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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Can you imagine what the press would write if a selector were to pick an unexpected squad? There would be a media melt down. Still, if consistency has it's way, Barton is in line for captaining England very soon.
  2. Really? That's bad news. We're already thin on the ground.
  3. That's the thing I'm not fond of. We're all individuals, yet the actions of a few constantly sour the milk. It's not as if the guys who work for the press have morals though.
  4. Is this the official team? Quite surprised he isn't playing Neville. I'd hoped he would give both Vellios and Barkley a start.
  5. Aren't we? You or I, no, but there are plenty who are unfortunately. Hope it's a good match and the game gets the headlines, rather than the politics.
  6. I don't see the point of having a Team GB. It just means there will be an awful lot of players that won't get a game. If we do go down this route, then get rid of players from the existing national squads, and offer the places to a squad of new faces. I'm tired of seeing the same players representing our country when they are predominantly players who are too interested in what colour their next Ferrari will be.
  7. STREAMS: http://www.footballstreaming.info/streams/todays-links/
  8. I read it, and it was well put, though it is presented as a mixture of all the different views put together as one person. It's worth pointing out though that Leighton Baines missed the penalty, not Louis Saha, but otherwise a decent read.
  9. If you don't buy Bioshock at that price you'll regret it. It's wonderful.
  10. Is it me or does Bale have unusually wide shoulders?
  11. Avinalaff


    Lol, that's so true, even if we didn't necessarily all blow up frogs. BTW .... Took the dog for a walk last night, and somebody has Christmas lights on.
  12. 1. What are your thoughts on Saturday’s game? What team is Moyes likely to select and what formation will he adopt? What weaknesses in United’s team will Moyes look to exploit? I think Moyes will pick a familiar Everton team, which will probably include Neville somewhere. Probably a 4-5-1 with Saha up front, and maybe even Cahill. If there is a weakness in your team it is probably complacency. I think we'll be defensive and hope for a set piece goal. 2. What are your thoughts on Everton’s start to the season? We rarely start the season well, but this year is the first in many when we are lacking quality in the middle. We need to get to January without too many problems, and hope we can bolster our wafer thin squad. 3. Tell us about the potential of Ross Barkley? He has impressed on the limited amount I’ve seen him, however is being over-hyped? Or is he a special talent? Are you worried about losing him? We've not seen too much of him, but he does look like he is going to be a good player. Another Rooney? Maybe, who knows. Not overly concerned about losing him if the fee was right. Most Evertonians are hoping for great things. 4. Similar to Barkley, Rodwell received plenty of attention when he burst on the scene. Has injury and selected in different positions stunted his development? Has he stagnated? How has he started the season? Do you believe he will fulfil his potential? I think Rodwell has impressed this season, and is starting to find his confidence. He is a leader, and has real qualities that will see him have a successful career, be it with us or someone else. He is still only 20. People forget that. 5. David Moyes is approaching his tenth anniversary as Everton manager. What are your thoughts on his ten years as a whole? What are your current thoughts? What does the future hold for him as Everton manager? For me, David Moyes is Everton, just as Ferguson is United. I can't praise him highly enough, even if I don't always agree. He deserves all the credit he gets. It would be well deserved should he get some luck, and if any manager deserves a trophy, it's David Moyes. Good luck for the match, and for the season.
  13. Aren't Blackburns owners Indian? One thing I've learned about these folk is that they are excellent business people. I'm not sure they'll be flashing the cash quite like our City friends.
  14. Kohen, you really are quite something mate. If we were having a discussion about the X-Factor in real life, do you really think there would be one sentence of approval, or disapproval, and that is it? There would be a conversation. There are differing reasons why people have the opinions they do, and often those reasons are influenced by our backgrounds, age, experience, and so on. You think it is unusual, that a musician should have a different opinion because he's a musician? It's only condescending as you call it, if your ego is so big that you can't accept it as a valid point, rather than a threat. The fact that you felt the need to start your correspondence to me by telling me of your A level in music, and your grade 8, 'in a rolled up sleeve way', was rather disappointing too. Had you been a little more mature you might have disclosed your interest in guitar in a more social, and friendly manner, and we could have held a discussion about that in another thread, or in private. Then you might have learned a little more about each other, but instead you felt the need to turn it into a personal thing, rather than enjoy the debate. Do you see anybody else in this thread getting wound up? Has anybody else called another silly names? You need to lighten up a little, and realise that threads are just discussions. Much of what has been written in the thread is genuine disapproval for the X-Factor, and much is written to wind SteveO up, in a friendly way. Not a condescending way. I'm not sure how old you are, but I'm guessing you're fairly young. That in itself is highly likely to ensure your outlook on life is very different to mine, with me being a bit of an old git, and I'm very confident that if we were to express our musical tastes, there would probably be a big percentage of each others favourite artists that the other had not heard of, or were familiar with. Somewhere though, there would be common ground. The title of the thread is 'The X-Factor Thread'. This means that it is fair to presume that if you offer up a topic for debate, you will get positive, negative, and neutral views. Had it said 'X-Factor Appreciation Thread', then it would be fair to say that it was attempting to recruit other fans, in which to discuss positives. Then, and only then, would negatives possibly be looked upon as rude, but it isn't. The only people who appear to be fans are you and Steve, so you don't really have much to talk about. The only rudeness taking part here, is a young lad, who feels the need to call another member a knob. Perhaps you might want to refrain from getting so worked up in future.
  15. Ah, I see. So when you can't continue, or don't get the desired reply, you feel the need to hurl insults at folk. Is this the real Kohen? Disappointed.
  16. All keepers make mistakes. It happens to them all, Howard too. Mucha is plenty good enough. He is just experiencing what every other keeper experiences. I'm sure if he was played every week in the Prem his all round game would be every bit as good as Howards.
  17. You're not allowed to agree with me. It's written in the small print underneath the Toffeetalk commandments. "Though shallt not agree with Avinalaff, for he is the devil amongst us, and forever shall he remain disagreed with". BTW: If you see TJ tell him to stop stalking me.
  18. He looks like a bat, has wings, and speaks in a gruff voice. I once seen him threaten Chuck Norris too.
  19. My Batman kills everyone. Doesn't yours? Waiting for the new COD, BF3, and Skyrid.
  20. Avinalaff

    Great idea!

    " Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah !!! Me no like shopping. Me want dwinky !!! "
  21. There's truth in that lol. I've met quite a few musicians and artists over the years, and some were a real let down. Alvin Lee was my biggest disappointment as a person. We were all getting chips after a gig and he was in the queue with the tour bus outside. A few of us had tour brochures, and asked if he would sign them, and he was a proper arse. Now I can't even listen to his tracks. Having said that, I've met absolute diamonds too. The Commitments were the nicest folk you could possibly expect. I sat with them for an hour or so in a pub after a gig, and they were really nice people.
  22. The world has gone mad. What also gets me is how folk can film it.
  23. Exactly my point. Evolution is responsible for everything, and man as a species is still evolving. In a million years, the difference between us will be much greater, as evolution takes place. A fish grows legs and comes out of the water. Is it still a fish? A snake is a snake, but there are different species of snake, because of evolution. It's a little short sighted to think man is different, despite what is taught. After all, there is no animal with the arrogance of man. There were once not just Homo sapian, but Homo sapian, neanderthalis, and Homo Erectus. We are all Homosapien, but we are all different. There will always be difficulties with these differences, until evolution changes this. It's not as simple as just teaching it, or passing laws. The time we have spent on the planet since even knowing each other exist is minuscule in relation to how long we will take to adapt. I agree somewhat with Mike, in that reproductive isolation is generally what we use to define a species, and 'species' might be entirely the wrong word for me to use, but there is definitely a problem between race and ethnicity that is deeper than simple education can hope to rectify.
  24. Oh well. Can't say we didn't have our chances. Good luck to the Chavs.
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