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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. I'm appalled. Football brings out the worst in some people.
  2. Congratulations on your best post so far.
  3. I'd be happy if nobody leaves and we get a few cheap players in to bolster numbers
  4. Hi matey. It's been a while lol. I remember your username from the first time I read the site. Good to see you're back.
  5. That is in total disregard of peoples emotional ties and feelings towards a guy who has shared the last decade as the manager of their team. The problem with some of you is you have no understanding of empathy, and for some cold hearted reason are able to switch off and totally remove any thought towards somebody you once cared about. Some of us are a lot more mature and level headed about the situation, and Moyes is still dear to us, regardless of club, so you can understand being told to switch off and forget about him won't go down very well, just as any United fan being told to forget about Fergie now, will probably give you a piece of their mind. The fact you call yourself an Everton fan, yet appear so empty of recognition or pride for a guy who made it to the very top of the football management tree on the strength of his job here is strange, but I guess expecting any degree of sentiment from a kid your age is asking a lot. Just remember that some of us wish him well, and want to see him succeed, so don't 'ever' tell another fan it's time to move on unless you are prepared to accept the consequences, which you clearly aren't.
  6. You're welcome to your opinion. Personally I've run out of patience with the pair of them. Every time you start a discussion you get one or the other jumping in with absolutely pointless remarks, killing any thread. I'd like to bang their heads together.
  7. Bill, the guy has just left after being our manager for 11 years. Some of you really are heartless in the extreme. I'm quite surprised, and disappointed. As I said to Zoo, if you're not interested, read another thread. Is it so hard to ignore things that don't interest you?
  8. To boost my post count ? :dont know: Immediately added to ignore.
  9. Can't you see I have one also which contains some of my own artwork? And you wonder why you get a reaction. I don't like Zoo's signature either. At last we agree on something. Halleflippingluja. Not that it had the slightest thing to do with the thread topic. However, the chances of us agreeing on anything else at the moment are slim, (think in terms of a fat blubbery space sea lion orbiting the sun) so please use that special Toffeetalk invisible forum ink so I don't have to suffer any more, and ask your irritating thread policeman accomplice if he'd like to share the pen, as my screen is expensive and I can't afford another one.
  10. It's a terrible addiction mate, that is harder to kick than heroine and much more dangerous. My father had a drinking problem, so know a little of what Gazza is going through.
  11. I don't get Sunderland. They have spent a lot of money recently, but they've never been able to get the players to play as a strong team. It makes you wonder if buying all the fashionable names isn't a recipe for disaster.
  12. :dont know: What gif thing? I wish the 2 of you would stay the fuck away from any post I make, as you are both driving me insane with your pathetic pointless contributions to this forum. Go and annoy somebody else for crying out loud. :dont know:
  13. So don't visit the thread. Some other members might be interested. If you're not, find another thread ffs. This is why I have a go at you Zoo.
  14. I had no idea it had gone to be honest. It makes sense now you mention the hangars as I used to see a sign for something or other on the hangar. The housing estate I'm not sure. I just remember it all looking exactly the same. It's ossible it could have been built for the miners nearer to St Helens, so I might be a bit out with my geographical memory.
  15. Haf loves Moyes really. He's just mean to those he loves.
  16. Arsene Wenger Arsehole Wanker wouldn't offer us 'anything' unless it was a great deal for him, so the answer is a big no.
  17. I'm not a fan of merging discussions really. If you started a thread about Nani, you'd get a few days worth of discussion etc, but when you add it to an existing thread, you're lucky if you get 3 comments. I have no idea what his wages would be, but you can only demand wages if you are earning them, so can't see him being on Rooneyesque pay.
  18. At the actual base itself, or the area? I'm probably going back at least 25 years since the last time we went there, as they either stopped doing the day, or our ticket supply dried up etc. It might even be 30 years, although we must have looked old enough to get beer from the tent. I think my Aunty worked there at some point hence the freebies. Isn't there a housing estate up that way that was built solely for workers of a plant, or mine etc?
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