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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Do we really need anybody? If everybody was to pull their finger out, and Moyes was to get team spirit back, which I actually think has gone, are our team not good enough? Pienaar was a blow, but we still adjusted, and now Barkley might break through. I think we have a European placed team at worst if we played better and with the Everton passion that is lacking. We only need to scrape together a few wins, and we will be off to a flyer again. DO NOT SELL YAK or YOBO. Polish them up, and make our other players fight for their places.
  2. Despite all that Bill has said, are fans still expecting a signing?
  3. Why loan out a defender? Remember the last time we loaned out a defender and had defensive injuries? Must mean Yobo is deffo staying.
  4. I think it's important that the Blue Union put Yak on Ebay actually, as it's the only way they'll get feedback again.
  5. That was almost a corker, but now I realise the whole concept is screwed.
  6. The banks have limited our funds - don't be daft lad.
  7. Why would Arteta and Jags want Moyes to leave in the first place? I thought he was a decent manager.
  8. I didn't want to tell you this but he is here to replace Jags, who is going to Sporting for 70m. Bill has 3 weeks in which to raise the 70m but feels we'll stop leaking goals and it will be for the greater good.
  9. Hi Adam. I used to post here a few years ago as efctaxi and remember you. Hope all is good.
  10. Can you imagine the outcome had he been their striker last week? I can only presume Moyes has told him he is playing.
  11. Mate, once again, you're taking it personal. There's no need. For every comment we write on a forum, we get agreement and we get challenged. Why is your joke an exception? Some might like it, some might not. Are we not allowed to discuss a joke? If it was a post, would you state that you'll keep your posts to yourself? Come on man, don't be so sensitive. It wouldn't have been so bad had you a least spelt it correctly.
  12. Blackburn would be a good team for Yakubu.
  13. I've never been a fan of the big Chang logo. Is it possible to buy the shirts without it?
  14. They can want away all they want, true or not, but unless somebody wants to pay to buy them, they're contracted here. I'd happily lose both for the right fee. Neither are particularly adding to the team recently.
  15. Sorry mate, but I'm not looking to cause an argument, but merely stating my opinion on the joke. I actually 'do' think your joke was disgusting. It's not a personal go at you, but at the joke, and your decision to post it. Some you win, some you lose, but you can't ask folk not to comment when you post shite like that mate. If you can't see why some might be offended then there's something wrong. I've had my say, and that's what I think. I'm not going to fall out with anyone over it. Everybody's different.
  16. Sorry, but that's bullshit. The solution to any forum is surely not for members to ignore sections of the forum incase of offence, but for offence not to be caused?
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