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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Avinalaff


    I just got fed up of the bandwagon jumpers Bro.
  2. Dalziels info is from the 'Official history of Everton FC' book.
  3. The term 'fingers crossed' comes into play regarding January. We know there will be a few quid available, but then so do other clubs. I think the board should have said nothing, but fans are on their backs, and they are trying to appease them by stating such.
  4. I'm not blind to Moyes' little ways Pete, but I take everything into account before I judge him. Does everybody else on here do this? I thought we played better because we had an extra man in midfield, but that's just opinion.
  5. Avinalaff


    No. I questioned a guy who hadn't watched the match for criticising Moyes regarding the match. In my opinion, he jumped on the Moyes bashing band wagon. No, and not sure what you mean. I was defending Moyes. Do you actually read the posts in context with other posts? Feel free. Be sure to get your information from reliable sources though, rather than a forum full of crying arses who blame Moyes for lifes little problems. Opinions. We all like to discuss tactics. Your first few comments in your last sentence are fair enough, but the last few comments a bit childish to be honest.
  6. Avinalaff


    What did you write, before you edited it and wrote 'deleted'? I'm sure everybody is more interested in that.
  7. Avinalaff


    For fucks sake, he wrote DELETED. "Deleted. Thought better of it." What is it with you people?
  8. Read 'all' my posts on the subject Pete, not just the sentence you chose. Another 'none UK' fan complaining that I questioned 'none UK' fans though is unsurprising.
  9. Avinalaff


    Did my last post not clarify that Mike? Now get upstairs and brush your teeth. Your mum will want you in the bath. It's school tomorrow.
  10. Avinalaff


    The word you used was 'deleted' was it not?
  11. Irvine left in 2007 Pris. We were playing our best football under Moyes (imo) 2009-10, Edit: Obviously it depends on what you mean by best football. For me, it was during the spell when Merson classed us as Barcelona. I appreciate we might have had a top 4 finish in earlier seasons.
  12. Avinalaff


    Nothing new there then eh mate.
  13. Avinalaff


    Now you're being childish Mike. I said don't criticise Moyes if you didn't watch the match. Forming an opinion based on experience and forming an opinion based upon testimonies won't always be the same thing, nor the same opinion. I've not read Mogseys question properly, in that my answer was geared towards forming a 'correct and precise' collection of events, as opposed to just 'an opinion', but I'm not perfect. However, for the other guy to claim he didn't watch the match, and then state that "today highlighted some of the man's managerial deficiencies" was bizarre.
  14. There is an opinion going round that Round is a yes man. Why is that? Moyes speaks to him often enough, so Round would have his say for sure. Our coaching staff are generally defensive in their own career history, and I've often said an attacking coach might be beneficial, but we've proved we 'can' play great football in the past. Therefore it's not unobtainable again, but in the past we had a few players we no longer have, and we can't change this. It might be sensible to see who comes in during the next window, and see what effects that has on our team.
  15. The admins on Kipper don't bother approving registrations, unless they just don't want me to join.
  16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/northeast/sites/history/pages/liverpool.shtml Welshpool?
  17. Avinalaff


    You can't. All you can do is guess. Being there and witnessing an event, or having evidence placed before you is everything. Forum posts are not evidence, especially when you consider most here yesterday were the biggest whiners on the net. If 5 guys come back from the bar, and tell you there is a lovely brunette wanting to marry you, will you want to see her first, or will you ring up the church first? If you are buying a car, will you take the words of others, or will you want a test drive? Information is great, but would you want to make a huge decision based on second hand information? I certainly wouldn't.
  18. Johnson was very quick, and ran all over the pitch until he dropped, hence why a similar striker would be useful. Compare that to Beattie, Yakubu, Saha etc. We had similar with Beckford's pace, but he wasn't here long enough to settle in my opinion. A bit of pace up front would allow us to break quicker, and get in behind the defenders. Our movement is unimaginative at the moment.
  19. Try it for yourself. That is the only way to know.
  20. Did we play better after Saha went off and Distin came on Pete? I think we did. What was Saha giving us? Most of our goals come from our midfield, not our strikers. I wouldn't even play Saha given the choice. Moyes played many games in the past with no strikers, and we won most of them.
  21. Avinalaff


    Bollox. Your opinion is then built based on 'their' opinion. If you see a game yourself, you are able to form your own 'unbiased' opinion. It's a big difference. Dalziel missed the game, read negative opinions, then criticised Moyes. That really gets on my tits. It's called 'bandwagon opinion'.
  22. Avinalaff


    I think fans don't look at the bigger picture. We have played great football under Moyes, but we are unable to do so at present, due to losing not one, but both, of our play makers, who also happened to be 2 of our best players. Fans feel that Moyes should be able to 'change' and we'll be playing great again. I've said this before, and I'll say it again: You can't take away major pieces on a chess board, and still win the chess game every week. Yes, Moyes could do things differently on occasion, but it's easy for us to say what he should do on a forum. Doing it at pitch side is very different. Give Moyes a top 4 side, and he will play top 4 football. Give him a bottom 4 side, and you can't expect silverware. Everton need more players, if Moyes is to have options. To turn on Moyes now, of all times, is piss poor, and that's why a few lads get on my tits. He has been great for us, and still, the board have been unable to back him. Be angry at the situation, but be angry at Moyes? Nah.
  23. I'm plenty open minded Romey. I just think one or 2 lads here have influenced quite a lot of others. (Mentioning no names *cough* Haf *cough*). I agree though, and I'm not being an idiot either, by calling you a knobhead instead of debating like some very bad people might on Kipper.
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