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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. I think Moyes is a miracle worker all considered. Genius doesn't come close.
  2. We have bills 'because' we invested. They didn't come from Bills restaurant tab. Whatever money Moyes gets, he needs a bit of luck too. Let's hope he gets it.
  3. I have 20 years (and 4 operations) experience of bad backs lol. The slightest thing can put it out. Throughout my teens, I trained hard in Judo, Jujitsu, and Atemi Jitsu and survived. Football, running, occasional weight training, survived. Go on holiday though, with a bargain basement Badminton set, and one stretch to hit the shuttlecock and my world fell apart. Now I have to take Morphine everyday and occasional injections to keep the back pain in check. Get it scanned asap, or end up like me.
  4. We have bills to pay mate. Club comes first.
  5. I know exactly what you meant bud. No face palms here. I'd look at which positions we were plentiful in, and take it from there. The likes of Yobo etc are still at the club, and Nev, Cahill, Saha, have all enjoyed their best spells, even if Nev is very important regarding leadership, be it on the pitch or not. He actually has more experience than Moyes when all said and done when you compare careers, though all at 2 clubs. We are short on numbers, and I mean short with a big 'S'. We can't afford to lose anybody if we are truthful, as the first time we have injuries we are in trouble. Already, we are having to bolster the squad with loans, even just to make squad numbers up. People might complain when we give players like Mcfadden a go, but as a squad player he is fine. It's all about having players to fall back on. Big teams can offer big wages, which makes it easier for players to put up with being rotated, or benched, but no way can Everton have the luxury of a great firts eleven, and another great set of reserves. That level of player comes at a price we can't afford. They won't sit on the bench for the wages we pay.
  6. OK, I'll own up. I'm Howard Kendall. http://www.liverpool...00252-30032108/
  7. It's always on the side 'leaving' Liverpool.
  8. 208 pages for £18.99 ? That's over 9p per page. Might wait for it to be in the pound shop bargain bucket. Seriously though. If it were an Everton FC official edition book, I might be interested, but it's a Haynes book, and they've done one for every club. They'll be on Ebay for peanuts soon.
  9. That doesn't sound like he will be a front runner for Swansea any time soon.
  10. We're not talking normal here though. What 'we' might do and what a '24 year old footballer earning a gazillion pound a week' might do are probably light years apart. I have a mental image of Dalglish having a 'speech bubble' saying "Louis, about our culture" and a zombiesque Suarez 'thought' bubble saying "Ferrari, mansion, girls, golden boot" etc etc.
  11. If he can lead the line for Swansea then good luck to him. If he can't lead the line for Everton, it will be a long time not playing football.
  12. Why would he want to take a step backwards?
  13. There is a problem with loans in that we can only have 4 long term, and we already have 3. We can have 'one more' long term loan, and 12 short term, but we can only play 2 long term loan players in the same match. See my thread on FA rules for clarification.
  14. I was a bit surprised nobody jumped on this, as it effects Everton greatly in the next transfer window, as far as how many players we can bring in on loan. We already have 3 players on long term loans: Royston Drenthe, Denis Stracqualursi, and Eric Dier. By my understanding, we can only take one more player on a long term loan (i.e until the end of the season). Donovan is classed as a 'short term loan'. We can take another 11 players on short term contracts (93 days max). What we can't do, is play Drenthe, Straq, and 'any other' long term loan player, in the same game.
  15. 33,000 fans from where? Outside the grounds, or on the Internet? If it's on the Internet, I'd be surprised if 33, let alone 33000, actually ever visited an away ground. Inside a ground, football fans often turn into apes. They get rid of their anger, aggression, and frustrations, and then go home ready for the week. Some take it too far.
  16. Can't believe some of our fans are apologising to the Sunderland fans 'on behalf of true blues'? What the heck is all that about? I'm a true Blue, but don't ever apologise on my behalf for crying out loud. Who the hell gave them 'Everton fan representative badges'? http://salutsunderla...ds-a-new-level/ It's football. Shit happens. Get over it Sunderland. Anybody who thinks Osman is a cheat has not followed his career very closely. Hell, I even hate it when folks brand Suarez as a cheat, but Osman?
  17. That avatar was showing to 'me' when you made your post. Perhaps you just need to reload your page after swapping. On GOT, there is a maximum size also. On here, the difference is the forum software trims the image, so most appear the same size.
  18. How big is the file? If it's 200kb for example, and the site only allows 25kb (again for example) then it won't work.
  19. Actually, I think it's something along the lines of once a transfer fee has been accepted with one club, another club may express an interest in the player, without having to outbid the first club. In other words, if we accept an offer of £5m from Man Utd, for Bily, then Liverpool can insist we let them speak to the player, for the same amount of money. They don't have to offer £6m for example.
  20. It will come to me where I remember it from. As stated, I might be wrong, but I 'do' remember something along the lines of that which we've discussed. Something to do with the player only being able to discuss personal terms once a figure is accepted. Not 100% sure, so go gently with me.
  21. I didn't say he was innocent bud. I said he 'if' it happened to one of our players etc. I'm fully aware of what Negrito means, and fully aware that it isn't 'necessarily' a racist slur. It's all very difficult to prove.
  22. They sell Halal chicken under Islamic rites. I was under the impression that those adhering to Islam were Muslims. I could be wrong. Not that important really. It was a shit joke anyway.
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