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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. The sending off was just the result. I'm not suggesting Coleman went out to get the lad sent off, but I am suggesting Coleman is a diver, and I am suggesting his wink is in recognition of his deviousness. What? We can accuse other players, but not our own? Hmmmm
  2. Are you being serious Pete or are you pulling my leg. You can't seriously justify anything that happens in that video, from the falling down to the sending off. It's football. Not hand ball. You kick the ball to each other.
  3. Yeah, obviously my point is that City have just taken Villas best 2 players, and United the other, but then Nevin makes that comment. He went on to say that Lescott was the only player not good enough to be in the City team. I'm quite a fan of Lescott. I've never rated Nevins footballing opinion. He strikes me as a bit of a know it all who's been asleep for 20 years.
  4. Just tried the Batman game. It's not set up for pc at all. The keybinds don't recognise side buttons on the mouse. There are no 7.1 options that I can see and video has no deep editing facility. I don't seem to be able to change the controls now from the original set up. Console and pc game play is very different, yet the manufacturers seem to be console orientated. The game seems to do what it wants during a fight. Basically all I have to do is keep pressing fire to kill all the bad guys lol. A bit cheesy from what I'm used to.
  5. They have no quality because the Manchester sides have taken their players. To then say no players would get in City's side was a bit ignorant to that fact.
  6. Talking of terrible commentators .......... Pat Nevin. Did anybody hear his stupid comments in the City v Villa match? It went something like this: "Villa just don't have the quality. You can't imagine any Villa players getting in City's team'. Meanwhile, Barry and Milner are playing for City.
  7. HL2 I enjoyed. CS I didn't play other than a quick go. Supposed to be a HL 3 eventually, but don't know if it was cancelled. Farcry was my favourite.
  8. Lol, the world is finished. Grab your beer and heard for there them hills.
  9. Flippin' eck. Is this the weekly coming out thread? Run Vellios .... run.
  10. She sung a song about Steve if I remember correctly. Now ... which one was it?
  11. Coleman got the Huddersfield lad sent off. My point Marco is that lads too often jump on band wagons, but overlook their own players. All football players take advantage of situations. Some are much worse than others, such as the tosser who fell over in the World Cup when the guy passed the ball to him and got the lad sent off. Suarez is nothing like that. He's clever, but there are far worse guys in our game.
  12. Are you referring to the cheesy 80's lip quivering big hair permed songstress? Dear Gawd, Lawdinevven. That guy is a singer.
  13. My first reaction was one of disbelief too, but then I looked at the bigger picture, and the bottom line is we are skint, and a free James Mcfadden is better than an Everton without him. Saha hasn't had a long period of injury free play since his Fulham days, and he isn't scoring. Moyes has something in mind. Let's see what it is before worrying.
  14. Lol, been there. I prefer pc games obviously, and always played first person. Can't get used to 3rd person. Different experience. You're much more immersed in my opinion playing fps. Installing Batman GOT Edition as I write. Will give it a whirl.
  15. Bluesky, we're Everton fans. We cry about everything first, and worry about it later.
  16. I already have the new Batman. I received it free when I bought my video card, if you can call it free when the card was over £400. I didn't realise it was a 3rd person game. Bit disappointed. I might buy the £4.99 game just to give it a whirl and see if I can live with 3rd person, but fps games are more my cup of tea.
  17. Laughing. That's the picture I used to take the piss out of them on their site before they banned me. The lad who runs that Daisy Cutter seems a decent enough bloke, but he has written some shite articles recently, especially regarding us. One was a shit stir asking City and Everton fans how much they hated each other, which he quite rightly removed. He's losing a lot of credibility lately with lots of fans and needs to get back on the right track. He owes us a decent write up.
  18. And if the young lads don't cut it, what do we do? I was a big fan of Beckford, but he's gone. So has Yakubu, so has Vaughan, and a few other strikers are out on loan. We probably won't sign anybody in January, unless it's a loan, and it's a long season. Moyes needs options, and Faddy on a free adds experience to the squad. Only Vellios has scored more than once this season, but that isn't enough to rely on him. We don't see him every day. If he is ready, Moyes will play him, regardless of Faddy joining. Neither Saha or Cahill have a league goal between them, and one of them might be off soon.
  19. I was wondering when someone with an open mind might come along. Well done mate. Too many folk in life are too quick to shout witch. Why would a guy join a league and set about getting himself a bad rep? It doesn't make sense. Nobody moaned when Jags dived to win us a pen against Villa, or Coleman winking after winning a penalty decision, but we're obviously above being accused of cheating lol. Had Suarez handled the ball on the line against Germany, everybody would have been justifying it, saying that all footballers would have done the same, but because it was against a lowly side, he was given a bad rep. It all smacks of hypocrisy.
  20. Who says that the youngsters won't get a game now? Has Moyes said this? If they're good enough, Moyes will play them. If they don't get played, it's not because of Mcfadden for crying out loud. It's because of 'them'. Where has this crazy notion come from that other lads will no longer get a chance?
  21. Haf, I think the same thing regularly, but Moyes doesn't have cash, and unfortunately he has to be resourceful. Often he buys someone, and we think what on earth? But then the player becomes good in a few years, and we all credit Moyes' forethought. I just can't see the point in being any further frustrated than we already are. There 'are' positives if we look for them. At least let's see the guy on the pitch before we condemn the move.
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