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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. I can't see anything there I've not seen in most player vids to be honest. If you look at Osman, he looks like Messi in comparison.
  2. Nope. Not seen a ticket numbered FFS,FFS anywhere but really hope it turns up. Forgive the sarcasm. Hope you find it man.
  3. I don't know what the average fan spends on a football team Ten, but many of us spend hundreds of pounds each week at Asda, or the local petrol station, and so on. Far more than we do as football fans, and I wouldn't dream of telling Asda how to run their business. They'd have far more of an impact on my life if they closed, than if Everton got relegated or worse, as my lifestyle would have to change, from buying food, to clothes, magazines, petrol, and all the chain events, such as feeding my family etc, yet I wouldn't picket outside telling the Asda board to get out. Folk might frown at that comparison, but fans need to put things into perspective a little, and use their heads, and not their hearts. Everton football club is a business. It's not just focused on the team, but the whole package, and it's roots are not just in football. It could close the stadium, sell the squad, and still operate as a business. It would probably make more money if it did just that as football appears to be a loss leader these days. For patrons to tell the company directors to leave is quite unimaginable. If they screw up, they screw up. That's life, but they bought the club, and we didn't. It is theirs, not ours, regardless of this romantic notion that the club belongs to the fans. I don't remember the ghost of St Domingo leaving it to us in a will. To think they don't want what is best for their own business is just as comical. The problem lies with the industry the club trade in, and the rising costs. Anybody would think that there were queues of people wanting to buy, and invest billions, and the club were saying "Thanks, but we don't want to sell". Kenwright is probably sick to death of Everton fans, and who can blame him. They saw change at Liverpool, and now think if they make enough noise, the same will happen here. It might not, and Kenwright might sell the club to an oil sheikh, who quickly knocks the stadium down and puts an oil rig there instead. If you go to the theatre, you respect the theatre owner. If you go to the game, respect Kenwright. If you can't, don't go, because you are visiting 'his' home, not him yours.
  4. I think he's a decent manager, but he is a spender. Managing England is a different job. You have to be able to bring 25 ego's together as one, and have experience of tournament play too. I think there is too much controversy surrounding Redknapp for him to be offered the job. They didn't bring a foreign coach in because English managers weren't good enough, but because nobody wanted it lol. Our whole pompous attitude prevents sportsmen and women from succeeding more often. Somebody who hates the English would probably win us the world cup.
  5. Hmmm ... so you want to fight against the club? What? Like you own the club, and have given them a Saturday job in order to help them out? The shares belong to them, so it's up to them what they want for them. Not you ! Sold off 'their' assets. If they make a profit, so what. That's business. Every business makes a profit or fails. The board members own Everton FC. It is their club. We seem to have a misunderstanding here that somehow the club belongs to 'you'. Yes, you are 'just' Evertonians ... the only thing you have gotten right so far. Actually, there you go again. No, it's not 'our' club. Unfortunately 'we' didn't buy shares. The club belongs to the board. The quicker you dumb f%^s get that into your thick head the quicker you might get listened to. Being sentimental is great, but as much as we support a club, we don't have a say in it's financial affairs. We're fans. Nothing more. Come down from your self elevated position, stop thinking you represent the fans (you don't) and stop telling the board what to do with 'their' club. Try 'asking' them, or at least try to help find a solution, instead of just causing problems.
  6. Rodwell interview. http://www.thefa.com/video/England/Mens-Seniors/2011/Spain/Rodwells-debut-joy
  7. It's unsurprising he's lost confidence here given the amount of games. I'd like to see Moyes just say bollocks to it and play him for the rest of the season to see what happens. I can't help thinking there is something waiting to come to life, and watching those videos don't help, although a lot of what he does in it is the same trick. His first game was wonderful. What happened?
  8. Good shout Bill. BTW Mike, would that be Gone Blank United or Gone Blank City?
  9. We can discuss players until the cows come home, but does Bent not deserve a crack after being in good form for many seasons, despite not playing for a top team?
  10. I can see issues with 51% shareholders investing 100% funding. Control is there, but I would imagine there would need to be a significant percentage far greater for a take over incorporating large investment.
  11. The mind set is changing gradually. Many players deserved their chance ages ago, but the team was clogged up with 'superstars'. The problem in my opinion with superstars is that they work their asses off to get there, but once they've been at the top of the game for a while, they become stale, and the hard work often diminishes. Getting players in the squad at the right time is the secret I think, and this means knowing who is on the up, and who is willing to give everything to get there. Experience is great, but it must be mixed with working your ass off and having the form.
  12. Do they need to buy all the shares? What percentage of share sales constitutes a take over?
  13. Does Capello select the squad, or just the 11 plus subs?
  14. Smalling is injured and out until December with a toe injury. Young is also injured which might explain why some lads got a run out.
  15. He is a first team United player. That means you get a free get in the England set up card.
  16. At International level, you have to be 'ready' to go. Promise is fine for clubs, but you don't play for your country (or at least shouldn't) unless you are the best the country has. The old club have the best experience, which is worth it's weight in gold, but the 'new' school must gain that experience, and the best time for this is in friendlies, or to mix them in with the old school a few at a time, which is what Capello is doing. They're all professionals after all, so the transition isn't so severe when all is considered.
  17. Johnson has been out injured. He has only played 3 games plus a 10 minute appearance against Stoke. It's a perfect example of players apparently having England squad guarantees as opposed to playing the guys who are in form. He's good in attack, but not so great at defending. I would be picking Richards based on form, or perish the thought even Hibbert, who has been great, especially when you consider if he was to play Jags and Lescott, you would have 3 players from that great Everton defence of a few years back. Drop Cole and add Baines, and you have the complete set, who are all used to playing together.
  18. I think the fact that there have been 57 views and only 2 replies shows International football isn't the subject on everybody's lips lol. I thought with 2 of our players on the pitch that this thread would have been quite lively.
  19. There lies our problem Romey. You have a rather strange opinion of me, and not sure where it comes from, but what the heck. It seeps through in all your posts to me unfortunately, which is why you don't get a friendly reply in return. Today is a new day. Let's say we wash our hands and start afresh?
  20. The last 10 minutes showed what happens when teams sit back and defend against quality. England were undone far too many times, and fortunate not to concede. 'Never' sit back and let your opponent hit you.
  21. I'm not going to open old wounds mate, but your memory doesn't serve you well. When you have posted, it's normally either bringing up the old days, or telling me to leave if I don't like it. Hardly heart warming correspondences Romey. I notice too that it was 'my' tiff with Haff, rather than 'Haffs' tiff with me. I wish folk would be a little more genuine, but I'm asking a lot. Still, if one guy goes against the bandwagon clique, he'll not last long, so best I don't, eh mate. Instead I'll go buy a magazine on how to be a negative whinging Evertonian, and with a bit of luck I'll fit right in.
  22. Maybe I should have given Moyes more ginger in his hair colour. I can understand how Haf could be miffed with that. Iconoclasm indeed.
  23. Romey, I'm not the bluntest tool in the tool bag, and don't presume that you were being arsey. You didn't have to justify it. If anything the arsey bit was the edit, pointing out that I might take something the wrong way, as though it was a constant issue. It isn't. I treat folks with respect where possible, but I don't take shit off anybody, be it on forums, or in real life. On the whole forum, there have only really been one or two lads that have been publicly 'off' with me from the start. You're one, and Matt is the other. Hafs normally ok, but he is too negative for me, so it becomes irritating after a while, and today I thought he was a proper tool so I told him so. It's not like he's shy about telling me when he feels I'm at fault, so in that respect we have a good forum understanding. Matt is on ignore, as is Haf. It stops us arguing, and disrupting the harmony of the forum. There aren't enough members here for things not to stick out like a sore thumb, so I'd rather chat, and log off, and not argue while I'm logged on. Eventually I'll probably stop posting, but I won't be drawn into silly arguments. I'm not arsed with all that crap.
  24. Tax evasion is admirable. We should all do it.
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