little support without causing too much offence, but go over the top with the attack, and it's likely to cause WW3. We all know how Haf feels, but it can be overpowering when he goes for the throat.
  8. He's just a kid. Time the world and it's mob gave it a rest.
  9. Have you lot heard yourselves ? Seriously ? Talk about certain lads on here poisoning the pool with negativity, and other members getting infected. Haf, you need to wind your neck in a bit mate. Being frustrated or disappointed is one thing, but extreme views are unnecessary, and you need to remember not everybody here agrees with you, and many are pro-Moyes. You're coming across as a bit of a shit stirrer again, and you've been sound where that's concerned over the last 6 months. Chill dude. Let the season unfold and see what it brings?
  10. I have a pin badge that I bought from the charity lady somewhere.
  11. How exactly do we go forward, when the teams above us can buy the top places? Put 'any' of the top 5 teams managers in charge. Would we be better and more successful?
  12. When we're trying to catch Chelsea, why on earth would you want them to get another 3 points?
  13. I will be happy with 5th. 4th is fantastic, but European football would be nice.
  14. You'll just end up frustrated mate. No point pushing a car around the block to get it going if the drivers don't want to put fuel in.
  15. Some teams raise their game against us because they know we are a top side. Other teams turn up expecting to win and go home wondering why they didn't. Your team have no soul.
  16. Fans are fickle mate. We seem to need one to praise and one to woop. When those categories mix, it causes posting malfunction lol.
  17. http://www.toffeetalk.com/index.php?/topic/19954-jan-mucha/page-3
  18. Today, at least. Check back and you'll see them all slating him at every opportunity on here.
  19. Hoy soft lad, I was actually sticking up for Mucha, not knocking him.
  20. Oops. I could have sworn that was Mucha.
  21. See ? Not exactly Einstein facial features.
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