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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Yeah, I'm frightened to death of branching out Kohen. I'm pleased for your grade 7 though. It's good to see young folk learning instruments. I'll tell Pink Floyd or the Beatles to go get jobs, and pop a few Bieber tracks on the juke box. Numbers don't lie after all, as you quite rightly say. Justin who?
  2. Ah, it's me at fault, for not explaining myself to you, and not you for demanding that I do? OK mate. I get it now. Cheers. You have 2 left feet anyway.
  3. Meanwhile Evertonians are left arguing while the Manc is nowhere to be seen. Matt, you might not see what some of us see, or read what we read, or if you do, you may choose to ignore or refrain from responding. The guy comes across as a nice lad, but his comments often raise more than a few blue eyebrows. Quite a few of us have commented, not just one or two, and plenty have questioned his intent, so it's no fluke, or accident. He is clever enough to just hold back, but is constantly talking down to us, all be it rather discreetly. Perhaps we're all paranoid, and have all taken it the wrong way, huh? Perhaps it's all innocent, and he's just careless? Perhaps he's never once chuckled to himself as he presses submit. We both know that the chances of this is possible, but slim. I thought it was rather cheeky telling everyone that he changed his name from FanchesterCity, to Bluesky, so as not to parade City all over the forum, but then puts a big City badge in his avatar,lol. If he wants banter, great; we all love a bit of banter, but keep it on the level, and stop it with the hidden digs. The simple remedy? Knock it off Bluesky, or, be more tactful in future. I'm not sure why so many disgruntled Everton fans should have to explain why they are disgruntled about his comments instead.
  4. I explained myself in my first post Matt. Others have been far less sensitive than I've been, yet don't have to explain their posts. If you can't see how beating a team 6-1, and then telling another team that they should be pleased if they can manage a draw is patronising, then you'll need more than an explanation Matt. Is the answer for Everton fans on an Everton forum, to make allowances for the City fan, and ignore his comments, or for the City fan on an Everton forum to be a little more tactful? If I want to question his posts, I will. As long as I do so within the boundaries of the rules, which I have, and show him mutual respect and politeness, which I have, then you have no grounds on which to pull me. Are you singling out my posts for any particular reason Matt?
  5. You have a habit of making things personal lately mate. Not sure why you feel the need to take that route. Taking a stand against me? Is that what you are doing? I don't like some of his comments, and have politely told him so. In fact, I've done it far more politely than our other members who objected have. I wrote a lengthy post explaining my objections. I'm not going to go over it all again, thank you very much. If he doesn't like being challenged, he's picked a very strange place to post views. Myself and Bluesky chat frequently. I'm fairly sure you don't need to take sides. The fact we disagree on some things doesn't mean we don't get on. He might be polite, but he's also lacking in tact.
  6. Well Matt, if I have to explain that, then I would need to question your agenda for asking me, or supporting Bluesky. If you go on to Bluemoon, you will be subjected to the most shocking abuse imaginable, and if you wish to remain there, you take it on the chin, and continue. Here, a City lad is confronted with polite objection, and reasoned debate, yet we have to justify our posts. At the slightest sign of objection, Bluesky then spits his dummy out, and wishes us all the best for the season. That for me is pathetic in itself. I would often be faced with " Why don't you fuck off back to your bin dipping shit hole of a city you scummy snot gobbling Scouse cunt" where as Bluesky is challenged politely, and kicks up a fuss.
  7. Ten, I don't disagree with your sentiments. I wonder what's happened to society more than anything. I can understand health and safety, and accidents happen, so probably best not to have glass around crowds, which is why plastic bottles where introduced in grounds I expect. The other issue is the revenue. Will there be a large decrease in sales, which is the last thing the club needs, unless of course the stalls are all leased out, in which case it would make no difference to Evertons finances. The bottom line is that there is a problem throughout society, that isn't dealt with swiftly or strongly enough. Not being able to smack kids didn't exactly help the issue. You didn't have to smack the kid, just as long as the kid knew you could.
  8. I don't think you are showing much tact. I'll give you an example (there are many): You've just beaten Man United by 6 goals to 1. You then write : Which bit of that don't you find a little patronising?
  9. SteveO, I think we're looking at it from 2 different angles, so we are unlikely to ever agree on the matter. I'm a musician, you're a listener (that I'm aware of). Our agendas are very different, as are our tastes no doubt. You quote Bieber as one of the biggest artists in the world, yet I'm not familiar with his music. I have no idea who Shearan is either. This isn't because I'm not educated in the world of music. It's just that the world of pop isn't as big as some might think, despite those who are engrossed in it and embrace it will have you believe, and those of us who refuse to listen to the commercial radio stations, and instead seek music further afield are free to choose what we listen to. We are not under the same peer group pressure as the younger generation, who are fed this trash with little hope of escape from disco to charts, to tv to radio. Despite all it's grip on commercial sales, pop still makes up a very small percentage of music sales. There is a very big slice of the pie left that caters for all things that the X-Factor doesn't. The crazy thing is that the likes of the X-Factor tend to take advantage of the ignorance of the younger generation, and attempt to pass off stuff as original. I'm sure they'll soon have folk dressed as Teddy boys or punks, and claim to be pioneers, and the kids won't know any different. Creativity seems to have come to an abrupt end, and instead trends and fads seem to be going back to bygone eras instead. Very concerning for the future in some respect.
  10. Why isn't he playing at the moment? It seems that the giving away of the penalty has lost him his place some how, unless of course he is injured.
  11. I think money will soon be a thing of the past. Everything will be related to an identity card. If they had a message over the PA system, before the match and during the intervals of the match, it might remind some of the idiots to behave. I hate the 'Big Brother' society that is emerging, but there is an element of people that spoil it for everyone else in every walk of life.
  12. It's a sad reflection of the times. Our society is one that I find very difficult to relate to sometimes.
  13. No mate. Only since the television became it's prime source of publication. Until then, you truly had to be talented to achieve success in the field. TV has a lot to answer for where music is concerned. The whole industry has changed. Talent still exists, but it's not at the forefront any more. Now it's not enough, nor is it the key factor. Mainstream artists do get the occasional one off, but in general mainstream pop is dictated to the prospective purchaser, by way of ensuring what is freely available to hear, on the commercial wavelengths etc is what they want you to hear. The true talent is often overlooked because it doesn't fit current taste. If you are only offered 10 acts to listen to, you will base your standards upon those 10 acts. You will think the world of music is all about those 10 acts, and you will be brainwashed into accepting them. That is basically what has happened to music now, only on a bigger scale. Years ago, if you wanted entertainment, you went out and watched a live band. Things have changed now. It is very difficult to find live music any more.
  14. Not upset at all. Just honest.
  15. I think the joke is the fans who think it's ok to throw them onto the pitch Ten.
  16. Bluesky, You know I'm always straight with you mate, so I'll be straight again. I don't think you intend to come across as patronising, or anything else, but you seem to be pressing the wrong buttons with some of your posts. Everton are not a small club, that have been fighting for survival of late. We have the best top flight record of any club regarding not being relegated, and maintaining our top flight status. We are a team that have been used to regular top end of the table performances, and top end of the table finishes. We are clearly one of the top teams in the country, both on history, and recent league results, despite our current situation, and will probably find our feet soon and climb the table as always. Yes, times are hard, and yes, we are currently struggling, but we as Evertonians are quite used to these conditions. It's all part and parcel of following our club. Consider this: City have been a team that have done nothing over the past 40 years of note, and have been relegated, and promoted, and relegated again. In comparison to Everton, or other top flight clubs, you have been fairly insignificant over the years, and a team that could only dream of achieving what your rivals United have achieved. Everton turned you over quite convincingly in recent times, despite your multi millions, yet now that City have been taken over by super rich owners, and have set about trying to buy success, all of a sudden City fans seem to feel the need to start advising other teams fans, or talking down to them quite patronisingly. Can you grasp the irony of such a situation? Some of your comments are verging on taking the piss, whether you mean them to or not. We're not a team that are fighting for survival, and to the contrary, many of us still have one eye on Europe, despite our problems. We rarely start a season well, so this is nothing new. Yes, we've sold Pienaar and Arteta, and Lescott and Yakubu to name but a few, and yes, we have a small squad, but Moyes may well get it right like he always does, and soon, fingers crossed, the ship will be steady, and it will be business as usual. There is always that outside chance of relegation for most teams, but it's probably not the greatest idea in the world, for it to be pointed out by a City fan, for reasons I'm sure your own intelligence will tell you. You seem a nice lad, and I'll continue to give you the benefit of the doubt regarding whether you are genuine, or whether you enjoy the piss take undercurrent that exists in many of your posts, but you might want to defer offering advice relating to avoiding relegation and similar subjects, as it won't sit right with many of our fans, and you'll lose what you've managed to build here rather quickly if you persist. At the end of the day, City are the last club you'd take advice from regarding staying in the Premiership, as you are the club that has been relegated more times than I care to remember. You are also the club that have been given a lifeline while those around you are trying to stay afloat in the treacherous waters that is football. You haven't battled your way through the waves to the safety of the shore, but instead were air lifted to safety by a big Sheikh helicopter. It's not really advisable to discuss with those still at risk in the water how to swim.
  17. Don't you think there is too much emphasis on image, when it's supposed to be a talent show?
  18. http://watchhighlightsonline.blogspot.com/2011/10/video-anton-ferdinand-has-accused-terry.html Say the words yourself. Now look at Terry in real time towards the end of the video. He'd have to be speaking rather quickly to say those words judging by how fast his lips move wouldn't he? We normally speak slower than that in real time. I don't like Terry, for a whole bunch of reasons, but there seem to be lots of racism probes lately. Terry plays in a team full of black players. Is he really going to say that? It doesn't make sense. He could have said 'blind' too, which would make more sense.
  19. If both yourself and Tenacious thought Howard, why does he only have one vote? I haven't voted. Missed the whole game, other than a few highlights. Is the game available to watch anywhere?
  20. I saw a dreadful performance of 'Living on a prayer' and it was out of key all over the show, yet the judges applauded it, quite falsely. A little later some guy sung another poor performance, and Walsh stood up in an attempt to rally applause. They have no shame. It's truly cringe worthy viewing that manipulates viewers and fixes votes. They already have someone in mind to give a contract to, and did so long before any of the show took place at the tv stages. I like SteveO, but he is definitely in need of divine intervention, and hopefully he can be saved before it's too late.
  21. I think our record might be 9-1, but it might be more. I know we had a 9-1 against a side once, just can't remember who.
  22. So you're only offside if the ball is going forwards? I've not heard that before, so I guess I've learnt something. Isn't a corner passing backwards?
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