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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. It's what I've said all along to be fair Matt. Folk don't like reading too much.
  2. You could be right Marco. All I said was there was a possibility you were wrong.
  3. Are we supposed to know about that? Most lads have been stood on a high bridge looking down all weekend.
  4. His defending leaves a lot to be desired. Hibbert is easily the better defender, where as Baines is a much better attacker. Maybe Baines just needs a hair cut and he'll find form again.
  5. I'm offering a possible reason for the delayed reaction you state exists, that's all. I think some lads feel I'm saying it was a foul, and that Rodwell should be sent off. I'm not. I'm saying there 'was' contact, and it's 'possible' he could have been in pain. If he was in pain, he can't be cheating. I'm not sure how anybody can dismiss that, but it's a weird and wacky world I guess. The ref shows a red card only 5 seconds after the tackle is committed. That's not enough time for Suarez to influence the ref when you consider how long it takes to decide, and then get the card out of your pocket. That for me is more a pre-agreed sending off for any bad fouls, and there shouldn't be a 'blanket' rule for 'individual' offences.
  6. Take a look at how he lands and his foot. Right at the end of the vid. I'm not defending the guy. I', just stating what is there for all to see.
  7. How you can judge whether injuries or accidents to other people or not hurt is beyond me, but I guess as you've played football, you must know better than Suarez, as Suarez is a Painter and Decorator, and nobody else on this forum has obviously played football, despite it being the national sport, so therefore know nothing about pain huh? I swear it's like reading a sketch written by Laurel and Hardy. I see the possibility that Suarez could have been genuine. You dismiss that possibility, despite all the evidence in the video. Erm... ok ... I think.
  8. Avinalaff


    What do you use when your Internet is knackered? igloo He made me say it guv. He did.
  9. What do you mean 'quite'? You're my bitch and you know it. He goes down pretty quickly mate, so not sure how long his brain takes to go "ouch" but that will be about the time his face turns purple. People get back up because pain isn't permanent. Have you ever banged your head and been in traumatic shock for all of 2 seconds before a quick rub sorts it out? Hmmm, on second thoughts, skip that lol. Visions of dents in ceilings and thick skulls spring to mind.
  10. Avinalaff

    Michael Jackson

    A strapping lad like you?
  11. How can you be sure he does Rubes? Do you know something we don't?
  12. My whole argument is based on this: Lots of guys are branding Suarez a cheat based on that challenge, and claim he is rolling around play acting. The video evidence suggests there was contact. Had it showed there was no contact, he would clearly be cheating. Because it 'does' show contact, then there is the possibility that he may have been in pain. Because it is possible, you can no longer call him a cheat with 100% conviction. Despite there being evidence, some of you choose to dismiss the evidence, or insist he couldn't possibly be in pain. I'm not contradicting myself Matt, as I see the leg bend, and Suarez in agony, so it's fair to say that there is pain, as that leg trauma would cause pain. To say it wouldn't hurt, despite seeing that is absurd. Being fair minded isn't about agreeing, but about looking at the facts, and considering them. Being not fair minded is dismissing their relevance, and calling him a cheat. Make your own minds up. Was it a foul worthy of a red card? No. Was Suarez cheating? No, I don't think he was.
  13. Haf, you're out of order mate. If you can't look at the video and see the evidence in front of you then that's very unfortunate. That's the last I'm going to say on the subject. I thought this forum was full of fair minded lads, but I was wrong.
  14. Wow, that's a low blow man. Look, if you don't agree that's fine. I just think there are far too many accusations flying around that have no solid foundation. The video shows movement in the leg on my screen. Again, if you only have a small monitor you might not see it. For me, that is enough evidence to suggest that Suarez might actually have felt pain, and not be rolling around play acting like folk accuse him of. This casts doubt on any allegations that he is cheating, and where there is doubt, there should not be a hanging.
  15. Rodders leg stops his foot, and then the top leg moves in. Not deliberate by any means, but it's there for all to see if you scrutinize it.
  16. Can't answer that one mate. I just try to be fair with people, and if there is a possibility that he felt it, then that's enough for me not to call him a cheat. Suarez didn't get Rodwell sent off. The ref did that. The video shows his leg bend, and that hurts like hell. I also have a 27 inch monitor, so don't know if you guys can see what I see.
  17. Thank you. So my point is that if there is contact, then it's possible that there could be pain. I rest my case.
  18. 1 Minute 14 seconds - If you can't see his leg buckle it's because you don't want to. Keep looking until you see it. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=x37ovO4i5VU
  19. Haf, you don't half make me chuckle sometimes. We've all played football. Look at the video again.
  20. If you want to act like a clown and talk to me like that I'll ensure you get the squirty flower right between the eyes at every opportunity. Ok petal? Be nice. How can you use a single frame of photography as evidence? What about the frames before or afterwards? Do you think the video above lies? Watch the damn thing at the time I stated.
  21. How on earth can you clarify whether Suarez was hurt or not. The video clearly shows his leg has been made contact with, so there is the possibility that he was hurt. To dismiss that is illogical. Nobody feels it is a foul, but that doesn't mean there is no contact. Are you going to deny what is on the video? That's crazy lol.
  22. They'd have been better leaving it be, but turning a blind eye to 80 mph. Now speeders will be doing 100mph. Modern cars are much better than when speed limits were introduced, but unfortunately modern drivers tend to be too complacent.
  23. So that settles it. I'm telling Jags he's benched for the Chelsea game.
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