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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. http://forums.bluemo...p?f=11&t=233861 I'm sure you'll all agree the City lads have been good sports, and given some great answers, so big thanks to Bluemoon. Is Mancini the long term solution to your management issues? He seems to be getting results now, but how much of this has been managerial talent, and how much has been player talent? Prestwich_Blue: He's definitely taking us in the right direction although there are still some questions in some quarters. However much you spend, you need time and the manager plays a huge part in making the whole greater than the sum of the parts. He's making that happen now. glen quagmire: Absolutley 100% yes. His leadership and work ethic is the foundations for our success JGL07:He is the first City manager since the time of Mercer, Allison and Book that I have confidence in to take the team somewhere. I am not slagging off the likes of Joe Royle who took City from the Third Division to the top tier or Kevin Keegan who helped establish City as an Premiership club. gerrygowsjockstrap: Still got some way to go when it comes to English football. But he is getting there & given time with the players he has got. I do not see any reason he cannot make us a top team. Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: I suspect he could have the job for life but I fancy he would like a tilt at managing the Italian national team before he hangs up his chalkboard. I think he has the character to manage any top player providing said player is professionally focussed and hasn't got a personal agenda they wish to publish - Ade, Bellers, et al. With the ever growing list of stars at the club, how is Mancini keeping all the inevitable ego's in check? Prestwich_Blue: It's difficult to know what goes on behind the scenes but the ones who seem to have rocked the boat have been forced out fairly ruthlessly. If you want to play for City you need to keep your ego under control these days glen quagmire: By making them aware that no one is untouchable in the squad and if you wait, your time will come. gerrygowsjockstrap: Make them realise that they have to wait their turn if a player is on form. Then when they get their chance prove they are to good to drop. Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: I think that having four competitions to go at is just a bit of a help! But some professionals seem to think that they should be treated like royalty regardless of performances. It's been said that the club had a fifty page dossier on Silva that covered every conceivable aspect of character and personality before they made the 'transaction'. But with a big squad of so-called 'galacticos' they can perceive the merest of slights before going off the deep end! How did you feel when Maine Road was finally closed and a new stadium awaited you? Prestwich_Blue: Always difficult as you leave so many memories behind but I'm happy it was a good move as moving expanded our capacity and it is a more imposing stadium. The downside is that we lack the "football infrastructure" like pubs, chippies and curry houses that Maine Road had so it's a little more sterile in that respect. Always like coming to yours as it's what a "real" ground should look like. glen quagmire: Excited, and very very sad at the same time. JGL07: Not before time. Peter Swales made such a mess of redeveloping Maine Road. gerrygowsjockstrap: Very sad. Every club, regardless of stature, has to be run like a business. Do you anticipate a time when the owners will expect the club to become self sufficient, and the bankrolling will stop? Prestwich_Blue: We will become self-sufficient and sooner than people think. It's even possible we might be cash positive (although maybe not profitable) this season. glen quagmire: Yes, that will be achievable once the project is complete. JGL07: Not in the next ten years! gerrygowsjockstrap: Not fully, but I do believe the club will start making money. When the development work is completed. Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: I think much of the massive bankrolling has stopped. There's an imperceptible 'rise' in the price of stuff. It's still reasonably priced, merchandise, food, memberships, etc but they are going the way of all prices - up! It's reported that the club have spent over a billion pound since take over. In what way have the club invested in the local community, and has that investment had any success stories the club can be proud of? Prestwich_Blue: We've always been at the front of the pack as far as community stuff has been concerned and that focus hasn't changed. In fact it's even stronger now as the owners are investing in the surrounding area, with the Etihad campus and other iniatives. This will have a huge and beneficial impact on the local community. glen quagmire: You really need to be there to get the entire picture. East manchester was an arsehole of a place, now there are shiny new buildings everywhere, and new ones going up at the speed of light. There are also lots of new homes in the area, and the regeneration of the area is all down to our partnership with manchester city council. Just look at the plans for the new training facility and campus for the youth set up, which will not only be creating new employment locally, but will be the most up to date facility of it's kind anywhere in the world. gerrygowsjockstrap: The area will improve 100% when the redevelopments are finished Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: I doubt very much the figure of £1billion - half of that perhaps. Hacks and journos have, for several years, been pulling figures out of the clouds when MCFC were mentioned. If you want to see what the club has done for the community the OS has all the stories and each of them is something of which every MCFC fan can be proud. What impact if any has the resurrection of the clubs fortunes had on the city as a whole, and in particular the rivalry shared between red and blue? Prestwich_Blue: See above for impact on the city generally. Manchester is now firmly in the footballing world's eye and the rags are getting nervous. They don't patronise us any more. glen quagmire: It has ensured that manchester city can not only compete with, but are likely to over take our american neighbours. gerrygowsjockstrap: Got the rags worried. Sick of hearing "when was the last time you filled your council house" Most of them have never seen the swamp let alone been inside. Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: As the debts at Stretford mount and MCFC become more of a force, it frightens them to think that their decades-laden domination might just be coming to an end. The effect on the City of Manchester as a whole can probably not be measured but the investment within the city, the projection of Réal Manchester across the globe have been immense. Apart from the element of jealousy within the club delegates, the collective sigh of disdain across the hall at the recent UCL draw when Manchester City came out of the pot was sufficient evidence that clubs in Europe knew that there was a new contender for honours. Has there been a noticeable difference in your own lives, regarding general well being, happiness, optimism etc since the clubs future became brighter? Prestwich_Blue: I'm really excited about going to matches as we go with a high degree of confidence these days. It's not everything but it undeniably helps your general attitude to a degree. glen quagmire: We are city, we were singing proudly at lincoln and york, we will sing proudly at the camp nou or bernabau gerrygowsjockstrap: 100% Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: I'm poorer! Happier that we are seeing a range of world class players. Optimism will naturally increase and for some it has gone into overdrive with a souped-up turbocharger. I came round to MCFC in the fifties so I've seen at least a couple of good periods and several wretched ones and I'm among those fans who recognise the cyclical nature of these things, but let's enjoy it while it lasts. Who is the most important player in your team? Prestwich_Blue: Silva is the one most important to us as he makes it all tick. Aguero however is a staggeringly good player in front of goal and could start to run him a close second. Yaya Toure, Barry & De Jong are also all important in midfield in different ways. glen quagmire: David silva JGL07: Vincent Kompany gerrygowsjockstrap: Its hard to pick one out. But have to say Silva. Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: David Silva without a shadow of doubt. Where are the weaknesses, and what is your Achilles heel should one exist? Prestwich_Blue: We're still a little suspect at the back, where De Jong's absence means the loss of possibly the best purely defensive midfielder in the Premiership glen quagmire: Are you going to show this to moyes? Tim Cahill! gerrygowsjockstrap: Like to see a top right winger putting crosses in for Dzeko Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: Last season we had the second best defensive record; this season the back four look to be less than solid. Another concern is the number of unconverted chances we have. We don't seem to be able to snaffle up half-chances. In every team, you need characters, be it the jokers, or the leaders etc. Who stands out personality wise ? Prestwich_Blue: People say we've no team spirit but you only have to look at the numerous videos on the Official Site to see how wrong that is. Hart, De Jong & Richards seem to be the main men. glen quagmire: Mario JGL07: Ballotelli gerrygowsjockstrap: Hart & Dzeko are always smiling & I've been told off a member of staff. Joe Hart is the joker of the pack. Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: Micah Richards can't give an interview without finding something to laugh at. I should imagine he doesn't look for a quiet corner of the changing room. Vinny Kompany has all the characteristics of being a leader but he will tell you that everyone on the pitch should be a leader. I think we have a range of players who by their performances on the pitch can lead by example if not by word. What of the players who didn't quite make the 25 ? Have they all been able to resurrect their careers elsewhere, or is there a big bottom drawer somewhere full of City's nearly men? Prestwich_Blue: A few good ones (SWP, Bellamy) have gone because their faces didn't fit and we've shipped some duffers as well. A lot of the kids have gone out on loan so we'll have to see how they come on with regular games under their belts. glen quagmire: There is no time for sentiment, we will trust in mancini to get it right. JGL07: Most have done OK. Sturridge, Adebayor, Dunne, etc appear OK. Others such as Santa Cruz and Bridge have not. gerrygowsjockstrap: Would have like to have kept Bellamy. Still believe he could have done a job for us. But we still have a few player we have not yet got rid of. But why are they going to go for a lesser paid contract. I would'nt would you? Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: We have a few left on the payroll who haven't gone out on loan. I think we are paying a few clubs to take players off our hands at least for a season. The bottom draw is rather larger than Mancini would like! It's good to see Lescott fighting for his place, and having success. He was well liked at Everton, and the partnership he had with Jagielka put both players on the England radar. Some are suprised that City haven't shown an interest in reuniting that partnership, by making an offer for Jags. Would Jags be a good acquisition for City? Prestwich_Blue: Yes. glen quagmire: Jagielka for me was the reason behind the successfull partnership, i think lescott is working well with kompany now though, and would love to see a headed goal from him on sat. gerrygowsjockstrap: Don't need him Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: Well, we wouldn't pay another £24m for him. I was always impressed with the central pair at EFC but I think Jagielka isn't an improvement on what we have got. In the past few seasons, Everton have had some good results against City. Why do you think that is? Prestwich_Blue: You seem to be much more motivated for us than you do for some other teams, possibly because we're seen as a scalp and possibly over Lescott. However, we've often found your style difficult to counter. We managed it better last season, particularly in the first half at Goodison but still lost both games. glen quagmire: Tim cahill JGL07: Classic bogey team stuff gerrygowsjockstrap: Belief in themselves that they could win. Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: There are two teams who consistently play every second of every game with a fervour that speaks volumes for the notion of 'team'. I shan't mention one of them, but the other is EFC. Moyes, for all his snarling at MCFC, imbues his players with a never-say-die attitude and they will continue to battle, regardless of result, until the final whistle. EFC don't attempt to wrap games up after 75 minutes. We also had a habit over the past few seasons of leaving Tim Cahill loitering with obvious intent inside the goal area. Is there a player in Evertons ranks who you would like to see in City's team? Prestwich_Blue: Jagielka as already mentioned plus Baines, Fellaini and even possibly Cahill. glen quagmire: Sorry, no. JGL07: Leighton Baines gerrygowsjockstrap: Maybe Cahill Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: Rodders in midfield would be nice! Which Everton player do you hope won't be playing? Prestwich_Blue: Cahill. He always gets one against us seemingly. glen quagmire: Tim cahill JGL07: Tim Cahill gerrygowsjockstrap: None Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: Tony Hibbert. One of these days he gonna crack in a forty yarder, and I have no doubt who the opposition would be. Fellaini would be good for MCFC to be suffering a knock. Where do you see Everton finishing this season? Prestwich_Blue: They're the "best of the rest" so 7th if Arsenal recover and 6th if not. glen quagmire: Mid table JGL07: 10th gerrygowsjockstrap: Around 7th Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: I would like to say top quarter but you suffer from what we used to do - give top teams a decent game and then lose to relegation fodder. I suspect that the trapdoor will be well below where you finish. Would David Moyes have more success if he went to manage City, or United? Prestwich_Blue: Not sure he would. I don't think he can set teams out to play with the flair demanded by either club. He would do well at moneyed clubs like Spurs or Sunderland though and I would be very surprised if he wasn't at one of those next season. glen quagmire: Honestly, i think he is better when his 'back is against the wall' JGL07: I think that Moyes is ideally suited to managing a middle rank PL side with little or no money. He can get the best out of players. I amnot sure how he would cope with having lots of money and really high expectations. gerrygowsjockstrap: Yes Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: I fancy Moyes has been 'told' at some point in his tenure at Goodison that a certain job awaits when a certain manager decides to head north to his homeland. Whether that still holds or not, I don't know but Moyes has only been short of cash with which to build a team that could hang on to their fourth place finish of a few seasons ago. Do you have any sympathy towards Evertons current plight, given your own history? Prestwich_Blue: Very much so, to the extent I wrote an article for our fanzine about it. It's not a nice place to be and I even have my doubts as to whether Kenwright really wants to sell. You will have to fight him for your club I think as we did with Swales. glen quagmire: Once again honestly, yes. JGL07: I have lots of sympathy. I always have had a soft spot for Everton. gerrygowsjockstrap: Yes, they are like City. Always overlooked for their neighbours. Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: I have a household full of Evertonians when they are all home. As I mentioned in an EFC programme of a few seasons ago, I must be the only MCFC fan who has handpainted an EFC crest on their son's bedroom wall. It's still there several years on and I am rather proud of my handiwork. And beside, Goodison was the first league ground I went on when I was at primary school sometime in the fifties for an international schoolboys' match. Also, EFC v MCFC is often my only away fixture for the season! How do you view the relationship between both sets of fans? Prestwich_Blue: Personally I've got a lot of friends & family who are Toffees so it's good on that level. However, our money and the Lescott saga (which Moyes whipped up to an unacceptable degree in my opinion) do seem to have made the general relationship on places like forums a bit worse. glen quagmire: I have personally never had a problem with evertonians. JGL07: When I lived in Manchester, there was always a good relationship with Evertonians unlike your neighbours! gerrygowsjockstrap: Friendly rivalry Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: It used to be very friendly 'cos we both appeared to be in the same boat crossing a red ocean, and Ferguson helped the cause when he said that MUFC v LFC was their derby! Latterly, it has become a little tetchy with some fans. The Joleoninho saga didn't help but we are both from the same end of the colour spectrum - that should count for much! What will be the final score on 24th September? Prestwich_Blue: 3-1 to City but I'd take 3 points however we get them. glen quagmire: MCFC 3 - 1 Everton JGL07: 3-1 gerrygowsjockstrap: 3-0 but hope for more. Dave Ewing's Back 'eader: It's gotta be our turn! Anything that brings in the three points - an own goal by one of your ex-Rags'd do - Aguero off the post onto the back of Tim Howard's head and in, 93rd minute, or Phil Neville slices one just outside your penalty area with the most majestic loop over the stranded Howard, 1st minute, and we triple the score over the next ninety!
  2. We can sign him then sell him to a lower league team for peanuts. Cool.
  3. Happy Birthday. As a present I'll let you be my bitch for a week.
  4. You know it's a funny game, and fans are so fickle. Not long ago, Hibbert and Osman were the punch bags for many fans, yet both are playing great football, and making the fans proud. I went for Hibbert today, and was happy to realise my instincts weren't in the minority. Well done Tony. Keep it up lad.
  5. Matt, it worked for me, even if I didn't use the crop facility. When you upload it, and have pressed 'done' find one of your posts. If your old avatar is still there, right click, and refresh / reload the page. Your new avatar should be there.
  6. Rooney hasn't played in a decent national side to be fair to him, while the others won the World Cup with their respective teams and became famous as a result. Had Rooney won the World Cup then I'm sure the historians would be creaming themselves.
  7. I don't go in for comparisons. I think each player is different, and each might struggle / succeed in the next guys league.
  8. Looking forward to getting my 'New PC build' thread back to myself. Nearly all went tits up. Ordered the motherboard, cooler, and hard drives from Dabs.com 7 days ago, so rang them up after seeing the same one classed as 'discontinued' on their site. It turns out they don't have the stock, nor will they get it. I asked them at what point were they going to tell me, and the guy simply asked if I wanted to cancel the order. Needless to say I wasn't too chuffed, so had to scour around for the same parts again. Managed to find some from Aria, and Scan. I've had 4 text messages from Scan already telling me what stage things are at, and confirmation mails from Aria. The difference in customer service is evident. I wouldn't recommend buying from Dabs. I've upgraded the hard drives, and now one is solid state from Corsair, and the other is a drive called 'Black Caviar'. Will try and build it either tomorrow or Friday depending on what time the parts get here.
  9. Matt, post the image here mate and let me see it. If it needs changing, I'll do it for you.
  10. Also make sure the image is within the size restrictions in both size and kb.
  11. Give the page chance to refresh once you upload before changing the page.
  12. I got bored with Bioshock 2 after a few hours in and didn't finish it. New Vegas is good, but not as good as Fallout 3 for me. I'm at the stage where I have to kill all the boomers, and it's getting a bit boring. I have about 50 games lol.
  13. He had a good start to that season, but not a lot since really. Cahill and Bily scored towards the end.
  14. Lol Haf. I think I need to spend some time sat on your shoulder and whisper sweet positives in your shell like instead of listening to that devil you have sat there. The future is bright - the future is Erikson.
  15. All clubs are in debt. It's not like the grass is any greener. I don't look upon Kenwright as a failure at all. I've enjoyed us playing in Europe, competing at the top, and the Wembley experience it gave many fans. We have a great manager, and probably a team not so long ago that I would argue was the best team since the league winning side. Our attendances are up, and we've had record signings and record turnover. I think we'll get in Europe again soon.
  16. I give up. Forum is flookynickynockyknackered.
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