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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. It's not my opinion. Just a little history. As for saints, I don't suppose there are too many modern day ones, Simon Templar aside.
  2. You're really starting to get on my tits. Last time I support you on anything. :dont know:
  3. Incidentally, Prince Ruperts tower has absolutely no connection with Prince Rupert, other than the fact that he stayed in the village a hundred years or so earlier during the civil war, long before the bridewell was built in 1787. Rupert actually died in 1682. It kind of loses all romance once you realise that.
  4. Why would Fellaini be on hols with Arteta in Marbella ?
  5. There is some further info here: http://www.holmesdale.net/page.php?id=82&story=5194
  6. It sounds very sore. Have you some cream for it?
  7. btw .... top 'drawer' is the correct terminology. No need to have a wardrobe over it.
  8. I think if you are to compare the 2, you need to look more at the history of each. The Crystal Palace Phoenix only came about after Malcolm Allison rebranded their own badge, to represent rising from the ashes of the palace that was burnt down in 1936. Before this, their badge had been just about the palace itself, and an even bolder change than ours took place in 1972, which I think is where your comparisons should perhaps lie. However, gradually, their emphasis has been drawn much closer to the Phoenix, which was changed to the more 'aggressive' Eagle by their chairman at the time, Ron Noades and they even scrapped the palace altogether at one point, which was a bit bemusing. The rest I think you have. As for our badge, our nil satis nisi optimum motto only started in 1938, and was dropped for long periods of time throughout. I have an article on my site where I've reconstructed the badges for a better image, so no need to rewrite what is already written in that respect . http://loveevertonforum.com/page/new_everton_crest You can read about our crests history there too. As for our own changes, I'm not as upset about it as many others, but it's not really a badge I would have designed myself. Everton have never actually played in Everton, and Goodison is actually in Walton. Anfield was further away again. It strikes me that they could have used the Liverbirds that sat upon the gates of Walton Zoo, as a more appropriate image, but the rest is history regarding those. The Prince Ruperts tower was actually a local eyesore to the Everton residents, who wanted it removed according to the history books. Prince Rupert was a German too, who has his own interesting history, amongst which was the slaughter of most of Bolton during the civil war. For me, I'd be happy for the tower to be removed altogether from our badge, but then I've done a little research on it, which most won't have done. However, the change has been made, and the timing of it was unfortunate, as had we not lost Moyes, and qualified for Europe, it might not have caught so many at a bad time. I do think it needs to be revcised though, but it should in my opinion be revised to suit our clubs history, and indeed our future a little closer.
  9. 12m ? I linked this a few days ago, and sure it was less then. Journo's are just writing anything and everything.
  10. He was ineffective tonight I thought.
  11. I read he only cost them about 6m, so maybe we should bully United into parting with their players.
  12. Hernandez to Everton in Fellaini deal ? Would you?
  13. It runs right through the centre of Vienna. It should have been. :dont know:
  14. They might want to consider bringing the cost of the game down, putting the greedy gits who play on minimum wage, and peeps wouldn't need to use streams.
  15. I remember a few on here wanting Coyle to manage Everton. How quickly managers careers can free fall once they move jobs.
  16. My point was that we've been very much in the media spotlight recently, with everything that has gone on from our new badge, to Moyes leaving etc, not to mention the fact that he went to United, meaning we were related to much of their media coverage too, making the opportunity to include Everton's name in any article a beneficial one.
  17. Wien should be the correct answer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wien_(river)
  18. Another first for Toffeetalk (ahem)
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