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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. What makes you think I wasn't talking about one of the fatty's?
  2. Lol, I wouldn't want that guy catching up with me either,
  3. I know which one I'd rather wake up to find them sat on my face lol, if that's any good.
  4. Although pictures are very deceiving, you look a little small to be mixing it with this guy.
  5. Staying in business has many guises Steve. Because different parties want the same thing does not make them allies. What makes them allies is agreeing how best to achieve it.
  6. I'm straight enough to tell you if it was otherwise matey. I learn from folk disagreeing. I don't know it all, and always prepared to listen to other opinions, but I'm very logical, and find it hard to accept things which seem illogical, not that it applies to you, or anybody in particular. Everybody wants a great team. Every fan in the country wants it, but we can't always have what we want. Change what we can't accept and accept what we can't change.
  7. Yes, the fans. For me, we have to forget about tradition, and history, and come down a peg or two, and realise things are very different now, rather than pressurizing the club to find success regardless of the cost. So what if we've had a few bad years. Other clubs have been relegated. Look at Southampton for example. We might be one of the top clubs, but now we are skint. When you fall into the shit, the best thing is to take your tuxedo off and put on a pair of overalls. Some of our fans remind me of rich passengers on the titanic. Feelings of entitlement equates to nothing more than self-centeredness.
  8. Is that you in your avatar Kohen? I've always presumed it is but now I'm not so sure after you state you play Rugby.
  9. Yes, indeed, but Moyes has a big place in my heart as a fan. Without sounding controversial Steve, the biggest thing I hate about Everton are some of the fans. Not the older fans, who have been around the block, but this new breed of selfish insensitive 'world owes them a title' type fan. The type of fan who spend their lives on the Internet swearing and moaning, and blaming everything in sight for their lives incompletion's, yet many have never been to a match in their lives, nor could they hold a discussion about the club or football in general without first checking on Wikipedia. They're fans because it's trendy, not because of any emotional attachment, and their knowledge of real life is minimal, yet they'll confess to knowing everything about everything about football, and argue until they're blue in the face even when they're talking bollocks. Then there are the match going boo boys, and the coin and bottle throwers, or the spitters and abuse hurlers. Everton as a club is changing mate, and it will take a lot more than investment to put it right.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/user/scooby1961 This guy is a great teacher and offers good inspiration. I've got a week to lose the rest of my belly. Any tips?
  11. I made the same comment in the other thread Haf, as you know. The point is that it is opinion on whether they are good enough, and those opinions are down to selectors. The England set up is bollocks, but I don't make the rules, nor justify anything.
  12. I've not felt it this year. It's not the same. We need a mass clear out of players and start again.
  13. Baines and Jags have recently been called up to the England team, as has Rodwell. If they were great from the off, wouldn't they be England regulars by now? In my opinion, they've all grown with the team, even if Jags has been poor lately. Bily I think should be played every week, or sold. He can't find form coming on as a sub every blue moon. If he can't cut it, let him leave. We can't afford passengers.
  14. Some lads couldn't bear playing in the Championship for their own ego, regardless of the club, and some brag of winning trophies like it's some kind of penis extension. You've been away far too long Matt by the sounds of it.
  15. You said 'shite'. Not me. I said "It took years for some of our other players to reach fruition, hopefully Bily will find his feet soon."
  16. I've been in a car accident too, ran every night in my 20's, and also have a back problem lol. We have much in common.
  17. I'm not familiar with Johnny Cocherane to be honest Haf. My stance has been fairly consistent throughout. I'll always look to back Moyes over those who want him sacked. I like the guy, he's been good for the club, and he's never had the chance to compete as other managers have. If Moyes was sacked I'd lose interest in Everton football club very quickly. It would be a travesty.
  18. Ste, some clubs spend that on one player. I'd be interested to read your figures and where they came from though, as the guardian reckon it's 28.5m, which wouldn't buy you Lescott and one years wages.
  19. Bily was a bad buy, but Moyes is human. Still, there is time for Bily to turn it around. It took years for some of our other players to reach fruition, hopefully Bily will find his feet soon.
  20. I don't see any problems with any of the teams in the division that have come back to the Premiership Matt. Who cares if we lose the players as long as the club is safe? I sure don't. The club comes first, not the players. Without a club there are no players anyway. I'd rather have a Championship team or worse for a few years than the club fold. My dick will still be the same size regardless of what league we play in.
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