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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Jags didn't just make one mistake yesterday. I counted at least 3 major clangers including the penalty, and some out of position issues too. At the moment he is having a bad run of luck, where everything he touches unfortunately doesn't turn to gold, and a break could be good for him. It's not just about Jags either. We also have a superb Centre Back in Heitinga, so the squad is bigger than the individual. Heitinga hasn't joined us to sit out. He's joined us to fight for his place, and when the run of errors takes place that Jags has had, it's time to give the next man a go. We can't have favourites. All players are important to the team.
  2. It was Adams ball. Cahill had no right to go for it.
  3. Press control, then use the + or - keys to enlarge or diminish. The mouse wheel can do the same sometimes as long as you press control too.
  4. Lad, I've been reading your posts and it's time you had a word with yourself. This is a nice forum to post on. Don't spoil it.
  5. This isn't about football, but about our fans. What's happening to our good nature? Last season we had fans spitting at players, innocent fans attacked, and yesterday we've got bottles and coins etc thrown on to the pitch at players. No excuse I can think of can justify this behaviour. Over 100 years of history and tradition of being great fans and that's all about to go tits up soon because of the actions of a handful of absolute mindless idiots. I hope they get caught and prosecuted, and banned from Goodison Park and every other ground never to watch live football again. Thankfully nobody was injured. It's time some folk realised it's a game To any supporters from other clubs, these people are not representative of Everton Football Club, nor our fan base, and have no place on our terraces.
  6. I don't think either fans want to see lads sent off in the derby match. It spoils the game, and lessens the bragging rights. Rivalry isn't about trying to break each others legs, but trying to out play your opponent. I've seen some bad tackles in the derbies that were shocking over the years, and Rodwells resulted in no injuries and too quick a decision. The ref looked down at Suarez, and then booked Rodwell. Bad decision from what I saw, but the ref needs to explain his actions. There are millions of pounds at stake in this league, as well as careers, and also the entertainment factor. It's very arrogant of officials to tell clubs they don't want technology. The clubs are what count, not governing bodies. The bodies are there simply as a consequence of the sport, and not as a founding factor.
  7. I think his first season was up and down at first, but he was our best player last year for much of it in my eyes, and has been good this season too. Jags on the other hand had a great partnership with Lescott, but was unlucky, and found himself injured. Since his return he's been rocky, and a break away from the pressure could actually change his luck. I think we should be rotating more as it is. It's the only way to utilise a squad and keep everyone fit, and happy, and it keeps players on their toes too.
  8. Did you miss the 'lol' at the end of the post? It was a joke. We have an admin called Bill.
  9. How many penalties awarded to Liverpool during that time?
  10. Let the mods worry about wind up merchants. You just worry about being our lil ole red nose bitch.
  11. Distin has probably been our best player to be fair.
  12. I'm asking what the ruling is. Can you go in hard regardless of whether you catch the man? You need to ask 'what if' and that's why the ruling needs to be clear. Had Suarez' leg been there, would it be a dangerous foul? The fact that his leg 'wasn't' there is irrelevant. My first reaction was based on him getting the ball cleanly, but I don't know if that is enough for it to be within the rules.
  13. That's why I'd like the 2 lads who voted no to chime in, unless of course they were our red friends. If there are good reasons for him to keep his place let's hear them. I can't think of any to be fair.
  14. Did Saha manage to even get a single shot on target? He had opportunities and wasted every one of them. Strikers who can't hit the target from 10 yards are in need of reprogramming. In this league, you need to have a better shot to goal ratio, as chances don't come often.
  15. It would be interesting to hear why folk think he shouldn't be dropped. Never sure why folk just vote and don't discuss. The Internet is full of opportunities to vote. Forums are for chatting, aren't they?
  16. The more I look at the foul the more I'm not sure. Is the rule about what is allowed clear enough? He only has 1 foot up, but can you go in like that? The fact Suarez didn't get injured is possibly irrelevant. It needs a proper looking at by the relevant bodies.
  17. Not sure your username is appropriate mate. You might want to check the name of one of the admins here lol.
  18. You'll always get lads joining forums after a derby. It's no biggy. No need to take it personally or let it bother you. All part of the occasion.
  19. 'Use' need to learn how to write and express yourselves properly without looking like illiterate uneducated little gobshites that spent their school days hanging on street corners, asking every passer by for a bifter, while your mother entertained strangers wondering which one of them was your father.
  20. You can argue that it will hurt his confidence if he is dropped, and it's best to play through it, but for me, he is a professional player and part of a squad, and other players of equal standing are just as deserving of the position, and the chance to make it their own. He could be having a spate of bad luck too, but jump back in the reserves and play out of it, and then await your chance again. Heitinga should get his chance now. I know sometimes Moyes plays Heitinga in the middle, but he must surely feel the position should be his now. It's not good for morale for players to never get picked, especially when you consider that Heitinga is a regular International, and Jags isn't. Too many mistakes for me. Nothing personal Phil, but you can't keep making mistakes and keep your place. We have a squad.
  21. Suarez may have been hurt for all we know, as Rowell's leg does eventually clash with his instep, but Suarez didn't get Rodwell sent off. I think in our last 2 games the refs have been punishing us for anything deemed to be physical. It all stinks of a conspiracy to me, typical of when the top teams cry that they don't get decisions, or clubs are going in too hard, and the refs respond by handing cards out, in order to accommodate them. Rodwell has been unlucky recently, but hopefully his card will be appealed.
  22. The site is running poorly again today. Not 'as' bad, but not great either.
  23. I don't know if Moyes has given Baines specific instructions, but I'm not too impressed with him so far this season. He looks to be half arsed and isn't getting forward anything like as much as we are used to.
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