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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. He looks like a bat, has wings, and speaks in a gruff voice. I once seen him threaten Chuck Norris too.
  2. My Batman kills everyone. Doesn't yours? Waiting for the new COD, BF3, and Skyrid.
  3. Avinalaff

    Great idea!

    " Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah !!! Me no like shopping. Me want dwinky !!! "
  4. There's truth in that lol. I've met quite a few musicians and artists over the years, and some were a real let down. Alvin Lee was my biggest disappointment as a person. We were all getting chips after a gig and he was in the queue with the tour bus outside. A few of us had tour brochures, and asked if he would sign them, and he was a proper arse. Now I can't even listen to his tracks. Having said that, I've met absolute diamonds too. The Commitments were the nicest folk you could possibly expect. I sat with them for an hour or so in a pub after a gig, and they were really nice people.
  5. The world has gone mad. What also gets me is how folk can film it.
  6. Exactly my point. Evolution is responsible for everything, and man as a species is still evolving. In a million years, the difference between us will be much greater, as evolution takes place. A fish grows legs and comes out of the water. Is it still a fish? A snake is a snake, but there are different species of snake, because of evolution. It's a little short sighted to think man is different, despite what is taught. After all, there is no animal with the arrogance of man. There were once not just Homo sapian, but Homo sapian, neanderthalis, and Homo Erectus. We are all Homosapien, but we are all different. There will always be difficulties with these differences, until evolution changes this. It's not as simple as just teaching it, or passing laws. The time we have spent on the planet since even knowing each other exist is minuscule in relation to how long we will take to adapt. I agree somewhat with Mike, in that reproductive isolation is generally what we use to define a species, and 'species' might be entirely the wrong word for me to use, but there is definitely a problem between race and ethnicity that is deeper than simple education can hope to rectify.
  7. Oh well. Can't say we didn't have our chances. Good luck to the Chavs.
  8. Late goal is still possible. COYB
  9. We need to score here. Don't fancy pens.
  10. Mucha is a good keeper. Should he never play? We have a squad.
  11. Only if nobody leaves or gets injured. Besides, Moyes doesn't always play people in their recognised position. I can't see why someone would leave Barcelona for Sunny Everton though.
  12. Not the first keeper disaster this season. Hope we can recover. Just go for it Dave.
  13. We need to be more careful in the box. Few penalties against us lately.
  14. You've lost me now, but time to try and watch the match.
  15. Ah well, it was just an attempt to establish why racism exists.
  16. Radio : http://sportz-for-free.org/xtra3.html Anyone got a stream?
  17. Lol mate. Prince doesn't play it. It's a female guitarist working with him. It's just 4 chords. You need only to establish what chords they are from the tab. All the picking just do it near as damn it.
  18. Isn't the new COD out in a few days? I'd be waiting for that, unless you have the pennies. Can't comment on Batman is Steam aren't offering it yet for pc.
  19. We need all the help we can get Matt. I'm not sure the rumour is true, and it will probably speculate that another is leaving, which makes it even more likely that it's not true, but if it is, cool. For me, the more the merrier. The club can worry about the wages.
  20. Of course they can mate (Other animals that is) . Animals do it all the time. How do you think so many species evolved? To think man is a special case is rather blinkered. A common cat has so many variations, it's untrue, as does most species. Why must we be one?
  21. The point you make regarding needing to be stripped back says quite a lot. Would she have the same success without all the bullshit? We both know the answer to that mate. Nobody said she is talentless, but she could not sell that talent in todays market without another angle, and that's the crazy point I'm trying to make. Modern society doesn't care about the talent. They care more about the angle, or rather, the bullshit. How did you get on with the pdf I gave you btw? An acknowledgement might have been polite.
  22. They're only Homosapiens because we choose to call ourselves that. Again my point that mankind feels he is special, and different. How can we tell a Black Widow spider that he is a different species than the Common Weaver, or a Red Ant that he is a different species to the Army ant, yet not acknowledge that we ourselves have variations, and are different?
  23. It's a hard one to grasp, that's why it is a theory, and not a fact. Lions and Tigers belong to the cat family or Feline, but they're not the same species. Swallows and Sparrows are both birds, but they're not the same species. Alsations and Labradors are both dogs, but they're not the same species. Why is it that Mankind should be a special case? Again, it's one that needs to be thought about, rather than instantly rejected. How is it that man is different?
  24. This might not sit well with some people, but it's just a theory of mine as to why we have racism, and why it exists. I'll use 'colours' as just a way to help explain my point, and for no other reason. Racism is not just one way in this country, or any other, and it's important to realise this, rather than think it's just a white against black thing. Go into a black neighbourhood and see how long you last before being racially abused. Why folk can't just get on is a bit sad. I don't know if any of you have been the victim of racial abuse, be it that you are white, black, or any other colour. I can tell you it's not nice from first hand experience, from my days of working in Manchester for a company. I opened the door and there was a Rastafarian guy with a walking stick on the other side. I held the door open for him, and he just stood there and stared. I had a load of heavy boxes in my hand at the time too, so I asked him did he want to come through or not, and was quickly told "Fcuk off you filthy white piece of shit" in a very aggressive manner. I had to work black areas many hours per day, so I certainly wasn't going to put myself at risk by reacting, but it was quite an experience, and it was difficult to put it out of my mind each time I met a black guy for a while. I can imagine how difficult it must be for black folk, or any other none white English people to live in a society where racism exists on a daily basis. It must be horrible. Racism is natural though if you look at nature. Where in nature is one species accepted amongst another? Sparrows for example stay together, as do Buffalo, or lions, or certain shoals of fish. There are always exceptions to the rules, but generally each species keeps itself to itself. Should another species come into contact there is usually confrontation. As man, we like to present ourselves as intelligent, but are we fooling ourselves that we are all one species? Is a black man, or a yellow man, or a white man, or a brown man not just a man? But ........... Is a brown bird, or a white bird, or a a yellow bird etc etc not just a bird? Thge same with fish? We accept that they all fall under the same category, but we also accept that they are different species. Why is it then that we accept that we, as men, all fall under the same category as being 'Mankind', but tend not to accept that we are different species? For example: Is a white man born in England, the same species as a black man born in Africa or a brown man born in Pakistan, or a yellow man born in China? The answer is clearly no. We are not the same species. We are all clearly 'Mankind' just as birds are all 'birds', but we are surely different species of Mankind. If a black man ( forgive the terminology and use of colours) and a white woman mate, and the result is what we call 'half cast', is that new baby not a new species of man, just as if a lion and tiger mate, they produce a new species called by man as a 'Liger' or a 'Tigon'? If we look back at nature, is it not natural then, that we should have a natural instinct to confront, and defend, against other species? This is clearly why racism exists. Only civilised man, out of all the different creatures on this planet, other than those affected by man, wants to mix. We don't keep species apart, but interact with each other very freely, or at least we do now. We certainly didn't thousands of years ago. The problem is that while we are becoming what we like to call 'civilised' and embrace other colours of skin, there is still a natural insinct inside us that is uneasy with it. I believe it will take many more centuries of evolution, before we start to finally accept each other, because we are interfering with nature some what, by evolving. This is all about evolution, and eventually, racism will probably no longer exist, but don't hold our breath waiting for that day, as unfortunately none of us will ever see it. We can pass laws, and we can attempt to educate, but we can't speed up the process of evolution. Nature did not intend for us to mix. The fact that we have is wonderful, and it is a new stage in our development as a human being, but it will take time for us to adjust. I have adjusted already, and so have thousands and millions of others, but have we adjusted naturally? Are we 100% sure that our natural instincts have adjusted? I'm not so sure. I think we are all still uneasy about the concept as a species. We are simply learning to come to terms with evolution, and it will take time. Racism is horrible, but it is clearly natural when we look at it from a different perspective. By mixing, we are clearly going against the natural segregation that existed before technology. I'm sure nature didn't realise we were going to build planes etc, or boats. I hate it, but it exists. I think the above is 'why' it exists. Hopefully there will be a day when we are able to live as one, if that is the wish of Mankind as a species. That's if we haven't all killed each other before it happens.
  25. I think it's important not to compare present day record sales with those of yesteryear, and certainly it's never wise to declare somebody as the best, as that, will always be a personal opinion. When I was a kid, buying a record involved a journey into town, be it walking or other, rain, snow, or shine, to a record store, in the hope that they stocked the said record, or hadn't sold out. I would buy a physical item, and admire it all the way home, stopping occasionally to share the excitement with friends, who might even come home with me, just to listen to it. We'd then take the record out of it's sleeve, and with great excitement place it in the record player, before lifting the needle, in the fear we wouldn't damage it. The anticipation between the needle hitting the vinyl, and the first sound of the record, was incredible. You could spend all day just playing records over and over. Learning guitar was quite a thing too, as you would put your ear up to the speaker, hoping to hear the lick, so you could learn it, which probably accounts as to why most guitarists of a certain age are near deaf in one ear lol. There was no internet, and no music tv like you have today. We had shows like the Old Grey Whistle Test, or Top Of The Pops, but certainly nothing like today. Kids miss out on the beauty of buying records now. They simply press a button on their mouse, and plug their mp3 player in etc, and voila. It was extremely difficult to buy a record back then, and extremely difficult to get a record deal. There were only so many record companies, so many shops, and so much technology, and there was little room for shite acts to get a look in like they do now. If a song sold a million records, that was quite a thing. Can you imagine if we had the Internet and technology in the early years of music, how many records some of these artists might have sold? Can you imagine how many records like Sinatra, or Crosby, or later the Beatles, or Elvis Presley, or later again Abba, or the Bee Gees would have sold? Stats mean little, unless kept in context. Acts like Lady Ga Ga and Justin Bieber, and many others have their place in modern society, because modern society has been primed for it by the record industry for years. Can you imagine how either might have coped had they been transported back through time? They have their own talents, and that talent is accepted by an audience who have certain standards of what is acceptable. It's always been a similar case, when my own parents would shake their heads at music I would like as a kid. What we see though is a change in acceptability, and standards, and these are clearly dropping. Modern day society is much more interested in visual satisfaction than it is in music. As much as one might feel acts like Bieber have talent, you can't surely compare him to acts that were pure singers, with none of the bull that encircles acts of today. He's pop. Cheapy chirpy pop music designed by record companies to have very quick turnaround and very quick profit, before the next act comes along. Will we really be embracing modern day acts in 100 years? The music world is now called 'The Entertainment Industry'. I'd rather not credit it with calling it music. Hanging is too good for some people. They should force them to listen to Justin Bieber records instead.
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