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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Could our hatred of the guy actually be a sign that we secretly love him, and need him? He is certainly one of the worlds proven managers.
  2. Has there ever been a more downbeat final day match thread in the history of our forum? This is a hugely defining moment in our clubs history, as our manager of over a decade, releases us into the proverbial wild to stand on our own 2 feet, and embrace the next chapter in our story, and we get the devils antidote to all things jolly creating the thread. We are playing one of the biggest clubs in the world, and reining European champions. Anybody would think we are discussing the censored out takes of 'The tried, tested, and trusted techniques of the common and garden Shrew tail measurer '.
  3. There are a few decent free games on Steam at the moment. Cry of fear and Fallen Earth seem worth a download.
  4. I think I'll trust the club to make the right move. They know what they need, so no doubt we'll end up with somebody young, dynamic, brave, and daring if we are patient (like me). As for Mackay, he is a serious contender with a good attitude and one of my preferred risks. The old boys from Redknapp to Hughes to O'neill to Allardyce and all between are not what we need in my opinion.
  5. And a fair few with baseball bats too I'll bet.
  6. Cheers Phil. Good luck with your next position mate.
  7. http://www.google.co.uk/webhp?source=search_app#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=mackay+everton&oq=mackay+everton&gs_l=hp.3..0i8j0i8i5.1748.5832.0.6199.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.46340616,d.d2k&fp=d7e2346035105d75&biw=1600&bih=923
  8. Don't they follow football on Planet Dalziel ?
  9. Avinalaff

    Jokes thread

    And another: Stare at the spot and the b/w picture will become full colour. Similar: And another:
  10. Avinalaff

    Jokes thread

    Thought I'd cheer a few of you up.
  11. Savage should stick to dancing and waltz off somewhere.
  12. Let's not get too carried away. Martinez may well have won the cup, but winning the FA cup is not the same as being an ideal replacement as Everton manager. This season, we have seen just how good Wigan can be, but we've also seen how poor they can be too, which is the kind of inconsistency that we can't afford. I'm not sure some fans realise just how good a manager David Moyes was. We now think we are a top team again, but it can quickly go tits up, and I think we need more from our manager than Martinez is able to give us. I'll bet there are hundreds of applications for the job on Kenwright's desk right now.
  13. I don't know whether you do it to wind folk up, but I always find your posts unnecessarily hard on Moyes. Also, not wanting to cause offense, but why the line between every comment?
  14. They're 6 points ahead of Spurs, and have a 17 + better goal difference Mike.
  15. Welcome Mnelson. After 11 years of service to our club, it is fitting that he sees the season out and is able to receive a warm send off from the fans. It's not like he hasn't given us his all, as he has clearly done that and then some.
  16. Maybe, but they're not my own stats. I don't agree with a lot of other comments, but the Swansea stat was interesting.
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