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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Nope. I checked the video evidence closely and it does look like his leg gets buckled a bit. 1:14 on the vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x37ovO4i5VU It's not a sending off, but it doesn't mean Suarez wasn't hurt in the challenge either if we are reasonable. You can clearly see his leg bend.
  2. Rodwells legs do trap Suarez' leg to be fair to the lad. It's very difficult to tell the impact looking at it on camera but it would clearly have hurt. I think peeps are being far too hard on the Liverpool player.
  3. We used to play with 3 defenders once I think. I can't remember the exact time, but I'm quite sure it was so.
  4. He can't commit. If he covers Bellamy the attacker has a shot on goal. All he can do is wait for the pass wide and hope to block the cross. That's his job. He can't cover both. Any good defender would do exactly as Hibbert did. Had Nev gotten there quicker, he would have freed Hibbert to drop down. You can clearly see Hibbert checking his flank, but Nev is nowhere. Jags is the cross stopper, but ends up hopelessly confused and pauses not once, but twice.
  5. That's my point in my post above. Hibbert can't do nothing about it. The positioning of others leaves him unprotected. If he chases Bellamy, the other attacker moves straight in. He has to ensure the ball goes wide, and he does his job well. Bellamy is lightning though, so not much chance of being in 2 places at once to stop the inward route 'and' the cross. Jags is in 2 minds, and is dragged out by the movement of the number 7, before ending in no mans land, and Baines is shown why Carroll is so dangerous by being nudged off the position, leaving Carroll with all the room in the world. Nev is caught well out of position right at the beginning. Great goal by Liverpool, and bad defending from Everton unfortunately.
  6. I originally had Drenthe in rather than Coleman, but it's Colemans position until Drenthe shows otherwise, and he's not done enough yet to make it his.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQu6_lDN-jo Look at how useless Jags positioning is, and how easy Carroll loses Baines. Nothing to do with Hibbert.
  8. Which part of no do you think was the stronger point Romey?
  9. Pris, I still think Hibbert is one of the best defensive Right Backs in the Prem. He's been in outstanding form too, which is why Nev has found the bench. In the derby, he had 2 against him to be fair to him, and one of those was Bellamy who is absolute class on his day, and had fresh legs too. There was nothing wrong with his cross for Velios' header either. Baines on the other hand messed up with both goals, so why blame Hibbert?
  10. -------------- Howard Hibbert - Jags - Heitinga - Distin ----------Fellaini - Rodwell Coleman ------------------ - Baines -------------- Osman ---------- Vellios Could pushing Baines into a winger role be beneficial? Defensively he's not the best. Distin is a good Left Back, and it also solves the Jags v Heitinga problem too. It gives Heitinga the option to push up into defensive midfield to cover Rodwell breaking, and Baines doesn't have to worry about counter attacks as much. We would be able to break with much more width, and pace too. We're automatically stronger defensively, meaning Vellios could stay further up the pitch. It could work with Drenthe or Coleman, and Osman could be swapped with a striker etc. Normally, I feel Moyes tries to find ways of playing certain players, but this is going totally against the grain. It might sound daft, but what do the more tactical experts think? Could it work, or is losing a midfielder worse?
  11. I'm surprised Baines has a vote. I think folk forget that his role is as a defender. I thought he should have done better with both goals, being easily shrugged off by Carroll and then the mix up for their second goal too.
  12. That man just tried to hit the other man in the face with a coin, but I can clearly understand why he did it ....................... hmmm. No! Being able to differentiate between right and wrong is the only understanding needed. You can't for a second look at the events that take place in a football match, and attempt to hold it with high enough importance that it should make one man want to attack another. It's a game of football for crying out loud. Anybody who thinks it is anything more needs to stand back and ask themselves if they are making the most of their lives. There is plenty in the world to feel upset about without football taking precedence. Go tell a Schindler Jew that Suarez spoiled your weekend, or a starving African kid that the referee made you angry.
  13. A distinct lack of restraint, respect, compassion, morals, discipline, decency, upbringing, education, etc etc. Sorry Beardy, but on this occasion I feel trying to understand why somebody does this sort of thing should take a back seat to complete condemnation. Once people think it's ok to do what they want, or react how they feel, they have no place in a civilised society, which is based entirely on standards they are unable to grasp. It's the reason prisons are full.
  14. That's a patronising article if ever I read one. I could tear that to shreds challenging nearly every smug point made.
  15. Avinalaff

    Michael Jackson

    A bit half arsed innit?
  16. That's our goal problem solved then. How can he sign a contract at 15 though? Is the money compensation?
  17. Lol mate. I was being ironic.
  18. I'm not sure I understand your point Patto, but I'm sure Bellamy was punished for any wrong doing. Adams actions are open to interpretation, but neither player deserved to be abused. It wasn't long ago Jagielka dived against Villa and we won a penalty, or Coleman winked after going down rather dubiously to win another. Pienaar would drop as quick as anyone else too. All players take advantage where possible. We're no exception.
  19. Hi mate, and welcome. Decent first post.
  20. In an employment situation it would be common to suspend both parties on full pay while an enquiring investigation was made. If you send one to a sin bin, then perhaps send both. The easy option is for the ref to look at the big screen, see an instant technological replay, and make a decision. By the time the injured player is replaced, or recovered, a decision could have easily been made. It doesn't take long for an expert like a referee to make an informed decision based on the evidence before him.
  21. My daughter came home from the shops with a Liverpool shirt on once. I miss not having kids.
  22. III. A claim will only be successful under this Regulation where a Claimant satisfies the Commission so that it is sure that – (a) The circumstances of the dismissal under review are truly exceptional, such that the standard punishment should not be applied; and b..As a result of the truly exceptional circumstances the standard punishment would be clearly excessive. IV. In considering the matters at III above, the Commission shall have regard to: (a) The applicable Law(s) of the Game and any relevant FIFA instructions and/or guidelines; b..The nature of the dismissal off ence, and in particular any intent, recklessness, negligence or other state of mind of the Player; © Where applicable, the level of force used; (d) Any injury to an opponent caused by the dismissal off ence; (e) Any other impact on the game in which the dismissal occurred; (f) The prevalence of the type of off ence in question in football generally; (g) The wider interests of football in applying consistent punishments for dismissal offences.
  23. The deal at matches is that fans have vocal liberties, providing they don't cross the line, such as racial abuse etc. That's where their involvement regarding players and officials ends, or should end. At the end of the day, fans are paying spectators to an event. They're not participants. Our views will often be biased towards the team we support, but when we cross the line that divides enjoying the sport, and letting it rule our emotions, that's the time we need to have a word. Suarez didn't kill anybody, nor did the ref. They didn't insult our mothers, or hurt our children, or steal from our home. They just took part in the jobs they are paid to do, and yesterday possibly had a bad day at the office, just like we all do. Let he without sin throw the first stone - I think this is one of the better values ever to come from religion.
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