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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/14657063.stm Is Harry for real lol ? Surely he isn't crying about interest unsettling his team?
  2. I reckon some are opinions, while others are just after attention. You can clearly see that the majority gave their vote to Beckford: 24 Howard 03 Baines 05 Heitinga (Beckford 85) 06 Jagielka 15 Distin 18 Neville 10 Arteta yellow card 20 Barkley (Cahill 53) 21 Osman (Bilyaletdinov 62) 25 Fellaini 28 Anichebe Baines on the other hand was clearly unappreciated.
  3. What's the point of selling Jags if we're only going to get rid of 3m of debt? I'd rather all the money went to get rid of debt, and the club had a bit of breathing space. We don't need to replace him. We already have options. Sell him, bank the money, and give the club breathing space. We probably should have done that with most of the Lescott money in hindsight, yet the club let Davey reinvest it, and with respect, I don't think it paid off.
  4. Bingo. I need to add though, that pressure is self amassed and as a result needs to be self controlled. What is of vital importance to one guy is part and parcel to another. The more you are faced with a situation, the less overwhelming it becomes, and you become more familiar with it, and able to come to terms with it. Winners, as HB quite rightly pointed out, are normally psychologically stronger than losers, and talent, doesn't always come in to it. How often have teams for example been rolled over by United? Look at the Arsenal game, to understand just how weak the Arsenal players were psychologically than they might have been, and then look at how weak the United team were against Barcelona. I'm sure not 'all' players were weak, but guys who turn someone over one day, are often turned over themselves the next. Harrisson against Haye, and Haye against Valuev is another good example. To be the best, particularly in order to dominate, rather than a flash in the pan, you have to be the strongest mentally. Ronnie Osullivan is the only guy I know who has actually gotten through on talent alone, but still failed in the mental battle. There are many sports psychologists in modern games now earning lots of money. Everton would be so much better, if Moyes were to make us stronger mentally.
  5. I thought it was disgusting.
  6. Blue Union can have all the supposed backing they want, but it won't alter the fact that Everton are a company, and don't 'have' to recognise fans, other than shareholders. I try not to judge either side, as I can sympathise with both, but every company relies on it's customers, regardless of how big or small each customer is, but which companies will sit around a table with any of them? To suggest that fans are 'more' than customers is all very well, but fans can be 'less' than customers too, and many fans will never buy Everton merchandise, or match tickets etc, despite following the club, even if they might indirectly contribute, either by having SKY TV for example. I see a lot of folk pointing out problems to the club, but I don't see too many pointing out solutions. Everton have been pioneers in many aspects of football, so should not the focus in turning the club around come from bright ideas once again, rather than having to sell? If we don't have a bigger stadium, why can't they 'stream' the matches to folk around the world and make money from it? The Internet is where it's at, yet Everton don't seem to use it much. Why not be the first to take advantage of it? We all know there are far more fans who 'don't' go to the match, than there are, so why not make better use out of the potential revenue?
  7. Hi mate. Hope you've had a better summer than us.
  8. Have you all updated Adobe Flash player? Also for black screens etc, sometimes you have to 'not' enable hardware acceleration. If you right click on the screen, to settings on youtube for example, you can untick the acceleration box.
  9. They wouldn't let us pay for him in Argos vouchers and Tesco club points then?
  10. The grounds used were : Goodison Wembley Old Trafford Villa Park Ayersome Park (Boro) Hillsborough Roker Park White City Stadium (Demolished in 85)
  11. I have various football tv's on my Virgin network, which run like programmes. Why is ours just Youtube style links?
  12. The prisoner is having a conversation with himself lmao,
  13. Is this a split personality I see before me?
  14. There will be rumours galore regarding us over the next day or so. Most will be bollocks.
  15. He's injured, and will probably retire at the end of the season. Beckford isn't, and won't. Yobo could actually work. Eureka. You are a genius. Jeez, why didn't I think of that. I'm so slow.
  16. Pressure is pressure regardless. Dealing with it comes with experience.
  17. I wouldn't laugh. It wasn't long ago they did the same to us. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_prem/8199120.stm
  18. No idea HB. It must be from behind cllosed doors as it doesn't come up in Google. What I did find though was that United fans moan worse than us lol. Check out the doom and gloom on their forum last year. http://www.redcafe.net/f6/i-can-take-despair-its-hope-i-cant-stand-292143/
  19. According to a website, 88% of Villas 90m turnover goes on wages. The wage bill is around 80m per year.
  20. You sound like a wine tasting Toff.
  21. Yes, I stand corrected. They look the same to me. Sorry Pat. I meant Frank Rjaikard. My mistake.
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