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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Yes, I think she'll love it, as long as she has gamed before. Very artful. There is a dark side to it though. It's kind of a take on 'What if Alice was insane' so there is plenty of knife slashing etc. I just love the pretty colours and butterfly deaths when I throw myself off the cliffs.
  2. I have to agree. I think it's clearly a mistake and not a prenalty. Probably a lot easier to see in an action replay, so can't shout at Webb too much, even if he isn't known for giving us an easy life. Difficult to condemn Osman outright. No reason to deliberately kick the ground, as the shooting chance was there to be had. The fact that he did kick the ground is possibly the reason he claimed foul. Maybe he thought it was contact. Who knows? Not known him to cheat before so it's a hard one. Very easy to sit here and point the finger. As much as it must hurt the Sunderland boys, I think I'm going to give Osman the benefit of the doubt on this occasion. I can't stand cheats, but this one is very difficult to judge. Had he not kicked the ground, it would have been a big shun from me. No place for it in our team.
  3. I don't think he would make the bench to be honest. We have 3 big names for the position of 2 places.
  4. I think he had a bad ankle injury which kept him out. Their bubble has burst a little bit recently as has Newcastles, and even City's. We really do need bodies in the squad. The only thing is with loans is we're hiring the wedding suits, and when we have to give them back, will the marriage become a little rocky? I think we can only have 2 more players on a long term loan, as we already have 2 in Drenthe and Straq.
  5. It's only safe to come on here if we win Haf.
  6. I bought Bullet Storm for £7.49 reduced from £29.99. It's a bit different from the norm. Keybinds are probably better suited to an X-Box controller but I eventually found a compromise. So far not bad, and worth risking the money on. Alice in Wonderland has still been a great buy if you're quick.
  7. Mike, I'm a pretty straight lad. Not sure why you need to be sarcastic. If you have something to say, be a man and say it. I treat you all the same mate. The only one I won't have a go at is Louis, as it's 'his' house, his rules, but the rest of you are fair game if you don't play ball. I didn't get what you meant when you told me he wasn't English. It happens.
  8. Whoooah, hold on there cowboy. When I'm wrong, I always hold my hands up, but I have Lex saying 'bollocks' and then Prisoner comes in with 'utter shite', so forgive me for being a little confused here. Had neither wrote that, then where would the problem be, but hold on ... this is big bad Avinalaff. How dare he take offense. Come on man. I ain't perfect, but I'm not the bluntest tool in the box either. How can I be talking shite by saying we need goal scorers? I really don't get that.
  9. Yep, a little bit mate. Don't get the Duraglit thing ... (honestly).
  10. Just so you know I'm not imagining it ....... http://www.toffeetalk.com/index.php?/topic/22975-hi/ I was overwhelmed by the friendliness and open arms.
  11. What do I want from him? A fresh slate might be nice, rather than this stupid unfriendly vibe I get from him and the mods from my efctaxi days.
  12. Awww come on Matt. The guy writes this ........... Is that not personal ?
  13. The forum has about 20 - 30 regular posters, but only a dozen or so actually post more than twice per day. That's why there are always arguments. The forum needs a greater mix of opinion. At the moment, we all know exactly what we think about most subjects, and will rarely see eye to eye on stuff. Another 50 or so members would do the forum the world of good. I thought we did ok today on the whole. It's clear we are a decent side. We just need to get some goal scorers to put the ball in the net. Relying on Saha is the same old same old.
  14. To think the above post caused so much bickering. Unbelievable.
  15. I ran it with my first pc. It was a 32 bit Barton core, and an ATI 9600 pro card. It's just a great place to visit. White sandy beaches, and tropical scenery. Buy it any way, for when you upgrade. For Farcry 2, you'll need a pc cpu with SSE2 instruction, but if you have a dual core you should be fine.
  16. Mike, you're proper smug when it suits you mate. What do you actually do around here other than polish your your admin badge? I've never known a forum in my life where the mods cause so many fights with the members. It's unique. Still, you can always delete what you don't want, so not much point getting into an Internet war with you.
  17. You must have been waiting to pounce like a moderating Tiger. Raaaaaaaaaaaar !!!
  18. Which region do they want to watch it?
  19. Yep, I have, and I'm no angel. Don't make it right though mate. I only do it if I really lose it with someone though, to be truthful. I don't do it as part of my everyday posting, like some.
  20. Just because we're football fans doesn't mean we have to disrespect each other Kohen. It might come across as a bit sanctimonious, but I'd rather be nice, than be not. Is it good manners to tell somebody they're talking bollocks? I don't think so. If Mike thinks it's perfectly acceptable would he teach the same to his kids? Would he say it to a guy in the pub? To drop our standards is just lazy mate. Maybe I 'do' take things personally, but my reaction is a consequence of an action, not a spontaneous stance. I guess it's how you're brought up.
  21. It might be acceptable to you, but it isn't to me, and since it was directed at me, I'll decide if I like it or not. If the admins don't like it, ban me.
  22. Today's deals on Steam include Farcry and Farcry 2. £1.24 and £2.49 respectively. These are a must for any pc gamer. At that price, it's a steal. Farcry was my all time favourite game when it came out in 2004. Farcry 2 is probably the best pc graphics game of all time.
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