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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. We 'can' draw a few positives. ++++++++++++++++++ There ya go. Today, our luck changed. We need to make the most of it now.
  2. I originally wrote: If Osman had been taller, He'd have put us one in front. If Bily hadn't found the stand, Useless little ...........
  3. Jona come on man, we were taken apart by an average team, and stole a late penalty win. If that makes fans content I'll be surprised.
  4. There was no reason to sub him. The lad is finding his feet, and must learn that everybody makes mistakes, but it's not the end of the world. For me, our play was poor today, because of a lack of discipline, inspiration, and creativity. When you play Blackburn you must dominate midfield, and we were dominated. Barkley made an error, but ran back to the area to rectify it. Where were the defenders that are supposed to be defending that area? Bad decision. Moyes should have ensured the midfield could handle Blackburn, and didn't. Bad management today.
  5. Probably better in here. Today's match report We couldn't hit a barn door, With the team put out today. What were you thinking Mr Moyes, D'ya call that a display? Our strategy was pitiful, You didn't get it right, Call it what you want Bill, But our team were flipping shite. Hibbo sitting on the bench, While Nev was on the pitch, Chebes in Sambas pocket, Must have made his bollocks itch. Johnny H was out of place, And Jags nowhere in sight, I think you'll find the ref was blind, Cos our team were flipping shite. Fellaini was as useful, As a ball of cotton wool, If he's worth 15 million, Then the other one you can pull, If it wasn't for Tim Howard, We'd have been out like a light, Young Barkley lad, go tell yer dad, Our team were flipping shite. If Osman had been taller, He'd have maybe made us proud, If Bily hadn't found the stand, And Cahills goal allowed , If Beckford was on earlier, Instead of end of night, We won, we roared, as Arteta scored, But our team were flipping shite. Poor Blackburn must be seething, As they gather up their men. We're really very lucky, That not one can take a pen. So what of next week Davey, And our Aston Villa plight, It's time to get your finger out, For our team are flipping shite. COYB - or was it yellows?
  6. Today's match report We couldn't hit a barn door, With the team put out today. What were you thinking Mr Moyes, D'ya call that a display? Our strategy was pitiful, You didn't get it right, Call it what you want Bill, But our team were flipping shite. Hibbo sitting on the bench, While Nev was on the pitch, Chebes in Sambas pocket, Must have made his bollocks itch. Johnny H was out of place, And Jags nowhere in sight, I think you'll find the ref was blind, Cos our team were flipping shite. Fellaini was as useful, As a ball of cotton wool, If he's worth 15 million, Then the other you can pull, If it wasn't for Tim Howard, We'd have been out like a light, Young Barkley lad, go tell yer dad, Our team were flipping shite. If Osman had been taller, He'd have maybe made us proud, If Bily hadn't found the stand, And Cahills goal allowed , If Beckford was on earlier, Instead of end of night, We won, we roared, Arteta scored, But our team were flipping shite. Poor Blackburn must be seething, As they gather up their men. We're really very lucky, That not one can take a pen. So what of next week Davey, And our Aston Villa plight, It's time to get your finger out, For our team were flipping shite. COYB - or was it yellows?
  7. It's one for debate. The fact we disagree is good for debate. In the first half, Barkley was clearly our best player. I'm more inclined to feel that the awful display in the 2nd half was to blame for Barkleys error. I still insist Moyes was poor, and needs to be questioned.
  8. I know what he means HB. We were poor. Blackburn deserved the win by a mile. I'm delighted we got the 3 points, but no way would I clap that performance.
  9. Can't agree at all. The mistake had been made. Taking him off will affect his confidence. Moyes should have just clapped him, and told him to put it behind him, and reinforced midfield in order to restore dominance.
  10. He started slipping over the last season or 2, and Baines took over with great success. If Arteta gets confidence, then fine, but I'm much more confident with Baines taking dead ball options at the mo.
  11. So if we take guys off for mistake making, it applies to everybody then? No? Barkley was under pressure because Moyes allowed the cracks to appear without addressing them. We can't ignore a bad managerial display. When he gets it right, he gets praised. Today, he was uninspiring, and our team looked unorganised. Also not happy with Nevs leadership today either.
  12. Barkley was great again, and our best outfield player, but Howard kept us in the game today, and was one of the few today who did his job. Well done Timmy.
  13. Why is Arteta taking our penalty? Scored it or not. Baines - grow some balls. Moyes, grow some balls. Not good enough.
  14. Dear Dave, You were a liability today. Nowhere near what we need at this club at the moment. You're playing favourites again, and not reading the game. Taking our best outfield player off for one mistake was debatable, but had you acted and got the midfield working, he wouldn't have been under the pressure in the first place. Knowing you though, you'll play the same team again next week. Get real dude. You got lucky today. We were awful. YOU were awful.
  15. Howard gets us off the hook with great save again., If I was Kenwright I'd have Moyes by the throat by now.
  16. We have no goal threat, so it needs changing. Moyes has to be held responsible here. Sorry, but not good tactics at all.
  17. Could be Bily's season. Let's hope.
  18. Bily is suspended. Is Beckford fit? Edit : Obviously Bily isn't lol.
  19. We need another substitution. Put Beckford on, and put Hibbert on, and move Nev forward.
  20. Why take Barkley off? Give him protection by steadying the play for crying out loud.
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