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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. We have such a small squad in terms of strength it's untrue Pete. We, as fans, tend to believe that what is on the bench could well be better than what gets on the pitch a lot of the time, but they must be even worse, or Moyes and Round would surely choose them. The only head scratch I get is when Naismith gets games, as I'm not seeing any gain from his presence now, other than resting somebody. It reminds me a bit of Alan Partridge in a Rugby game. It just doesn't seem to work. I'm now convinced that if we are to take the next step, we need to get shut of the Prima Donnas and underperformers in the team, and inject some fresh passion. For me, say goodbye to Fellaini, Osman, Pienaar, Neville, Hibbert, and Distin (for no bad reason but age) Heitinga, and maybe even Baines, as I personally think he isn't working as hard as he used to, and bring in players who have some balls. Naismith and Hitz need to go too. Fellaini 'must' go, as there is too much focus on him. Osman for me always takes the easy option, and is rarely creative, and not enough willing to run into space to give the player on the ball options. Neville has served us well, but his time has come. Distin doesn't look quite as good as he was. Heitinga is unsettled and as such inconsistent, and Baines doesn't look arsed sometimes. Hibbert will find it hard to get back in the team, and might have to call time. Naismith offers little, and Hitz has not progressed. Gueye won't return I feel. It's harsh, but if I were manager, that would be considered.
  2. * Adds sticker to side of plane, and spits over the side before replacing cigar.
  3. Bale wasn't out for long then. Sold him and put Fellaini in as captain.
  4. Ha ha. Sorry about the dramatic intervention, but I needed to add support to Blue250's theory about us scaring new members away lol.
  5. Had he won against Arsenal, (no biggy to beat them at their home ground after all) he would have been fine? He didn't, so showcased his faults? It's important also to remember that Sunderland have a terrific squad, and were full of beans after their derby, not to mention the mad Italian. Moyes didn't mess up. The players just don't have what it takes to get over a finishing line. To be winners, you need to be able to deal with winning, and not rely on others to gift it to you. We 'big' our players up too much, instead of being realistic about their pedigree. Baines was totally shite, yet I've not heard anybody talking about lynch mobs yet, but hey ho, had that been Neville who gave the ball away, then as Ten might say, "BOOOOOOOOM !"
  6. FUCK OFF ! Some of us aren't as naïve as some. http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&gs_rn=9&gs_ri=psy-ab&cp=34&gs_id=2&xhr=t&q=Hi%2C+i+am+Thiet+newbie+from+Vietnam&es_nrs=true&pf=p&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&oq=Hi,+i+am+Thiet+newbie+from+Vietnam&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45512109,d.d2k&fp=3b038e6ecb7ff101&biw=898&bih=800
  7. A few of you must have been quite haffy with the loss (mentioning no names) as it fuels your negative fires.
  8. Others like to criticise and moan moan moan
  9. Mate, quit trolling on match days.
  10. Bill, I think I covered that in post #125. You 'must' have read it, or how would you possibly know? Damn. Have you been discussing me behind my back? Tut tut.
  11. We need to be good enough to earn European football, and mediocre displays such as that only serve to show we're not. The top teams find a way to win, and over the season we haven't.
  12. I think if DK quit with the self declared Everton Expert bollocks he'd get less stick. It has nothing at all to do with helping forums and everything to do with DK's need for recognition. That's why there is little interest in it, as folk aren't all naïve. The spelling thing has become a bit boring too.
  13. We are missing Neville.
  14. He was shite against Spurs. Would you like it in another language? Maybe I can add a few pictures, or pretty flowers to soften the blow for you, but no matter what you find to try to debate it, he was still shite against Spurs. How he performs in any other match is totally irrelevant to Bills statement.
  15. They were Premier League runners up in only 2009 and then lost their way since. I believe your initial question asked about the 'Big 4' so I'd find it hard to call the other sides 'bigger' than Liverpool, just because of a 4 year slump. They'll be back soon, and have money to ensure that happens, and that's the inevitable problem for our own aspirations. They were fools to let Benitez go, and we should think about that before losing Moyes.
  16. Haf, regardless of the reason, he was still shite against Spurs. Out of position, dodgy tummy, needing a wee, shoes too tight ? All perfectly good excuses, but shite is shite. It will take a while for him to find his feet. This is a top professional league, not what he is used to, and there is no rush.
  17. We don't need to read too much into Barkley. He's not a senior team player yet. Moyes appears to be grooming him for such, so expect to see a lot more of him towards the end of season. Then ...... BOOM ! City will buy him for 40m, and we will be rich.
  18. One of my brothers is called Michael. Always found it an unusual name, given the popularity versus the spelling.
  19. We traditionally smash Sunderland. If Moyes doesn't bend Di Canio over the press box and give him the most manly 90 minutes he's ever had I'll be wanting to know why.
  20. As much as it pains me to say it I would include Liverpool in the Big 2. There is no bigger club in the game than those horrible red shite bastards.
  21. Bit of a nasty looking fucker though, don't you think?
  22. No need to call the guy a twit mate. Bit harsh innit ?
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