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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Kenwright only owns a percentage of the club. What he paid for that percentage is irrelevant. Surely he is entitled to expect a profit, or do we expect the guy to devote his lkife to our club at a loss, and write off millions upon millions? http://www.evertonfc.com/club/everton-shareholders.html
  2. There is a reason for the ban, in that he made the comment. Whether the comment was intended as racism or not, is for Suarez to know, and the FA to judge. Liverpool will stick by him if they feel he wasn't intentionally being racist, but would they if the guy was an out of favour big money signing they wanted off the wage bill?
  3. Interview ............. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/15950812.stm
  4. He retaliates, but then loses his head and kicks the guy while he's on the floor 'twice'. While 'we' might feel that is acceptable, it's likely governing bodies, and perhaps the law, will rule that he should have walked away once the guy was down. When does defence turn into attack?
  5. Isn't that just the nickname the foreign fans gave him? The beatlers themselves used the title for their management group.
  6. Guy calls Suarez a buck tooth vampire, so he pretends to be a vampire. All looks friendly enough.
  7. I think instances like this make people grow tired of ethnicity related issues in our country. We shouldn't have to walk on eggshells in 2011 as a result of allowing other cultures to settle here. Our government should decide what words should be used to describe each other, and then anybody who doesn't like it, feel free to up sticks and emigrate, whether you are black, white, or flaming green with purple spots. We are all slightly different, be it height, weight, sex, hair colour, or anything else. What also makes us different, amongst other things, is our skin colour. If we are to describe each other, make a decision on the best way to describe each other, and put it to bed once and for all. Sorry, but it really gets on my tits all this. Football players like Collymore have no grounds to be standing on any high horse to be honest. What short memories we have when it suits us Stan. It wasn't long ago we were having to teach our children not to call a blackboard a blackboard. Now all of a sudden you decide you want to be called black again. You actually call yourself a certain word, but anybody else using it would be a racist.
  8. Hi Kevin. Welcome to the forum. Because of the time zones (03:20am here, you'll find the place a bit empty at this time, but we do have quite a few USA members who I'm sure will pop in more often if they know you're around.
  9. I think the Stoke fans are pretty decent to be fair.
  10. How do you define best? If it is by numbers, why not look it up on Google?
  11. Anybody who tried to pin that on Hansen would be out of order. There has to be an element of intent to accuse anybody of racism. Please step forward and tell us exactly what terminology is best to describe somebody from a different ethnic background, because if saying coloured is racism, then the world has gone mad. The term 'coloured' was always a 'polite' and 'innocent' description. If Hansen had called them rabbit chasing jigaboos I could understand, but come on. The world is suffocating itself.
  12. Trine is only £2.37 This is an arcade style game, but is stunningly visual, and a pleasure to play. One of the best games in my library. At this price it is awesome.
  13. In fact - STOP PRESS. BUY THE ORANGE BOX INSTEAD. Only £3.74 and includes Half life series, Team fortress 2, and Portal. http://store.steampowered.com/sub/469/
  14. HALF LIFE DEAL ON STEAM http://store.steampowered.com/sub/715/ Half life series is well worth having if you are new to gaming, or even if you are an experienced gamer. It's classed as a 'classic' in gaming, and is a wonderful adventure. Half life itself is old, but what followed in the series was great game play. Well worth buying, and the price is right today.
  15. Anybody who has been abused, be it verbally, racially, or other, never forgets. It's that big a deal. I've been racially abused myself during my course of work in Manchester, It's not nice, but it's no better or worse than being verbally abused in general. All forms of abuse should carry the same penalty.
  16. I bought an 2012 Everton calendar from Wilkinsons yesterday. Less than £2.
  17. Our country is a tad hypocritical with it's laws and views. Call somebody an effing knobhead on a football pitch (or in life itself) and it's generally overlooked, but call them an effing Black knobhead, or an effing white knobhead, and it's racism. Isn't it time that 'any' form of verbal abuse was punishable? If I tell a black man "you are black", or a white man "You are white", is that racism? If I add "You are a black etc etc ", then that becomes racism. Surely it's the element of abuse that is the badness, so why is it that one is overlooked, and one is not? For me, verbal abuse should be banned full stop. The need for it to have a skin colour inserted before it is declared wrong is hypocritical.
  18. I thought you can write anything you wanted there.
  19. The running costs of football need to come back down to earth. Simple.
  20. Both of you go naked. That will shut her up for the rest of the year.
  21. I thought this subject might be worth it's own thread so you can use it as a reference in the future. 6.4 TRANSFERS 6.4.1 The transfer of the registration of a contract Player from one Club to another must be in writing, on the Competition transfer form, duly signed by the contract Player and the two Clubs and forwarded to the Company for approval and registration. Such contract Player does not become a bona-fide Player of the Club seeking his transfer until that Club has received from the Company a certificate of registration or the provisions of Rule 6.3 have been complied with. The registration of a contract Player whose contract is cancelled by mutual consent shall be automatically cancelled upon receipt by the Company of a copy of the relevant FA form. Where a Club cancels the registration of a Player, contract or Non-Contract, for any reason whatsoever, the Club must notify the Competition Secretary immediately, in writing and such notification must be signed by an authorised signatory of that Club to be valid. STANDARDISED RULES 501 A Non-Contract Player whose registration for a Club is cancelled or transferred for any reason whatsoever, cannot return to his original Club until a minimum of fourteen days has elapsed from the date of the cancellation or transfer without the consent of the Board. 6.4.2 Should a Club wish to register a Non-Contract Player who is registered by another Club, both Clubs if in agreement must sign the standard Competition transfer form applicable to Non-Contract Players. If a Non-Contract Player also registers for a club not in membership of the Competition, his registration for the Competition may be retained by the Club. 6.4.3 A Club cannot register the transfer of a Contract or Non-Contract Player unless that Player has been registered with the transferor Club for at least 14 days unless that Player is a goalkeeper. In the event of a Player changing his status with the same Club either from a Contract Player to a Non-Contract Player or from a Non-Contract Player to a Contract Player then that Player must sign a new registration form and be reregistered. In default the Player reregistering will be ineligible to play in a match under the jurisdiction of the Company and Rule 6.8 will be applied in such circumstances where a Club is found guilty of playing a Player who has changed status without reregistering. 6.4.4 Short Term Loan Transfers – Loans of Contract Players shall be allowed to or from clubs in membership of: • The FA Premier League Limited • The Football League Limited • The Football Conference Limited • The Isthmian Football League Limited • The Northern Premier Football League Limited • The Southern Football League Limited • Any other Leagues which have been authorised by The FA as shown in Appendix [ ]. on such terms and conditions as shall be mutually agreed by the two clubs and the Player. For transfers between Clubs in the same Competition the transfer must be completed on the National League System Temporary Transfer Form and for transfers between Clubs in different Competitions the transfer must be completed on FA Form H3. The Competition shall not approve more than TWO short term loan transfers to or from any one club including FA Premier League or Football League clubs at any one time. A Club can have up to a MAXIMUM of 12 Players on short term loan during the season. The minimum period of a short term loan transfer must be 28 days with a maximum of 93 days in any one season. Short term loan transfers which become permanent before their expiry date shall not count against a Club’s quota of days or Players. A Player whose contract registration is cancelled by mutual consent and immediately reregistered by the same or a different Club on a Non-Contract basis shall not subsequently be registered as a contract Player for the same Club within three months of the date of the cancellation except with the consent of the Board. On completing the National League System Temporary Transfer Form or FA form H3, a Club must send the top copy to The FA, one copy to the Company and the third copy to the secretary of the league with which the Player is registered. To extend the period of any short term loan transfer a further National League System Temporary Transfer Form or FA form H3 must be completed, with copies sent as provided above. 502 STANDARDISED RULES The Player being taken on short or long term loan must sign a Competition contract registration form, which will be valid for the full period of the loan, including any extension to the loan period. The standard Competition cancellation form must be used to prematurely end the temporary transfer period. The short term transfer of a Player to a Club must be completed and registered with the Company at least [ ] hours before the scheduled time of the kick-off of the first match in which the Player is required to play. If the short term loan transfer is extended, only the Club for whom the Player was originally registered will be allowed to cancel the agreement at any time within the extension period. In the case of a goalkeeper, Clubs may mutually agree, if they so wish, to include a recall clause in the agreement to enable the Club for whom the Player was originally registered to recall the Player at any time during the loan period. Players, other than goalkeepers, may NOT be recalled within the first month (i.e. 28 days) of any loan period. Any short term loan transfer which may terminate after the last day for registrations (Rule 6.5) may be extended for a further period. The short term loan transfer of a Player must be continuous. If the same Player is taken on loan at a later date, this second loan period will count against the permitted number of short term loan transfers. A Player cannot play for a Club on a short term loan for more than 93 days in any one Season.] 6.4.5 Long Term Loan Transfers shall be for a Playing Season or from the commencement of the Playing Season to 31st December or from 1st January (the January Transfer Window) to the end of the Playing Season. The Board may approve loans between Clubs in membership of the competitions referred to in Rule 6.4.4 in respect of Players aged 24 and under on or before 30th June prior to the commencement of the Playing Season and provided the loan is registered by four (4) hours before the Club’s first fixture of its Playing Season or from any date between the commencement of a Membership Year to the 31st August in that Membership Year to any date between 1st and 31st January following or from any date between 1st and 31st January in a Membership Year to the end of that Playing Season relative to the Club taking him on loan. A Player on long term loan may not be recalled except for a goalkeeper or where the Player is to be transferred permanently by the Club holding his registered contract. A Player other than a goalkeeper so recalled cannot be permitted to play for the Club holding his registration after such recall until the end of the Season. Players so recalled can only be replaced by a further long term loan with permission from the Company. Long term loans transfers will not count against the number of short term loans in Rule 6.4.4.] 6.4.6 The maximum number of Short Term Loans will be 12 per Season and Long Term Loans will be 4 per Season. Whilst a Club may register any number of Work Experience Players only 2 may play in any one match in accordance with FA Rules. A Club may name up to a maximum of 5 Players on a Team Sheet who are either Long Term Loans, Short Term Loans or Work Experience Players with no more than 2 from any one Category. 6.4.7 The Company may, at its discretion, refuse any further registration of Players to any Club which has not completed payment of a transfer arrangement made with another Club or arranged for the payment to be adequately secured. The Club concerned will continue to pay the Player in accordance with his contract. 6.5 CLOSING DATE FOR REGISTRATIONS After 5pm on[the last Thursday in] [ ] March each season, registrations and transfer of registrations will be declined or will be approved subject to such limitations and restrictions STANDARDISED RULES 503 as the Board may determine and, if so determined, the Player shall only be eligible to play in the matches for which permission is granted by the Board. 6.6 CLUB LIST OF PLAYERS AND TRANSFER LIST [Clubs shall furnish the Competition Secretary by 1st June with the following details: 6.6.1 a list of contract Players whose agreements do not terminate at the end of the current season; 6.6.2 a list of contract Players in respect of whom the Club has exercised its option in accordance with Football Association Rule C1, J ; 6.6.3 a list of contract Players in respect of whom the existing agreements do not include an option to renew but which the Club is desirous of offering further engagements, in accordance with Football Association Rule C1,J; 6.6.4 a list of contract Players in respect of whom the Club has exercised its option in accordance with Football Association Rule C1, J but whose registration the Club is prepared to transfer; 6.6.5 a list of contract Players the Club has released; 6.6.6 a list of all Players whose registration the Club wishes to be cancelled; Clubs shall also complete the standard Competition forms and return these by this date. A Club relegated from the Football League Limited shall advise the Competition Secretary by 30th June the names of Players retained by that Club for the season, taking into consideration the contents of Football League Rule 53.] 6.7 SUBSTITUTE PLAYERS A Club at its discretion may use three substitute Players at any time in a match. Substitution can only be made when play is stopped for any reason and the Referee has given permission. When a Club is making a substitution it shall use a Board to show the number of the Player to be substituted and the number of the substitute Player. A maximum of [ ] SUBSTITUTES may be nominated and they must be included on the official Team Sheet handed to the Referee before the match in accordance with Rule 8.11.1. A substitute may not be used to replace a Player who has been suspended from the match by the Match Officials. If a Player does not take part in the match for which he is a nominated substitute he shall be deemed as not having played for the Club in that match. 6.8 PLAYING AN INELIGIBLE PLAYER Any Club found to have played an ineligible Player in a match shall have any points gained from that match deducted from its record and have levied upon it a fine. The Company may vary this decision in respect of the points gained only in circumstances where the ineligibility is due to the failure to obtain an International Transfer Certificate. The Board may also order that such match be replayed on such terms as are decided by the Board which may also levy penalty points against the Club in default. 6.9 FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS 6.9.1 Subject to clauses 6.9.2 to 6.9.7, and to the Rules and Regulations of The FA, a Club may negotiate a financial arrangement with its Players. 6.9.2 All Players under a written contract must be registered with the Competition and The FA. 6.9.3 All payments and benefits due and/or made to the Player must be shown in the contract. 6.9.4 All payments made to Players must be made by the Club and fully recorded in the accounting records of the Club.
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