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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. If we have pacy wingers, will our attacking options keep up with them? If (player X) breaks out of defence with the ball, how many players would be with him by the time he was ready to cross? My guess is only Beckford, as our team are quite slow on the break. I think wingers would be great, but we need pace in the middle to compliment I think.
  2. Pax, that's something you need to discuss in private with the admin, the mod in question, and maybe even Hafnia to all find a resolution. Airing it in public only makes things worse mate, trust me. I've been there so know from experience. The important thing is that it doesn't become a regular occurance, and if it was me, I'd now look at using the opportunity to settle your differences with Hafnia, and move on. It's natural that one member might get a leaner sentence, if the judge just happens to be his mate, but you don't know whether they spoke in private or not, nor even if they are mates. We're all Evertonians, so in that respect, we're all mates. If the rules were applied evenly, as you wish for, then surely you would both be banned and resigned to posting on another forum by now. Noone wants that do they? The fact that you're both still here shows more leniancy on part of the mods as opposed to hypocricy. You're both still here, and both got a few things off your chest. Best just to move on from it now and put it down to experience.
  3. Pax, I don't know what's gone on, but what I do know is that some of the comments made in the 'Do you want a City style takeover' thread made me wonder what I'd come back to. I've had my fair share of warnings and bans over the years, and having owned forums, I've had to hand them out too, but what I've learned is that no matter how right I thought I was, the minute I broke the rules, I was wrong. http://www.toffeetalk.com/index.php/topic/2839-attn-all-members-new-old/ It's much easier to just offer an opinion, rather than enforce it, and accept that other opinions will be different. If you don't get on with someone, take it on the chin and try not to let it ruin the experience for others. If you put someone on ignore, just do it, as opposed to declaring it. I've made all the mistakes there are to make mate, and I've paid for them plenty, but no matter how much you think the admins are wrong, the first port of call should be to address your own actions, otherwise it would be a little hypocritical. First and foremost, 'you' were wrong mate, by retaliating the way you did. This isn't just my opinion, but also clearly defined in the rules, of which you want the admins to apply. I hope it all blows over and you both shake hands so to speak.
  4. I think Moyes has to stop juggling the squad and stick to eleven players.
  5. Liverpool haven't won the Premiership once. As for the mancs, I beat them to it a long time ago lol.
  6. Ok, using Chrome, the post displays automatically, as opposed to saying 'saving post', so I think the forum has compatibility issues with the latest versions of Explorer.
  7. There is definitely a difference between using Chrome and using Internet Explorer. One thing some of you might want to try is to press the compatability option at the top of your page, which is useful if you have a new browser on an older website. It's the thing that looks like a torn piece of paper at the top of your screen, or you can get to it by pressing tools, top right of your screen. On explorer, I notice the following: Starting from the shortcut is often slow. Pressing links freezes the site and it takes a long time for the link to work. Normal right click copy and paste options don't work when creating a post. Deleting or rather editing is very slow. I often have to repost, as it just says 'saving' if I have spent a few minutes. Using Chrome, the copy and paste is ok. My explorer is the newset one that I'm aware of, so there could be a few compatability issues. I've not tested the other things yet in Chrome.
  8. I think where Tim is concerned, there are always differences in opinion. He's a very popular player. I'll have to agree to disagree on this one. In a blood and guts game he'd be on my sheet, but if we ever want to play great football, he wouldn't be in my team. Arteta owes us a good season.
  9. There were glimpses to note, but a week before the new season we still look like we don't know what we are doing. Villarael are good, but their strikeforce was poor today, which saved us a little. The midfield had some useful players in it, but I'd rather stick with Beckford up front, as he can keep up with the pace. We're better with Osman than without I feel.
  10. TV said we'd had a stand painted and that's why it wasn't full.
  11. Are you aware it's on the telly too matey? ITV 4 too
  12. I've been disappointed with Cahills inconsistency over the last few seasons. Scoring goals is great, but I don't think he has a big enough impact on the rest of the game enough of the time. Impact sub for me until he improves. It's difficult to say who the most important player is, but we have no leadership without Neville on the pitch, and that concerns me.
  13. So was Lescott I'd have Warnock as number 2 also.
  14. I'd rather we spoke to QPR or Nowich about Taarabt or Hoolahan. As soon as we get linked to players from big clubs I always shake my head. Even Sinclair from Swansea should be a target.
  15. She looks a bit of a Holy Cow to me.
  16. Looks like he could be staying where he is.
  17. Maybe I'm just a bit more laid back. My attitude was different 30 years ago. Now, I'm quite calm about it all. I love football, but hate politics.
  18. Deserves more credit than stick. I think the strikers we have will be ok though. For me, the service to our front men, and the positional play of the team as a whole is the problem. If Moyes can get the midfield balanced the goals will come. Playing with only one striker will always mean the goals come from different sources.
  19. Thanks man. Regarding the on the pitch scenario though, I think the bigger picture applies. A war may be won on the battlefield too, but the country that can afford the best weapons will determine victory long before the first bullet is fired. At the moment, we have the firepower to win the odd battle, but if the league is a war, we have no chance of winning it on the field alone. I know it sounds cheesy, but I think it's true.
  20. Appreciated. I found your post interesting. If I may add to it without disagreeing with it .......... I totally understand your views, but if you compare football to a rock concert, would you not care if the performance was awful, as long as the song got to number one? I'm an Everton fan, but most of all, I'm a football fan, in that I can watch Arsenal v United, or 'your choice here' v who ever, and be fully entertained if it's a great game. To watch awful, awful football, and then get a lucky penalty decision in the 90th minute would drive me up the wall. It has to be entertaining. Sure, if it was the last game of the season, and we needed a win to succeed, then fantastivc, but can you imagine it week in and week out? A perfect scenario, which I'm sure we'll all agree, would be an incredibly entertaining match, and come out as victors. Watching football and getting frustrated defeats the object of the exercise. I think we've all been frustrated for some time now, but the problem is that it's slightly out of the clubs hands at the moment regarding putting it all right, and definitely out of our hands. Maybe that's why the more hardline fans (is that the right term?) are starting to protest. I don't understand enough about the politics, or even the finances of football to get involved, as I just like watching football and enjoy the more innocent side of the game. I tend to leave all the politics to the guys who know what they're talking about, or in some cases 'don't', but jump on the bandwagons anyway lol. Football history is a bit like a marriage, where the term 'for better or for worse' is concerned. All we can do is enjoy the good times when they happen, and hope the bad times don't happen too often, but if we let the bad times become too much of a problem, then the relationship breaks down. Is that what's happening with some of the fans and the board? I'm confident the good times will be back soon. Others fear the worst. As said, we all support the club with different views, but I think we all want the best for Everton.
  21. It's just my own opinion. With hundreds of thousands of Everton supporters across the world, not all views will be like mine, that's for sure. I don't claim my views to be the correct views either, but they're the views of a football fan all the same. You say Everton aren't about mediocrity or survival, yet every other fan says the same about their own clubs. We can't hold on to tradition and history like King Canute trying to hold back the tide. The truth is that other teams are buying their way into the history books, and we can't compete. Whether we like it or not, this makes us mediocre amidst the current state of affairs, and survival is paramount. There are 72 football league teams, and only 4 qualify for Champions league. It's no fluke that the ones that normally qualify are the ones that have the most money. If paying off debts was so easy, surely it would be done, and few clubs would have such debt. As it is, most clubs have huge debt. How would we have qualified for Champions league based on your requirements? We'd still have to beat the other teams wouldn't we? As for my heart hurting, football is just a game. Let's save hurting hearts for real life issues, as opposed to eleven relative strangers succeeding or failing. Having passion for football should never outweigh passion for everything outside of football. Some folk have only football to enrich their lives. That doesn't make them better fans. It just means the game has it's place in our priorities, and for each of us, our priorities are different. We all love Everton, and all want the best for the club, and success on the pitch, but the hard facts are that people with enormous amounts of money, for what ever reason, now control the sharp end of football, and those that are not part of their plans can only look from the outside in. Is the real issue about what is best for the fans, the club, or about keeping up with the Jones' ? Many older Everton fans like myself have seen the good times, so our attitudes might be different to younger fans that haven't. My attitude is not geared towards the club spending more, or finding investment in order to keep up with the big spenders, but more preventing clubs from spending in the first place. I guess it's equivalent to not buying a sports car, but instead making the speed limit less. We're all different. Only the anticipation as the whistle blows remains the same.
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