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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. No reply HB http://twitter.com/#!/fizzer18 Where is HB any way? He hasn't been banned has he?
  2. Did he teach them to spit in permed hair? Went completely off the guy after seeing that. No respect for him at all I'm afraid, though I agree with the attacking coach.
  3. Already pointed this out in a few posts, and also the shoutbox. Agree 100%. Not sure Cahill would improve Arsenal though to be honest. United embarrassed them today, and Arsenals effort was a humiliation for Wenger, that some players heads will roll for.
  4. You could be right. The same might be said for Nev.
  5. We need attacking coaching staff. I've always stated it. When you look at how many United players want the ball, and the movement they offer in which to get it, it's easy to realise why they win the league. It's not the players, but the coaching of the team. Is Saha the guy? I don't think he moves much at all to be honest. I've only seen Lethargy of late.
  6. Laughing at the new animal to the jungle thing. I'm sure this new breed of poster will be tamed once he tastes the TT wine. Half Irish is only worth a third English in exchange rate. Half Welsh is the change you get.
  7. I'd rather we sold them Saha. I've not felt it from Louis for a while now, and think this will be his last season.
  8. Where did it say that lol? I looked but can't see it anywhere. I think Journo's sit around in the tea room thinking of funny football rumours to report.
  9. Lol. I did a similar thing with the City lads a few seasons ago:
  10. Yep, I watched. Needs to up his game like many. I think we only have a few lads playing ok at the mo. We're going to struggle if we don't raise the bar. Just watched United. Movement etc was just awesome. I think Wenger will up his defender stakes. Maybe he'll take Nev and make you smile lol.
  11. I get the feeling harmony is on the way lol. Let's chill peeps. Nev will have a chance to put it right next week.
  12. I like debate HB. I'm open minded about most things football related, and I learn as I go along and speak to other members. My opinion of players changes constantly, both from my own observations, and those of others highlighting things I've missed. You'll notice in the first game I thought Nev was ok, and in the second, I had a go at him for not leading the team. If he plays better next week, my opinion will probably change again. I can only judge folk on each game. What I try not to do though, is single any player out. There were lots of bad players yesterday, so I'm not sure Nev was worse than anyone else.
  13. In your ratings thread, you gave Howard an 8, and Arteta a 6 lmao. Did Arteta get better as the weekend went on?
  14. http://www.101greatgoals.com/videodisplay/blackburn-everton-motd-15333630/ Enjoy
  15. There was no special attention given to anybody. Various players went to congratulate Howard, including Barkley. First Neville, then Jags, Heitinga, Fellaini, Baines, and then Barkley. Howard did pat his head in a 'no worries' manner, and Barkley half hugged him, in a 'cheers' kind of way, but it was no ceremony by any means. I only know this because I have just watched the highlights. http://www.101greatgoals.com/videodisplay/blackburn-everton-motd-15333630/
  16. HB, debating is about offering a subject and welcoming opinion in order to establish if there is common ground. It's only useful if your mind isn't already made up. Asking 'what do you think of Nev?' is good foundation for debate, where as asking 'Nev is shite; who agrees?' for example, is trolling.
  17. When will spammers realise that the first reaction of any forum member is usually contempt?
  18. I think pen takers go through periods of confidence. Arteta has been short of it lately. It might do him some good.
  19. He's missed a few. Luton, Wigan, off the top of my head.
  20. So if the lad is off because he makes mistakes, why are other players , such as Jags, still on?
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