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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. And breathe. Sometimes it might be best to offer your own opinion, and worry less about other peoples. If you like Pienaar, cool, so do I, but another isn't an idiot because they don't. You'll never get total agreement on any subject, be it football related or not, but especially football. Welcome to the forum.
  2. Come on guys. We've had enough fall outs on here lately. Let's all be nice.
  3. Be sure to install one or two programmes which you'll find essential, such as Sopcast. http://www.wiziwig.tv/software.php?part=software If you struggle, just ask me and I'll gladly get you fixed up with all you need.
  4. It might be his new hair cut making him look lazy lol. I don't like our dirty looking away kit either. That looked like Bines hadn't bathed in weeks.
  5. Some of those stats seem a bit questionable. For example: 2.8 - Tackles per game made by Fellaini – the most at the club. What are the rest doing, if Mo is only making 2.8 tackles per game?
  6. I saw the stats Pete although I've been thoroughly disappointed with Baines this season though mate. He seems half arsed at times.
  7. Hands up who cries during films? I'm flaming terrible lol. Cheers C1982 also. Some good titles there. Have already dl'd quite a few this evening, so plenty of choice for bedtime movies tonight.
  8. Pete, I've been watching it for 5 minutes already and I'm still watching it. I only posted the link 30 seconds before, and already you've replied to it. What was the point in my posting the video if you comment without watching it?
  9. I can't agree here mate, but I respect your opinion if that's ok. I think Pienaar would be first on the team sheet.
  10. We could sell Cahill for a few quid. Why wait for the score though mate? Are you aware that you can watch near enough every match we play from your pc? http://www.footballstreaming.info/streams/todays-links/ http://atdhe.tv/ http://www.wiziwig.tv/competition.php?part=sports&discipline=football
  11. I've been quite impressed with them so far. They've played well for the most part, and will probably beat us 1-0 knowing our luck.
  12. I think we need to focus on Piennar, rather than compare him to players we already have. It's not as though we are swapping him, but if he came, he would come 'in addition' to what we have, so it's irrelevant really as to who is the best, and instead, it should be about whether Pienaar is good, which I think he is.
  13. If you want to watch free films ....... Download and Install BitTorrent http://www.bittorrent.com/ [redacted - no sharing illegal websites] Be sure to frequently visit your start up menu, and turn off anything you don't need to start when windows starts, by typing msconfig into your run or search and going to the Start up tab.
  14. Cheers chaps. Lots I've not watched before though I've seen some. Funny enough another wonderful film I saw recently was actually an Indian film, called 3 idiots. It is the biggest of the Bollywood films, and was about 3 lads during Uni. Loads of laughs, and drama too.
  15. In the time he was with us , in just the league (not cups) he had 10 goals and 20 assists. I don't have figures for the cups, but he did score and assist in those too.
  16. What are the best films you've ever watched? I ask as I have been downloading films lately to watch of an evening, but beginning to run out of ideas after having watched about 50 different ones. I appreciate you have a 'What are you watching' thread, but that's a bit different, as this is specifically about movies to download, so have opened a new thread in the hope to get some answers. Here is a list of recent movies I've watched: Titanic Sucker Punch Bourne films Matrix films One flew over the cuckoos nest Silent Hill Trainspotting The Exorcism of Emily Rose The Pianist Raiders of the lost ark Fight club Godfather films Thin Red line Green mile Forset Gump Final Destination films It Synecdoche Newyork Sweeny Todd Pirates of the caribbean films Jane Eyre Arena The Rite Children of men Wicker man Cowboys and Aliens Snatch Inglorious basterds Zodiac Room 1408 Slices of life Horrible bosses Donnie Darko Water for elephants Lord of the rings films Lord of the flies No country for old men Avatar Sixth sense The departed Source code Schindlers list Moulin rouge Jacobs ladder The aviator Brokeback mountain White elephant Contagion LA Confidential Paul 1984 The big lebowski Blood diamond Thor Pans labarynth Paranormal activity Inception Citizen kane What movies would you recommend I download next?
  17. WTF has Coleman got to do with the take over thread for crying out loud lol ?
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