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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. They can have a maximum of 12 players over one season on 'short term' loan, but only 2 at a time. Minimum 28 days, and maximum 93 days. Short term loans that become permanent won't count against a clubs quota. Long term loans won't count against short term. The maximum 'long term' loan is 4 in any one season. Long term is 'start of season' until Dec 31, or Jan 1 to end of season. Any number of work experience players can be loaned, but only 2 can be played at any time. You can name 5 loan players on a team sheet, but no more than 2 from each group (short, long, or work Exp). FA RULES 2010-11 http://www.thefa.com/thefa/rulesandregulations Pages 501 and 502.
  2. What is the maximum number of players Everton could take on loan at any one time, and secondly, what is the total number over a full season?
  3. I've read it was 4 (2 domestic and 2 abroad) and then read it was 8 (4 under 23 and 4 over) so not sure any more.
  4. Didn't the Chelsea manager reply "Jack who?"
  5. Is linking to Kipper within the rules? I think Louis should consider his future here very strongly after that.
  6. Lol. At least we learnt a little about American football. Can't wait to find the Everton fan with a dolphin tattoo.
  7. I'm efctaxi. I thought you knew that mate.
  8. A ban I can understand. I'm not sure the FA should be able to fine players though. They give themselves £80k just like that?
  9. We're going to win the league - I can feel it.
  10. We can't judge Coleman too hard. He has stepped up and given the job a go. At 23, he has years ahead of him to learn a defensive trade, so I'm happy to let him float around the squad. I don't disagree about the headless chicken bit, but it's too early to write him off completely as a player. Let's see how he does when we are playing better.
  11. 1 When Sunderland supporters were demanding Steve Bruce's head, the name David Moyes cropped up on a lot of lips. What would your response have been; "over our dead bodies", "maybe" or 'take him, please"? I'd have been gutted. Moyes is a great manager. A few fans have lost patience, and criticised him, but I believe in the guy, and trust him. Bruce is a good lad, and cares. He needed a bit of luck. I'm not an O'neil fan. He spat his dummy out, which showed he wasn't up for a greater challenge. Compared to Moyes, he has no balls. 2 How can Everton re-create the era when the club expected and was expected to win trophies each season? Those days are gone. I don't envisage them to return. A cup win perhaps, but there are lots of clubs with money now, and staying competitive must surely be our first priority. 3 Maybe follows on from that: how would you feel about the sort of takeover that brought untold riches and the near-certainty of success to Manchester City? Investment, yes. New stadium, perhaps. Where does it stop? City are a totally new business. The difference being they bought 40,000 fans, and closed their club down. New club, new owners, new players,. new ground, new location, new fans. Not for me. Give me a budget every transfer window and allow Moyes to compete, and I'll be happy. Do what City did, and I'll gladly consider my feelings about being a fan. 4 What were your minimum and maximum expectations as the season began? I expected us to be one place behind the rich teams, and we can still achieve that if we get on a run. Maximum expectation was Europa league. With the big spenders flexing their muscles, asking for more is unrealistic. 5 Who are the greatest players you have seen in Everton colours, or wish you'd seen, and who should have been allowed nowhere near them? Difficult question to answer. I'm going to stick my neck out though, and say that Fellaini has what it takes to be on that list if he works hard. 6 Where do you stand on the Keep Everton in our City campaign? It's a heart versus head scenario, but I'd be happy if the club benefited either way. Too much is given to sentiment these days. It's the younger fans who will be affected more than older fans like myself, but it will be a sad day if they bulldoze Goodison Park. In a perfect world, I'd like to build on the same plot, and keep a little piece of the stadium. 7 Plenty of people have been linked to both our clubs. Taking just one - Peter Reid - what does that name mean to an Evertonian? He was a good player in his day, but could do with losing a few pounds ;o) 8 Name this season's top four in order, and the bottom three. Man City - Man Utd - Chelsea - Arsenal ..............Wolves, Blackburn, Wigan. 9 The Barton Question: was the Eduardo Question, could have been the Larsson Question after one recent incident. Those names cover feigning injury and diving but which form of cheating most angers you and what would you do to stamp it out? I don't like players who get other players sent off by feigning injury. Lafferty of Rangers feigning that head butt was a disgrace. Diving is just as bad. I hate cheats, and would boo anybody who cheated in a dark blue shirt. 10 What will be the the score on Boxing Day? Everton 2-0. All the best, and good luck.
  12. How close to being an 'As long as I'm alright Jack' scenario is that though Haf? If Everton get a billionaire backer, the game is still in danger. Somebody has to extinguish the fire - not toast their marshmallows while it burns.
  13. Hasn't he done that though Pris? Arteta Cahill Neville Baines Jags Distin Hibbert Osman Rodwell Saha Mucha Coleman etc etc to name a few. You can see where I'm going with this surely? What about all the loans over the years too?
  14. We do a similar thing here mate. I'm sure if you post your questions you'll get a good response.
  15. That's the problem. Still, maybe it's an option if we get investment. Where does this wage lark stop?
  16. Ouch. You're naughty. I'm telling. I didn't like his stance on the recent charity concert, where he threatened to pull out unless he opened and closed the show.
  17. If he does, it would be superb, but I can't see it. Perhaps we could buy him back?
  18. I don't have long this afternoon, so will keep it brief. We will be worse off in the future, if we are to expect change by protesting. The time must eventually come, when if a fan can't accept a situation, then stop supporting football must be the solution. The solution can not, and should not, be the expectancy that a chairman should continue to throw money away. The game is out of control. If we keep feeding it money, there will eventually be no game. The answer must surely be for chairmen to start digging their heels in, and for the cost of the game come back down to earth. If this doesn't happen, clubs will start falling, and administration will be a regular occurrence. We must all take a step backwards in order to move forward, and that step backwards for the fans means that they will have to accept situations, rather than protest. The game is a big fat eating machine, and it needs to lose a little weight. Don't find people to spend more. Find people to spend less. If footballers won't play for less than 200k per week, leave them to rot in their own greed.
  19. In 10 years, how often has a player cost big money? Moyes has a reputation of buying players cheaply, and promoting from within. Is that history now to be unrecognised because of Bily and Fellaini?
  20. I can't agree Pris. He has had to sell to buy. Compare the clubs above us in the spending stakes, and it's clear to see how difficult it would be to try and compete. If all managers had the same team, I think Moyes would manage them as good as the next.
  21. I don't think they ran rings around anybody Haf. What they did was underhanded, and deserves no support. If we do get taken over, I just hope they don't think it was down to them. It certainly isn't.
  22. I'm under no illusions that Kenwright and colleagues can maintain the club in the current climate of football, but I certainly don't hold it against the guy, as football is no longer a good business proposition for anybody other than footballers and their agents. I'd be glad to have Bill at the helm under further investment, as I believe his heart is a blue one, but I can't see how that could happen, nor would I want anything else than an owner who is determined to be part of our club, and get stuck in. If they were prepared to come in, but leave Kenwright in charge, it would suggest to me that they weren't overly interested. Having said that, I'd rather were were skint, and in our current situation regarding football, than be like City.
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