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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. That's my point. Had it been Hibbert, it would probably have gone unnoticed. Nope, I'm not on a wind up, and to make it clear, I am not defending Suarez. A headbutt can kill you, and a poke in the eye blind you. A leg breaking tackle can end your career. If a bite on the arm is more serious, then I'm at a loss. What Suarez did was probably more nasty, than dangerous, in an animalistic kind of way. Just as spitting on somebody would probably make bigger news. We live in a world where racially abusing somebody carries a heavier penalty than snapping their leg. I'm not looking to debate which is more dislikeable, but simply stating it as fact. It's not a wind up. Just the observation of a mature adult who looks at the offense for what it is, and doesn't cloud it's value by taking other events into consideration. Yes, the guy is constantly the centre of controversy, but looking at the evidence, is it really as ferocious an assault as people are making out? It's not like he took a chunk out of the guys arm. Headbutt me, snap my leg, or bite my arm with similar force, and see which will hurt me the most. Somehow, I think I'd take the bite.
  2. That actually made me chuckle, although Mike will no doubt make you pay for the grammar police correction.
  3. When you quote somebody, quote everything. The very fact that you don't judge the incident for it's own merits, and instead seek to bring up the World Cup proves my point that because it's Suarez, it's 'bigger news'. Our own players have done worse, such as Fellaini butting the Stoke lad recently. Arteta poking a guy in the eye is another silly thing to do. Suarez sells papers, and as such the media take a bigger interest.
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-19420894
  5. I'm weary of anything that can hurt or kill me. I guess that's natural self protection. Spiders even in the UK can bite you if you handle the wrong one, but a beer glass often comes in handy. That way I can drink in comfort while the missus deals with the creepy crawly.
  6. In all honesty, it wouldn't have made the news if it hadn't been Suarez though. Biting a player v snapping his leg v headbutting somebody v stamping on their Achilles ? It's a ridiculous thing to do, among many ridiculous things done by players on the pitch.
  7. So if we see pictures of his teeth on the net are we to presume they're false?
  8. You have to credit Morgan for his persistence in trying to have a conversation. I couldn't have a guy, regardless of size in my face like that for that length of time without getting upset and telling him to back off.
  9. It shows indecision though. He should have wellied it if unsure.
  10. The guy can be a dick, but not sure they need to get shut lol. Still, if he does go, then fangs for the memories.
  11. What if there was a rumour about Phil Neville becoming the next manager?
  12. So Suarez bites a player, and the FA are seen as toothless?
  13. I always think of Victor Meldrew when you post.
  14. I see the difference in the players, sure, but Nev is at the end of a career. For me, treat all players the same though. Support them all, criticise them all, applaud them all. If Nev needs replacing, then that's what is needed, but don't treat him worse as a result. Baines needs to buck up, just like everybody else.
  15. Why wouldn't you drop him? A drop can be beneficial to both Baines and indeed his replacement. It's not just punishment. If he is out of form, break the routine. The problem when you are chasing success is it's hard to experiment, but Moyes must trust in his instincts and rotate occasionally.
  16. Isn't Moyes bringing in young players for the future already? We have Kennedy, and Stones as recent acquisitions for example.
  17. Epsom Stylus SX425W if you use wifi / router etc.
  18. Absolute Jabberwocky This is a professional football team. You don't excuse costly mistakes because of past performances. You are judged on every display and any previous performances are irrelevant. There are no excuses for poor effort at that level. It's not schoolboy soccer.
  19. Absolute tosh. Same crime same punishment. Same effort same praise. That's how it should work.
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