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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. I can't help it ha ha. I don't mean any harm, but I must have folk pulling their hair out sometimes.
  2. I've arrowed the training ground for you. Not that any of it is relevant to it's sale to the council. It's location to the motorway network is ideal for Industrial purposes though. It used to be Greenbelt, so not sure how they got round that. Everton signed for 50 years, but not sure how it effects a transfer of ownership regarding any contract.
  3. Zoo, have you been drinking? It's not even on the flight path. The planes come in over the Runcorn bridge and over the water before landing. You have the whole borough of Speke, and it's industrial estates between FF and the airport. Admit it. You typed Finch Farm into Googlemaps and got Gold Finch Farm rd adjacent to the runway.
  4. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=53.357877&lon=-2.815247&z=14&m=b&permpoly=11235795&show=/11235795/
  5. Give her a little nudge in the back?
  6. I'm not sure that's a good thing or a bad thing. Could we see a 300 strong housing estate on our beloved training facilities?
  7. Am I alone in thinking our priority is a strong defensive midfielder?
  8. Avinalaff


    Welcome to the forum and indeed the Prem mate.
  9. One video that shows how a team with quick attackers will hit you on the break:
  10. Or even worse if you'd been stood behind the wife?
  11. I don't need to tell you lads how fantastic Seamus is. How would having a winger in front of him affect his game?
  12. It's a lot for clubs to shell out at the moment.
  13. Ha ha. Is Rhodes as good as his stats look ?
  14. Is the rumour about us signing your striker true?
  15. New stadium ? New investors ? New Prem title ? :jump for joy:
  16. Dalz, you're so see through it's uncomfortable mate. If you want to shit stir do it somewhere else. Nobody likes a snide mate.
  17. Found this lad by chance. Lightening quick lol. I put it in the other thread but nobody replied so will try here. (I'm serious lol) Has 22 appearances for Kuwait too, so could get a Visa, and a whole commercial opportunity ta boot.
  18. I thought about that one lol, but declined. Liverpool had some over the years too ha ha.
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