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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Let me know if you want something in particular. I'm not feeling too inspired tonight lol.
  2. If I catch you using my account again there will be trouble
  3. Look mate, no offence, but I'm far too busy trying to save the universe to be able to continue this chat. Hope I haven't offended anyone. I'll gladly quit posting if I have. All the best.
  4. Don't you think Everton have considered all monies involved mate?
  5. You're pulling me regarding spelling now? Have you heard of the use of apostrophes? Your evidence is bollocks. You know nothing about the guy, nor his career, but feel free to openly declare the guy a cheat on a public forum as though it doesn't matter because it's the Internet. As for sensitivity, do people need to have thick skin to be around you do they mate, or does mutual respect mean little when it's the Internet? The name calling is lame, and childish. You don't know me, yet because I disagree with you, you think I must be some inferior being huh? I don't like bullies, nor people who get bullied, so if I read a group of guys slating a guy, and I think it's wrong, I step in. It's an automatic reaction that people who have been abused themselves tend to adopt. There are plenty of knobs on here, but I didn't think you were one of them mate.
  6. Think about it Pete. You call a guy a cunt then say you'd be ashamed.
  7. OK fuck you Matt. If you think I'm going to put up with you abusing me you're having a fucking laugh. I can swear too. I prefer not to, but it seems you only get liked here if you're abusive. There's no talking to some folk, so shove your little Suarez bashing up your ass. If I were in the same room as you, then you would not be able to hold a conversation about Louis Suarez, and you know it. There is a neanderthal element to football fans which gets right on my tits.
  8. What screen are you running the 3d on? I was under the impression that the refresh rate had to be very high for 3d. I ended up ignoring this 240hz refresh rate thing and buying a 27" inch HD monitor instead. My video card will certainly offer 3d though I've not tried it yet as I have only bog standard cinema 3d glasses.
  9. Matt, I stated it first, and got the evidence second. You actually have fuck all evidence off your own back, yet slate the lad. Get a grip for fucks sake.
  10. A bit lame Matt if that's all you have. The fact you had to jump straight on to Youtube is fair evidence that you actually don't know any more about Suarez than any of the other bandwagon jumpers. You just like to have a go at him like all the others, because it seems to be the in thing lately. Admit it. It's quite laughable to call me pax for questioning your abuse.
  11. I think your accusations without evidence are just as shite mate, so we're even.
  12. Give me evidence Matt. I'm fairly sure he's not been up before the FA, so it's opinions. Not fact.
  13. I agree. The use of the wording 'you've all' is an error on my part, though If the thread is specifically about racism, then why is there so much abuse levelled at Suarez in this thread Mike? I don't like people being singled out for abuse. That's just me, especially when there is no evidence. Even if there is evidence, you either hang them all, or hang none. The Prem is full of cheats, including at Everton (no, we're not angels) so to single Suarez out is bollox. Even Ferguson accused him on national TV. It's bollox. If he is caught cheating, he should get punished, and the same for racism, but so should all the players. There's no place for it in the game, or anywhere else.
  14. No, it's been a constant bandwagon of abuse for Suarez since the derby. Show me where he cheated in the Derby, and show me where he abused anybody. Some of the comments are proper nasty towards him, but without proper justification.
  15. No. I'm comparing 'no evidence' with 'no evidence'. You've all been slating Suarez, yet there is no evidence to support racial abuse, but show you a video, of Coleman diving, and you then say where is the evidence. That, is my point. It's hypocritical. I used the Coleman video to highlight it, as it was the easiest way to get the required response, and I got it. You can't call Suarez if you have no proof, but plenty have.
  16. Hart finished on top of the stats last season for keepers, so can't be bad. City fans feel he is a much safer pair of hands than Given, and are happy with the lad.
  17. When you consider clubs pay more for players it puts it all into perspective.
  18. But it's ok to accuse Suarez on this very forum when there is absolute zero evidence to support racial abuse? I'll rest my case there. Job done I feel.
  19. I think the market is bigger on the consoles, but there are still millions of pc gamers. I don't know if you read, but I've just finished building a pc that's cost me over 2k, with the sole intention of gaming. There are lots like me, so the pc gaming industry is still healthy, and worthwhile. Many manufacturers are building what is considered as 'cross platform' games now, but unfortunately they're not offering the pc gamer what he needs in his side of the deal. Keyboard gamers are used to certain keys, as you may know, and in the days were you can buy mice with 12 side buttons, to not allow a single side button in the option menu is rediculously behind the times, and insensitive to the needs of the pc gamer. It's like a console pad with no joy stick. Also, pc's have much better facilities for gaming than consoles do on both video and audio, and again they fail. My sound comes from either my Edirol UA25 or my Logitech G930 phones, both of which are high end in their own right, so to not offer deeper editing facilities for 7:1, or video is a bit lame. It's not like the technology isn't there. It's been around for years. It basically means you have a Rolls Royce system and can't take advantage, which sux big time.
  20. You don't see the Irony then? Oh well. I'm going to close the lid on my own little world I obviously live in and sulk.
  21. I'd gladly take him back if they don't want him, wouldn't you Haf?
  22. Lol, why do I get the sneaky feeling I'm going to be busy for an hour lol. I've just reinstalled all my pc's mate. If it's PS work you need, I don't mind, but I'll need to reinstall it, so it won't be a quick turn around if you're waiting on something, as I'm not sure if I'll need to download it again until I test it.
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