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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. I'd rather win 4-3 every week than 1-0. I just don't want to lose 4-3.
  2. Scotland are now ranked 18 in European coefficiency and so only 1 team can enter which is a bit shit for whoever finishes 2nd. The Prem is the number 1 ranking.
  3. Avinalaff


    Such as shite spelling :Grammar Police:
  4. I think I found it Doesn't look good though mate.
  5. Avinalaff


    I detect a possible reactor melt down in the relationship sector given the .am timing of some of Nicika's posts followed by the women thread.
  6. Avinalaff


    Aren't you going to extend the advice Kohen? Has life been easier since coming out?
  7. We don't need any of the old riff raff mods with their shiny sheriff badges and rusty pistols typing away on their commodore 64's. These new modern gang are all where it's at dudes. They have proper cyber helmets and ray guns, and 50mb broadband. Don't mess wiv dem bro. Fings ain't az dey woz.
  8. Do you actually watch a game Dalziel? I don't think I've ever read a post from you where you have actually seen the team play. You can watch the full match and all the others in the same place if you want to see them. It would be a shame for you to miss out mate, and you'll be able to offer an informed opinion then, instead of simply summarizing other peoples posts.
  9. I'm saying it as I see it mate. Martinez seems to see it the same as me too.
  10. Avinalaff


    Yeah, do as you're told Nikica.
  11. Avinalaff


    * Googles "misandry" (well, asks wife to do it~)
  12. Well, for me, you can only judge the tactics after each game, and last night we were all about going forward and didn't consider their counter attack, time and time again. Not sure saying Gibson looked tired is going from Hero to zero. Talk about misinterpretation.
  13. Avinalaff


    I read from the top lol.
  14. Avinalaff


    Hmmm .......... Probably not the best opening post I've ever read, in terms of tact, even if I can laugh at the concept. Sometimes we are engrossed in our discussion and don't always see the shadow that is the ... by your own words ... "Vacuous tarts" ... stood behind us, so for the benefit of my own safety, I hereby declare total none agreement with any anti-women comments in this thread. Being the proud father of such 'Vacuous tarts' too (not my own opinion dear ) I have to be doubly careful, but gladly I can now read the thread knowing that I am above such degradation of the opposite sex. Let's possibly compare the average day of both sexes. Women: Wake up in the morning (and during the night if feeding young ones). Walk past the mirror and notice how much they sacrificed their perfect bodies to have 'our' children. Wake the kids up / wash the kids / feed the kids / take the kids to school etc etc Upon return, wash the dishes, hoover, sort out any dirty clothes, clean house. Feed pets. Peg washing out. Dry dishes, and put away dishes. Iron everybody's clothes, and hang said clothes in wardrobes. Go to supermarket and buy food and household items. Pay the bills etc while out. Get home and put away said items. Go out again and pick kids up. Come home and feed kids. Prepare food for evening meal. Cook said evening meal. Wash dishes from evening meal. Feed pets again. Have a quick shower or bath so they smell nice 'for us'. Do their hair and make up so they look pretty 'for us'. Put on something nice so they look pretty 'for us'. Put kids to bed. Put tv on. Fall asleep exhausted. Not to mention holding down their own jobs. Men: Wake up with erection Admire said erection Fondle said erection Fart Get up and go for piss Walk down bollock naked and ask woman if they have clean socks. Sip from brew prepared ready by woman Open fridge Close fridge because too lazy to eat and wait for woman to cook Get dressed in nice ironed clothes Go to pub Get pissed Eat kebab Come home early hours. Wake up exhausted woman Ask exhausted woman for blow job Fall asleep during said blowjob from exhausted woman Fart But thank God they have a hole
  15. Avinalaff


    5th place? :dont know:
  16. Why is it harsh? Against Juventus he looked tired. I disagree he was played out of the game. It's my observation, not a criticism.
  17. I'm not sure it's an exaggeration to be be honest. We really did look exposed last night every time we lost possession. Yes, it's early, but I can't help feeling we are losing more than we are gaining with this system. If we are to stick with it, I think we need to strengthen our midfield in terms of keeping one midfield player in a permanent defensive position.
  18. Positives, they're passing the ball around well, although they need to hit it firmer, as not always reaching the target and getting intercepted too often. Some players showing good form, such as Naismith, Mirallas, Stones, Coleman, Jagielka, Pienaar, Howard, Oviedo, Jelavic, and a few look below full power, such as Fellaini, Distin, Gibson, Baines etc. Our defence has gone from being one of the best to one of the worst, and this concerns me. Folk say that we won't face Madrid every week. I think City, United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, Spurs etc will be difficult opponents enough, and they will be rubbing their hands together at the moment at the thought of testing our new defence.
  19. If you missed the match, you can watch it again here : http://loveevertonforum.com/page/pre-season-matches Offski to bedski. Enjoy.
  20. It's 'mustpostitis'. Not sure if there is a cure. Nasty condition.
  21. He's not really been given a fair crack yet, but he's getting better. I always thought his movement was good. So far in Pre-season, he's looked a bit sharper. His turn tonight in the Madrid game was amongst the best I've seen. We don't really have the cash to have the best players on and off the pitch, so steady players like Naisy can be great back up. The only thing I was a little concerned about was his inability to hide his frustration tonight on the odd occasion.
  22. Martinez out ! :shaking fist:
  23. Have you noticed despite all the subs they don't give extra minutes?
  24. 2 of our pen takers off lol.
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