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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Sorry mate. I posted in the wrong thread. I was referring to the Wigan defender.
  2. When does his contract actually expire? He signed on May 14, so presuming he is now an official free agent, we don't have to wait until July to approach him, or even agree a contract. We can declare him an Everton player, and just get him to sign on the 1st, no?
  3. PS. The violinist hits a few notes too.
  4. The crazy thing was that my missus loves Ozzie Osbourne's voice, and must have skipped any instrumentals when she played the albums I bought her, unknowingly. I watched Vai for a while last night. Not quite the music I used to listen too, but a very surreal performance. Not used to guys dancing with the guitar lol. Almost effeminate, but just on the comfortable side. What a virtuoso though.
  5. Am I missing something Joe? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5K0hykwS8c
  6. Do you think if we joined a fishing forum Haf, armed with the 'Complete compendium of fly fishing and associated casting', we could pretend to have an in-depth knowledge of thigh high wellies and pipe tobacco whilst learning as we go? We could post in every thread too without actually contributing, other than to say we're not keen on live bait and artificial floaters have a strange bob to them.
  7. Zoo, the best thing about pc gaming is your balls don't blow away. :wind up:
  8. Did anybody actually visit the website ? http://www.vintagewings.ca/VintageNews/Stories/tabid/116/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/325/language/en-CA/Lower-than-a-Snakes-Belly-in-a-Wagon-Rut.aspx
  9. Ah, ok then. :dont know: Zoo, folk use consoles for a number of reasons, but to suggest they are better gameplay than a dedicated gaming pc is absolutely ludicrous. They might be better than your Home Bargains desk top, but jeez. My graphics card alone cost me more that the 'new' xbox 7 consoles will cost. There is a very good reason for that, and it's not because it has go faster stickers on it. Unless you have owned a modern gaming pc, you can't imagine the difference in quality. Not only is there better graphics, but better performance throughout, and you can plug a joystick in a pc too if you feel like.
  10. Do you get the feeling the press are having a laugh at our expense?
  11. Is this the record for bumping old threads? 6 years?
  12. I do think he has a point to be fair to him. Before he came to the Prem, folk were already angry about his handball in the World Cup, which I found quite pathetic, as had it been against Argentina, nobody would have cared, but because it was against a lowly African side, it was big news. The fiasco regarding racism is another sore point. Anti Racism is something that has developed in the Western world, and I agree totally that colour of skin, or religion etc, should not cloud the perception of anybody as an individual person, but these are 'our' values, and those values are clearly not shared in other countries. Football is a 'world' game, and we can't expect to enforce our values on players from across the globe and expect them to conform overnight. I'm pretty sure if we moved to an Islamic country we would find their culture very different, and might hope for a little leniency should we make a mistake as a foreign national. The same applies to what we call cheating. Foreign players are actually coached to cheat from an early age. Our stiff upper lip is also hypocritical, as there are plenty of home grown players who have cheated, be it diving, dirty tackling, elbowing, feigning injury, hand ball, and so on. If you have ever played football, you will know that players do lots of crazy shit to put you off your game, from personal insult, to pinching. Biting is an extreme example, but it's not like he put the guys arm in a salad bap and added mayonnaise. If the press like you, you will rise to the top of the public admiration pile, but if they have it in for you, you will be disliked, such is the gullibility of society, ever since one guy shouted "Witch" and the rest shouted "Burn her". I'm not saying he isn't a right pain in the arse, but he is one of many, highlighted more often.
  13. I can't believe console users have to pay a further monthly premium to play online. My daughter says she pays £6 per month, yet she is using 'my' Internet, not theirs, so they aren't providing an Internet service themselves. I find that quite a piss take.
  14. I don't want to sound 'anti - console' but they are not in the same league as a high end pc for playing games.
  15. We're on a roll. Mike will like this: :afro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AL73LYo64A
  16. I can't believe I found this song tonight after over 30 years of frustration not knowing who it was by. As a kid, I learned to play a bit of it on guitar after hearing it on the radio, and could always remember the melodic picking at the beginning, but it bugged me for ever more not being able to hear it again, and not knowing what to ask for when picking other peoples brains. Tonight, I though bollocks to it. I'm going to spend some time taking advantage of modern technology, so went to Amazon. I entered every rock band I could think of, from Deep Purple to Wishbone Ash to Uriah Heap and played every track on the preview buttons, only to come up empty. I stopped looking, and said bugger it. Then about an hour later, I thought "What if I search for slow instrumentals" of the 70's. Up came Black Sabbath, so I went on youtube and typed "Slow Black Sabbath instrumental" and a song called 'Fluff' appeared first. I pressed play, and my heart missed a beat. I'd found it at last. :jump for joy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjbj-xpkkDo Now I can learn to play it all over again ha ha. (sorry for the silly story, but it's true).
  17. OK, so we get him on a free. That leaves a max of 3 more we can sign.
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