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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Charles takes a picture of an old nag.
  2. That's not very kind Matt. What has Camilla ever done to you?
  3. I can't remember a single date of any match I've been to. Ever.
  4. Avinalaff


    How can you say that if you missed the game? Why folk want to jump on the anti Moyes bandwagon is beyond me. Watch the match, then make comment. You can't tell 'anything' from reading what has been written in this thread. You need to see it for your own eyes.
  5. Avinalaff


    It wasn't a dig. That would suggest I disapprove of overseas fans. I don't, nor was I offended by your comment. It was just an observation, that most of the fans to complain on the forum weren't match goers. The fact that you mentioned your luxury HD tv left yourself rather open to be fair, and I'm not one for missing an opportunity. There are fans in this very thread, who have complained about Moyes, yet state in other threads that they missed the match. There are others who copy comments from other forums (yes, we read other forums too) and post them on here as their own. I just want Moyes to have a fair crack of the whip. He isn't getting it.
  6. Romey, I don't quote specific posts, but the 'air' of the forum is negative, and one that has been augmented by one or 2 members in particular, like a dark dye in a bucket of tears. This was always a chirpy place, but members are being influenced by a minority, and the negativity has drawn other members to join in order to just have a moan. I don't see why positive members should be scrutinized, and have to justify their stance, when they stand against negative members. You are negative, so why would you agree with my positivity? I don't expect you to, but at the same time understand that not all fans are at the cliffs edge. Many of us have seen it all before. For better and for worse tends to apply.
  7. Avinalaff


    BTW ... Asda's Chunky Veg soup. Yum yum.
  8. Avinalaff


    Bailey, I reacted to your comment about my being here to only wind people up. I apologised for it. Discussing the match immediately after the game isn't always wise, as temperatures are often high. Things in their written form often appear much more aggressive than they might had we both been at the game, then the pub. Still, there is a bandwagon element of negativity to this forum lately, and much of it is unjustified. Being opposed to that won't get an apology.
  9. The English weather hasn't gotten any better. Looking out the window at 3 o'clock today and it's dark.
  10. Take a look at Van Persies goal yesterday. He created that out of a half chance. He missed a few other chances too, but he made sure he got there in the end. How many chances per game will Van Persie, or Aguero, or Rooney get per game to score? How many chances will Saha get? Saha is a decent striker on his day. Yakubu scored many in the first season, but many were tap ins, and all the work had been done in advance, despite him still finding the net. Neither Saha, or Yakubu have great movement. You'll not see either off them turn a guy on the offside line, or out pace a guy. Saha is an edge of box striker, and Yakubu is a box striker. Everton need players who will move for the ball, in turn taking defenders with them, and creating opportunities for others. Pienaar did it very well (not so much Arteta). Drenthe does it too, and Cahill occasionally, but when it comes to Osman, Rodwell, Fellaini, Coleman, or anybody else, we are too static. Fellaini I can forgive, as he covers the pitch well, and creates our play, but there is no movement throughout the team. Without movement, who do we pass it to? Without movement, we are easily defended against, and without movement, we are unlikely to get shots in, or our strikers to get the rebounds. It's both strikers and midfielders for me. We need new strikers, and, new attacking midfielders. Another Andy Johnson type striker would be ideal, as another few Pienaars would be.
  11. No, I agree. My outlook is no more important than Hafs outlook. I get annoyed at plenty, but I refrain from trying to have an impact as such. I'm actually disabled for the record, but that isn't the only reason I don't go to matches every week. I actually don't like it any more. Sure, I like the football, but I don't like the crowds. You'd think after going to the game since a young kid I'd be used to it, but when I became ill I started to get anxious in certain situations, and going to the game became too much for me. It's funny I know, but the brain is a funny thing. I still go to the odd game, but I have to be dragged kicking and screaming normally. That's why I wouldn't tell Moyes what to do. Who am I to tell a guy to resign, or call for his head, when 40,000 match goers tend to be pro Moyes? Fans make me laugh when they think they have a right to dictate to the club.
  12. Mogsy, if you are given a badge, that says you are the worlds best Everton supporter, you might smile, but would you stand next to a fan dressed in blue and white, at the bus stop, wearing it, when he is off to the match, and you are off to Asda to get cans in order to watch it on tv? Not sure where you are coming from with the Tory thing. You seem to be missing the point. Let me presume for a moment: You live in Wales. Your local economy is unaffected by Everton's survival or demise. You don't go to the match. You don't cheer on the players, or add to the match atmosphere. You don't contribute to match day revenue, be it tickets, programmes, merchandise, stall souvenirs, hot dogs, beer before / after the game, bus fare, train fare, taxi fare, or anything else associated with match day or the economy. You don't own a season ticket, nor do you own shares in the football club, so don't go to shareholders meetings, or AGM's. You don't have the required first hand information as a result, nor the breakdown of Evertons finances, budget, or hopes for the future. You don't even live in the same country. Should you have a vote, if such a vote were to exist, that would determine whether David Moyes remained manager? I know I shouldn't, but should you? I use 'you' as an example btw Mogsy. It isn't directed in particular at your situation.
  13. I think any striker would struggle in our current squad. We don't have the players in order to accommodate the movement, creativity, pace, spontaneity etc etc that is required to compete at the top level. If we did buy a top class striker, we would certainly be better, but a bit of creativity is needed also, and we don't have that in my opinion. A few strikers, and a few midfielders would make a big difference. It really isn't that the manager picks the wrong players, but that the fans think some of the players are better than they are.
  14. You have the right to challenge the club, because you actively support the club. Whether you chose to do so or not is your own decision. I'm not sure the guy sat 7000 miles away, or the guy sat at his pc, has the same right. It's just my opinion. I'm not saying my opinion is right or wrong.
  15. It's an attempt to put the 'buying of merchandise' back in to perspective. Scenario A versus Scenario B Scenario A, involves turning on the tv, with a can at your side, and your dog snuggly in front of the fire, to watch Everton play football, whilst wearing your proud 1980's league winning Everton shirt, (or doing it in the local pub) and duly praising, or critisising the said performance. Then when the match is over, jumping on the Internet, and discussing the game, with other like minded 'sofa or pub supporters'. Scenario B, involves getting up at 4am, to catch the early train (or coach). Standing at the corner of the street in the pouring rain, until the lift to the station arrives, and then spending the rest of the morning on the train with other fans, as you make your way down south. Getting off said train, to ground, without getting lost, or worse in a fight, and then singing your asses off in the freezing cold, getting pissed on by the pouring rain, and watching your side play well, or bad. After the game, having made your way back home again, and having spent a fortune in the process, you finally get back, and if you haven't fallen asleep, gone to the pub, or other, you might switch your pc on, and discuss the match. Having switched on, you then read about the armchair fan shouting 'moyes Out'. If anybody has the right to ask for Moyes to leave, it's the match goer, not, the cosy Internet fan. Discuss Moyes by all means, and discuss how poorly / greatly you think he has managed the squad, but perhaps don't call for his head, or Kenwrights, when your sole contribution this weekend towards supporting the team, was the walk around Asda for the cans, and the payment at the end of the month for your Internet. Many fans go to the match, or did go to the match, or have never been to the match, but some feel all fans have the same rights. You don't. It is morally wrong to think it.
  16. I don't like hate mongers at all Romey, or at least their actions, but if a guy tells me "I think it's time Moyes went" I'll ask him why, and gladly discuss it. THAT for me, is what a forum is for. If the said guy were to start a thread entitled "Sack Moyes" or walk in a march with a banner stating "Moyes Out", or constantly criticise the guy on a forum in the hope he could influence others, I'd ask him if he was a match going fan. If his answer was yes, I would respect his opinion, even if I didn't like it. If his answer was No", I'd tell him he was out of order, and suggest he stop spreading negativity.
  17. I watched an exellent movie 2 nights ago called 'Unknown' with Liam Neeson. It was very much in the style of the Bourne films, but the story line was very clever indeed, and I'd recommend it.
  18. Romey, do you think a guy on the Internet, starting a hate campaign, in an attempt to get Moyes sacked, can justify that action just because he bought a shirt and an Everton cup off Ebay?
  19. I had an Irish grandmother, but thankfully no Welsh.
  20. I don't think we'll agree on this one Matt, so probably best to shake hands and agree to disagree. For me, all fans love talking about the game, but it's ridiculous to categorize all fans as the same. If I don't shop in Tescos, what right do I have to demand the manager be sacked? If I do shop there, I at least have a right to voice concern. I just think most of the discontent, comes from the fans who don't shop at Everton (so to speak).
  21. I'd gladly sell both if the money was good, in order to bring in much needed squad depth. The problem is even average players are expensive. It would be great to be able to keep everybody, and progress, but without funding, the players get old and stale.
  22. We don't have the money to have all members of the team working well together. To achieve this, and for it to be effective at Premiership level, would cost a fortune. The top teams have this, but look at how much the players cost them. The best we can hope for without huge investment, is to have players who are decent, or who 'were' the best, but are now ageing, and cheap. It would be great to have David Silva, Nani, Van der vaart etc in midfield, with Van Persie and Edebayour in attack, but can't evcen afford 'one' of those type of players. How then can we expect to compete in the Prem, to the expectations of the fans, against teams that have lots of that standard in their squad?
  23. Avinalaff


    You know something Matt, I actually believe you. Nobody could be that rude, or abrupt, on a regular basis, knowingly.
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