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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Leon Osman looks like Messi in his Youtube video. I see very little about this guy that shows me he can replace Arteta for example. Hopefully he will just slot in on one of the wings and gel with the team.
  2. Watched some videos of this guy, and to be honest he looks crap. Anyone watched him?
  3. Seriously though, can a club who is millions in debt afford to have a manager who falls out with players and gives them away?
  4. Why would Chelsea loan another top 4 team a player? I have a feeling the club want to cheer us up first by announcing a signing, before announcing the 'out' section.
  5. Somewhere, Laaaaaawdy knows where, what ever you had to say lost credibility. Lads, it's last day of the window, and temperatures will be running high, so can't we all be nice?
  6. Doesn't it strike anybody that both Arsenal and Everton are huge clubs. Do you really think they would wait until the last day of the season to discuss Arteta?
  7. All I can say is WHY ? You would be lucky to buy 'any' of our players for 3m, never mind our strikers FFS.
  8. I'd have thought giving him experience was a positive sign for his future here.
  9. Why would City want to buy injury prone Hargreaves?
  10. Why uproar? Many fans are content that the club need to offload wages. I'm only shocked that Beckfords name has been mentioned.
  11. Arteta needs to agree personal terms with Arsenal. Drenth 'is' coming to Everton. SSN's Spanish reporter.
  12. Leave my Baby Beckford alone you monsters.
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