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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Dear Gaaaaaaaaaaaaawd .... why did I take you off ignore.
  2. Maybe I need to explain it in simpler terms that you can understand. Assists mean eff all. Read the scenario, where Pienaar does all the work, but Saha gets the assist with 'one' contribution, and Yakubu gets the goal, with a tap in. A stat would say "Goal Yakubu. Assist Saha". Looking back at the stats, only Saha and Yakubu get mentioned. Meanwhile, the guy who created all the play, was forgotten. Stats do not reflect play makers. They only reflect the end product. 'never' use them to judge somebody's value to a team.
  3. Baines has been crap for us this year. Fat lot of good Lawro knows. Most creative player my ass. He hasn't been kept quiet, he just can't be arsed.
  4. Did you even read my post Matt? That ... is why.
  5. I think we need 2 or 3 forwards, 3 or 4 midfielders, and a few defenders ... oh, a goaly would be cool if there is any cash left.
  6. Please explain how. No disrespect to anybody in particular, but my old boss used to say "Don't knock on my door with a problem, unless you have a solution to it". Don't say you are unhappy, then wait for others to find a way to make you happier. Tell us how to make you happy, and if we can make it happen, we will. If we can't, accept things as they are, as it's likely that what you ask is unachievable.
  7. PLEASE - stop talking about assists or goals. In this debate, they are irrelevant. They are great for other things, but not when it comes to judging a player. Please tell me how many assists Tim Howard has, or Fellaini, or Jags? Let's sell all 3, because they have clearly contributed sod all to the team, as their assist ratio is low. Pienaar passes to Arteta, who plays it inside to Fellaini. Fellaini spots Pienaars run, and feeds it through to Pienaar, who cleverly lays it off for Baines. Baines rounds one player, then back heels it to Pienaar, who plays a beautiful pass to Saha. Pienaar runs behind the defence taking 2 defenders with him, as Saha passes to Yakubu who taps it in from 2 yards. That Yakubu must be awesome, and another fantastic assist for Saha's stats. Time Pienaar pulled his finger out of his ass though, useless git ! Wake up lads.
  8. If those that are unhappy with Moyes looked more closely at our situation, they would realise there are many factors that are out of Moyes' hands, and he is not a master of his own destiny at Everton. He is restricted by the financial issues surrounding the club. This extends to having to sell players, as well as, trying to sign them. City and Spurs overtaking us, and Liverpool getting back on track, makes many fans feel as though we have slipped, but take a look at the money spent by these clubs, and, clubs below us too. The state of modern football is the biggest underlying factor. This affects the boards ability to trade, and in turn, affects Moyes ability to manage. It is opinion as to whether Moyes is a great tactician, but it is fact, that he has been dealt a shitty hand. Still, fans expect him to be able to produce a full house every season. Get real.
  9. My sentiments exactly Chicago. I was beginning to wonder if I'd dreamt the whole Pienaar experience.
  10. Huh? How can you say Donovan isn't ours (here on loan during our good spell) and then talk about Drenthe (here on loan during our bad spell) who isn't ours either? And after 3 games, you have Barkley all figured out already I see? Come on Haf, you're normally sharper than that.
  11. BATMAN 2 I noticed something called AMD DUAL CORE OPTIMIZER on my pc today. As you can imagine, having just spent 2 grand building a gaming rig, using a 2600k i7, I wasn't best pleased to see an AMD optimizer on my pc for a dual core. Apparently it is installed when you install Batman 2.
  12. Pienaar didn't walk out on us. We sold him. He honoured his contract, and we made a profit at the end of it. Sentimental principals might encourage a 'thanks but no thanks' reaction, but we are not in a position to be sentimental. I can't understand fans who complain we are struggling, yet refuse players based on sentiment. Still, perhaps Moyes can wave his magic wand and pull another star out of the hat for little money, but if I was him, I'd look at our forums, and stick 2 fingers up.
  13. I think losing Lescott was a turning point. Losing Arteta, Pienaar, Donovan, Gosling, Yakubu etc etc hasn't helped either.
  14. We really need a scratch head smiley on here guys. Folk haven't stopped crying all season. How can we possibly be no worse without him? If I have 1 million in the bank, and you give me a quid, I'm a quid better off. Take away 2 quid and I'm worse off than I started. Love him or hate him, Pienaar was an asset. It's one thing being sentimental about players getting games, but it's another to be realistic and know certain players haven't made the step up yet. A squad is a squad, and another body at the moment is paramount.
  15. Why would we pay 2m if his contract has run out?
  16. I wish I had a Bentley. I'm not sure if I was offered one on loan I'd give a shit who it's previous owner was, and insist they went and got me a fresh one. Honestly guys. How can you want so much, and then stipulate where your needs are met? You're in no position to refuse players. It's like a beggar on the street insisting that any money he gets be from a certain bank. Have you heard of the expression 'cutting your nose off to spite your face?'
  17. There has to be more to life than the same conversation every night. Love Moyes v Hate Moyes Starting to get a bit bored now. Who thinks Louis Walsh is a cu%^! ?
  18. I think Newcastle and Villa have better players in many departments, and Stoke are no mugs either.
  19. Ah, so you want to play better football, yet are too proud to accept back one of the guys who were responsible for our 'better' football? Is that not a tad on the hypocritical side, especially as we have no money and can't be picky?
  20. That's very short sighted. Don't you know he checks this forum daily in order to decide on who to play, where and when? Get a grip son.
  21. Ten, that team is quite a team, but it's also a team that fat face has the option to play. Spurs squad would eat ours for breakfast when you look at the strength in depth. You can't compare teams in that way without it being truly flawed as a concept.
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