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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. You sound like a Liverpool fan Haf. What exactly do City fans have 'this season' ? For all their money, they're back to being chumps to United. They were showed up in Europe, and have won nothing yet again. Everton beat them with the same ease as we beat QPR. All I see in you is jealousy mate, but jealousy of what? Evertonians have much more than City have. We have our club, and we have our manager, and we have our team, and we have our stadium, and it's memories, and all of it is Everton; not some fly by night project of a rich mans impulsive hobby. Do you fuck your friends off because you meet somebody with a fancier job? Do you fuck your family off because of a bird with false tits and long lashes? I really have little time for materialistic people. It will serve many fans right if we lose Moyes and are soon relegated. Still, as long as we win the FA Cup first though, eh mate?
  2. Well mate, I think a few lads need to be a little less embroiled in their own selfish needs. Being a supporter is about offering support. It isn't about presuming control and making changes. If we just want to replace everybody, why bother supporting them in the first place? "Out with the board" "Out with Moyes" "Drop Neville" "We want a new stadium" "We want trophies" All sounds a little like "me me me" sometimes. Sick and tired of hearing it to be honest.
  3. Everybody wants the best for their team, and every fan wants their team to win, but at what point do we put our hopes for the team above everything else? We're not playing a pc game. Moyes is a real person, and in my opinion has done everything possibly expected from him, and then some. I like having the guy as manager. It's better than having some mercenary manager who goes from club to club like Redknapp or Allardyce, chasing the money, and shitting on the team they manage by taking what they think is a better offer from a bigger club. Moyes has stayed loyal to Everton throughout, and those that think he hasn't been offered other jobs are more than a little naïve. For a team with some very cheap players in it, we play some great football, so those who think he isn't able to get us playing are talking crap. Fellaini for me is just another Everton player. If he wants to leave, he will leave, and the same goes for Baines. We're not a platform for individual players to stand upon. We're a team, and all players have the same standing. Let us sell those that don't want to stay, and see if Moyes can't put the money towards others, yet again. If they all want to stay, then fantastic. One or 2 more signings and we are as good as anybody. Lose Moyes though, and we are in unchartered territory, and things could go very wrong for us indeed. Fans who are prepared to risk that, don't strike me as anything but glory hunters, who as long as they see the team win a trophy, have little care for anybody else. They're not fans of the club, but fans of their own needs, and use the club in the hope it can add a little light to their sad pathetic little lives. Let Everton do what Everton will, and support them whilst they do it - or don't.
  4. NP matey. Just difficult to follow when it's a few posts down.
  5. Ste, can't you use the quote facility mate?
  6. Our thoughts for those that have loved and lost on this day. RIP.
  7. Do you meet a girl on a first date and declare undying love? Relationships need to be built. Would you think it strange if Leighton Baines joined Chelsea, and kissed his badge in the first game with such emotion that you might think he had travelled with them through thick and thin enroute to victory?
  8. It was the beating of his chest to the fans that I didn't get, like a player would do on his badge.
  9. How will your life change Dalziel if we were to win something? Are you so desperate for the club to win something in order to give meaning to your own life? You don't even watch Everton matches by your own admission. Do you just support the notion of being a fan? Heck, you have an AC Milan avatar. I really don't get your need for a trophy as a deal breaker with Moyes.
  10. Paul, know that I don't have issues with Haf. Many think that because we have opposing views that we are black and white, but I am a lot more fond of Haf than some give me credit for. I just don't agree with a lot of the constant negativity. I am aware that Moyes isn't perfect, but is he not allowed to learn like anybody else? Ferguson is 71 years old. Wenger is 63. Redknapp is 66. Hodgson 65. I can go on but you get the point. Moyes is 49. He is a young manager, and what he is not good at now, he has time. For me, the journey of Everton is in safe hands while Moyes is at the wheel, and the longer he is there, the better he will become. Swapping for another manager because of a few flaws is very harsh, not to mention risky. Write down a list of all the attributes a Prem manager should have, and Moyes will tick more boxes than most. Those who are too impatient for success need to ask themselves whether as fans, they are a help, or a hindrance, to the long term future of the club.
  11. Is all that genuine? Maybe, but I'd have to wonder why somebody had so much passion for a club he has only just joined. All looked a bit over the top to me.
  12. Oh for crying out loud ! Try supporting QPR right now.
  13. Ross has to prove himself, and has failed to do this. There is far too much hype surrounding the kid. He is still a young lad, and that is why he doesn't feature much. He was played at Spurs because we were missing Fellaini and Pienaar. Had he been awesome, he might have gotten played again, but he was poor, and that's being kind.
  14. I think Ossie will stay here until he retires, as he's been here throughout his career, loans aside, so no doubt he will be given special treatment. If Moyes stays, I think Ossie would be in good hands in that respect.
  15. 'Why' are some getting fed up Paul? We compete at the top end of the table. We play great football most of the time. We have enjoyed Wembley. We have enjoyed European football. We have top stars at our club. Our ticket prices are competitive. Our manager is a great representative for the club. If you want a Premier League trophy it's asking a bit much. If you want an FA Cup trophy we've only done that 5 times in our entire history, so it's asking a lot. If you want top 4, Moyes has done this, and might do it again. What more can you ask from a manager with no funding, when everybody he is competing against has enormous funding.
  16. No mate. It's a thread about Andy Gray - shite pundit. Try reading the damn thing for once.
  17. Have you found the 'Creation Of The Universe' thread Dalz? If so, what are you going to add to it? "Today, in 124354666765456565555454553345 BC ..... there was a big fucking bang" ?
  18. Paul, Sideliner wants a change because he feels 11 years are 'long enough'. My slant on that is that life is able to offer a variation on a daily basis, regardless of who is in charge, or who our life partners are, and the fact that Moyes has been here for 11 years is totally irrelevant. His examples of Southampton and Sunderland 'sacking their managers' as though we should follow the same, is quite astonishing, and equally ridiculous, when you consider that both were kneejerk reactions to the threat of relegation, whilst Moyes has threatened European qualification. How on earth you have come to the conclusion that his post is one of the best you have read puzzles me, but you are welcome to your opinion, even if you can't understand the relevance of my previous post. For better or for worse Paul. Moyes is quite a manager.
  19. You need to lighten up mate and get used to a little banter and leg pulling. A while back, (If I remember) I felt for you a little, as you were doing your stats, and nobody was taking the slightest bit of notice, so being a nice guy I offered you the opportunity to post the same on my forums to give you an extra outlet for your interest, and you arrogantly declined, telling me that "Not much was happening there" lol. Well, not much is happening in this thread either, but at least I 'tried' to offer you a little support, as I also did when defending you against the 'head patting' comments. You just don't realise who your allies are sometimes mate. Try having a laugh now and then.
  20. Other teams have to play each other too as I posted above. This means that the sides we are competing against 'must' drop points. Only Arsenal will avoid playing Liverpool, Chelsea, or Spurs, but they still have to face both us and United, not to mention Fulham and Newcastle (who are great against the top teams).
  21. Should we all get divorced after a certain time then?
  22. Hypothetical example: 1. Moyes in talks with Barcelona over coaching role. Where would you put it? It needs it's own discussion, surely? Not, to be merged with the 'Moyes leaving' thread, or the 'If Moyes goes' thread etc etc. 2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2307134/Leon-Osman-contract-talks-stall.html The last place you would stick that is in a thread called Osman, that was started over a silly transfer to Liverpool rumour 2 years ago. http://www.toffeetalk.com/index.php?/topic/23679-osman/ Which was why I had a go at Romey for doing so. There is categorization and there is complete anality. New news deserves a new thread. That's why it's called NEWs after all. Associated 'same topic' news should be merged. Having a 'Neville' thread should not mean every future article on Neville gets merged with it. New threads are good for the forum, as it keeps members interested. Adding things to old threads often means members can't be arsed to open them, as they may not have a liking for a thread, or might see the title and know they're not interested. Also, calling a thread 'Osman' doesn't help you regarding the search engine. Calling it 'Leon Osman scores against Liverpool' will get you traffic.
  23. Third video down http://www.caughtoffside.com/2013/04/14/video-newcastle-0-3-sunderland-premier-league-highlights/
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