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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. He will make some changes to the team, but let's remember the team isn't broken and in need of reparation, and it would be sensible to leave the defence alone until he gets his feet under the table and gets to know the squad. It's not like he has to create a perfect team overnight, so subtleness might be a key factor, starting with the middle forwards. Distin is still good enough for now. All we need is options.
  2. The only thing I don't get are the shadows. In the changing rooms, the lights are on the ceiling. :dont know:
  3. They're the same type hanging rails as the rails pictured with Roberto and the Everton kits.
  4. You do far too much swearing. :dont know:
  5. You do wonder how some of these guys have degrees in design, yet come up with such uninteresting kits that you would think they were done in their dinner hour.
  6. Avinalaff

    Jokes thread

    Lol, it took me a second to get, but the second one I laughed more.
  7. Where's that from Kohen? Did you PS it?
  8. I should have put my website on it lol. It might have gotten me some publicity.
  9. Maybe they have a deal agreed in principle, but a bit silly if they haven't and he is at a tournament.
  10. Garbutt is now a free agent Mike unless things have been done behind the scenes. Contract expired June 2013.
  11. That was probably my finest post. What about people who 'shout' when using their mobile phones? It annoys the shit out of me when you are on a bus for example, and some big gob thinks everybody on the bus should hear his conversation. When I was in Portugal interviewing Pereira on holiday we were sat outside a coffee shop eating a baguette when all we could hear was a Caribbean woman screaming and shouting at the top of her voice. With the finesse of a street sweeper wagon, she became louder as she came around the corner, much to the amusement of my wicked side, but what blew me away was after she had walked up the street about 30 yards, a guy came from the same side street shouting on his phone. It was fairly obvious that they were talking arguing, but they had little idea of each others location, and were so close they really didn't need the phone to hear each other. Don't they realise you can shout all you want to, but it doesn't get much louder at the other end. :dont know:
  12. By all accounts he's a terrific player, so why get rid of a long term successor to Baines?
  13. What happened to the declared 'hiatus' or was that just a battle for attention with fellow seeker DK ? :dont know:
  14. The guy jumps in from the narrow boat. What got me was the guys who went straight out the window and onto the roof in an 'I'm alright Jack' fashion.
  15. Footage here: Don't watch if it will upset you though nothing graphic etc I'm surprised there aren't any life rings etc on the boat.
  16. Liverpool can buy who they want, but they don't have the fear factor any more that guided them to many titles. If they really want to push on, they need to let Gerrard go, for a truly fresh start.
  17. I'm not sure folk becoming Internet vigilante's is sensible.
  18. Have a listen to Martinez calling him David Weird in this interview 00:48 http://loveevertonforum.com/page/homepage
  19. http://www.footballshirtculture.com/13/14-kits/nike-china-football-super-league-2013-team-kits.html
  20. How many kits do Chang sponsor?
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