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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. That's because Haf is your mate. That won't stop me disagreeing with either of you though, nor is it a surprise that you're both negative, being mates. If you wanted to edit, why not just edit it out, rather than defend it? Reason? Because you meant it 'exactly' like you wrote it, but felt you'd leave it anyway like an arsey git.
  2. It's not mate. It's more like telling someone that they're a narky git, in the hope they'll realise it and be aware, as opposed to calling them a narky git with the intent to offend. Besides, have you seen his Maud?
  3. You do come across as a bit arsey quite a lot Romey if I'm honest. I'm sure you don't intend to, but you do. Maybe that's why I 'take it the wrong way' as you describe it. I think we all just need to get used to each other and get to know how each other ticks. Your conscience felt the need to explain yourself with an edit. Is that an indication that you might notice it just a little bit yourself? I don't always communicate well, but believe me when I tell you I say that as a forum mate, in a friendly way, rather than as a tw@t.
  4. I'm not frustrated matey. I've come to terms with our situation and had my little tortured moment, but now I'm over it and looking for positives. Other lads are still going through the transition, and will eventually see sense once their momentum of negativity burns out. It really does strike me as prehistoric and is similar to shouting "Witch" because one doesn't understand the reason behind a situation. If the answer is billionaire investment, then what is the question?
  5. I like Kenwright. He can't compete with the big clubs, but he has sure competed against the bottom ones, and we are back from mediocrity to being one of the top sides in the league. Only a few seasons ago we were hailing our team as one of the best ever squads, and pre-season expectations were high. Some of us were expecting very big things. That's not bad management. Now the same fans that want Kenwright out are turning on Moyes. It's nothing short of pathetic, and because they are in numbers, they think they are justified. You're wrong, you're not, and it's time you opened your eyes to the real reasons clubs are struggling, instead of blaming folk like kids who can't have a new bike.
  6. I think it's a mixture of many things, but certainly not good for the sport, the fans, or the clubs. If we sold all our players, and bought a complete squad from division 2, I'm not so sure we'd get relegated.
  7. No mate. You have it wrong. I just think you're starting to get on my tits with your constant whinging. Nothing to do with criticism. I've never met anybody so utterly negative in my time on forums, and it's starting to wear thin mate, so rather than fall out with you, I'm going to do the decent thing and not correspond with you for a while. This way, nobody falls out and the forum isn't spoilt by arguments. You're a nice enough lad but you're starting to do my head in. It's not good for my health to continue reading your posts, so I'm going to put you on ignore. Sorry bud. All the best.
  8. Yeah, I noticed that just after. Louis can't win on this one regardless what he does (my sympathies Louis). I was quite happy just to chuck a few quid in. I don't really expect or want recognition for it though, as I get much more from the site than I give.
  9. OK, I now see that we have donator signs under our names too. Obviously there is the answer.
  10. What's with the yellow on Bluesky and myself?
  11. Yeah ok mate. I didn't see you comment at the original suggestion though, so that's your consistency theory right out the window. Do me a favour bud, and put me on ignore, and I'll do the same. Cheers.
  12. Haf, you have a moan at just about everything. Go make yourself a cuppa. There was a request for the image, so I created one. Get over it.
  13. Bad taste my arse Haf, and it's YOU that needs to get a grip mate.
  14. He didn't say that Romey. He said that he 'would' not that you 'wouldn't'. Nor did he call 'you' anything.
  15. Why bother buying a Toffeetalk T-shirt in order to help the forum? The biggest winner is the printing company and the forum end up with a small percentage of funds. The member ends up with a cheap T-shirt that doesn't last 2 minutes after a wash. Why not just donate the money instead?
  16. Behave Haf, honestly mate. This forum is kept going by about 20-30 people every day, and there are split feelings amongst those people. It's hardly a vote of confidence from the Everton fans.
  17. Here's a little smiley for those that know no better.
  18. Why isn't Bill doing the questions any more?
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