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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Don't the Americans relate to 'negro' as part of society? I've seen quite a few instances where a policeman is describing the person as a negro male etc.
  2. I don't relate to those games. Maybe you need to try out some different titles. If you want game play, games like Bioshock are very unique. If you like shooters, and adventure, you really can't beat Farcry and Half life 2 despite them being old. If you want suspense and to be frightened occasionally, games like Doom 3 or Cryostasis will have you crawling the walls if you play them at the right time of day. Open world games like Fallout 3 are pretty decent, and for using your brain, Portal offers some good game play.
  3. We do need defenders, but not 8m ones.
  4. Avinalaff


    How good are Tamworth? Can they play?
  5. Haf, that sounds to me like it was written by a fan, who didn't really research any of his claims. Even with Arteta and Pienaar, we were not scoring goals. To say we've played the same way since 2004 is a bit cheap too. Moyes took a hoof ball side, and turned us into a great footballing side, even if we were a great footballing side that couldn't put the ball in the net. Losing Pienaar and Arteta (but for me, especially Pienaar) we took the connective arteries out of the side. We need to get those main arteries back, but the question is how. It's not just about bringing a kid in. We need to be able to cover things over a season, so our squad needs a lot of money spending on it, and that is money we don't have.
  6. Jags £5m ? Fellaini £12m? I was worried about getting a backlash when I said we'd only get £10m for Jags, but £5m? Jags is an England International, regardless of our knocking him occasionally. Many rated him as the better defender in the Jags - Lescott partnership, and he can play in any position, including goal. Before his knee injury he was immense. Fellaini is probably going to be another Vierra, and 'possibly' the best defensive midfielder in the Prem. He is on a 5 year contract, and Moyes would probably take a baseball bat to anybody who suggested they could get him for £12m. We're not Accrington Stanley. Our best players are in demand. I was actually referring to selling 'just' Baines. Although he is essential to our needs, Drenthe is also a Left Back, so we do have cover, if we could sign Drenthe permanently. Baines could get as much as £30-40m if the right clubs came in for him, as for me, that is the kind of figure you get for the best players in the game. He is probably on 50-60k per week at least, so there is £3m per year we would save on wages too. It would be interesting to know what insurance figures clubs have on players. We can pick players up like Pienaar for £4-5 million, and I'd love a team full of Pienaars. Moyes is an expert at getting great players into the side, which I think many fans have forgotten, so if he has time to plan, and get the right players in, he could make us a very strong team again, even without Baines. We'd all prefer Baines stayed though, and Moyes gets to add 5 or 6 players in the window, but it is difficult to get them in January.
  7. We really don't have too many players. That's why it looks like we always have the same guys playing. The fact Moyes has had the inclination to use young players 'at all' should be a positive, as opposed to a negative when he 'doesn't' use them. One of the things fans find difficult to understand is why players are picked. We need to realise we don't get to know 'any' information regarding 'any' player. Even the papers only get to know what Moyes tells them. For all we know, Barkley could have had a circumcision, or Vellios an ingrowing toenail. I mean not to joke, but we really don't know. We might be best offering Moyes benefit of doubt until we learn otherwise. Our team are not as good as we think. Remember that most of them were taken from lower divisions, or bargains, or retired ex United players, as Moyes tried to patch a squad together. Some have come through the academy and don't have the required experience to be risked in front of 40,000 screaming fans. Barkley is a child after all, even if he has turned 18. Many of us here have kids the same age, and I couldn't contemplate them having asll that responsibility at that age. Bolton played as well as we did yesterday, and we failed to keep Ngog quiet and were punished. It was a funny day all round, but we won't be getting relegated this season, even if only because there are worse teams than us. Next year though, we are very vulnerable depending on who is in the squad. Bear in mind that Saha, Distin etc are out of contract, as will Drenthe, Straq etc.
  8. Market settling down? Because City have bought everybody. There's nobody left to sell or buy lol.
  9. You don't have to go to Toffeeweb mate. We're all different here, even Romey. Don't be put off. The grass is no bluer as they say.
  10. Rodwell and Jags would be lucky to get £10m each in my opinion. Fellaini and Baines are our biggest assets. I think either of those players would get in every side in the world, be it on field or bench, so if he doesn't go in January, he'll probably go in August unless we get investment. The club can't let value diminish. Somewhere out there is another Leighton Baines. That is the game. If we were to get a good price, we could bring in 6-8 useful players. We can't ignore that.
  11. Bill, I have a lot of arguments, it's true, but normally because some things get lost in translation. You have your fair share too to be fair bud. Is there anybody here that hasn't argued at some point? If they are working on things behind the scenes, it's their business, not mine. I can only make the suggestion and await a reply. In doing so, things didn't go well. It's no biggy. I tried, and failed, as they say. I don't think I've lost any credit though mate. You have to have some to lose some lol.
  12. We can only take a small amount of loan players in one season. We already have 3 long term loans, of which only 2 are allowed to be played in any match at the same time from that loan group. Donovan is a short term loan, and we can have 12 short term loans over the course of the season, but still only 2 can play from each group, with the max being 5 in one game. I put a thread up regarding this recently about the FA rules. If we were to sell somebody, who would it be though? Our team is already ageing, and these positions need regenerating. We can't wait for an investment that might never arise, as contracts run out, and ageing players become injured, and less effective. It's better to be a relegation fighting side, than a relegated side. At present, we are still a mid table side, so fans need to be content with that at least, and anything else is a bonus. If we don't get squad players in, then we start depending on our youth players and academy players, and that upsets their natural development, and brings an imbalance to the club as a whole. For me, if I had to chose, I would sell Baines, Jagielka, and Rodwell while the iron is hot, and hope to get big money. It's possibly the worst scenario for the fans, but the best scenario for the bank balance, and our best bet of getting some decent players in.
  13. If you look at our senior team, we don't have too many alternatives Bailey. This is the list taken from our Official site. It's a bit outdated ass some players are out on loan, or back with the reserves. Jan Mucha (number 2 keeper) 2 Tony Hibbert 3 Leighton Baines 5 John Heitinga 6 Phil Jagielka Injured: 7 Diniyar Bilyaletdinov 8 Louis Saha 9 Landon Donovan (short term loan) 10 Royston Drenthe Injured: Ill 11 Denis Stracqualursi 14 James McFadden 15 Sylvain Distin 17 Tim Cahill 18 Philip Neville 19 Magaye Gueye 20 Ross Barkley 21 Leon Osman Injured: 23 Seamus Coleman Injured: Thigh strain 24 Tim Howard 25 Marouane Fellaini Injured: Abductor 26 Jack Rodwell Injured 27 Apostolos Vellios 28 Victor Anichebe Returning from injury 29 Joao Silva On Loan: Vitoria de Setubal 31 Adam Forshaw 34 Shane Duffy On Loan: Scunthorpe United (recalled) 37 Jose Baxter On Loan: Tranmere Rovers 38 James Wallace On Loan: Shrewsbury Town 43 Conor McAleny 12 Marcus Hahnemann contract runs out in January. It's easy to see why Moyes picks similar players. His squad is a joke.
  14. We can only guess on what would work. My best guess is to give Moyes options with more players, even if that means selling a few stars and turning 3 stars into 12 squad players.
  15. Bill, the fact Louis makes the decision, and hasn't replied suggests he's not interested in my suggestion. The site doesn't compete for members for many reasons, but it's been the same set up for years, so will get the same results. A few join, a few leave, but not much changes. Same mods and admins, same ideas, same quiet site. I'm recently perceived as a moaner, or trouble causer, yet I don't see too many others offering suggestions. Can you imagine how quiet the site would be if certain guys didn't post? I might be unpopular with some, but at least I make an effort here and keep a few threads ticking over, even if it is normally arguing with somebody lol. The admins like things as they are. They're happy and content, so I'm learning not to interfere, and probably won't make too many suggestions in future. Perhaps they should close the suggestions forum, as things are clearly working well as it stands ..... aren't they?
  16. 3 of those players are injured / ill, and Donovan is here for a few weeks. Our problem isn't about our best 11, but about not having a squad to replenish it when things go tits up.
  17. We have many players out. Are we not expecting a bit too much from Moyes? Our squad is wafer thin, so much, that our fans are craving for children to play for us. Doesn't that signify the problems Moyes has regarding selecting a team? We are short of a dozen or so senior players, and our plight may get worse in the summer when many contracts will have ended.
  18. Laughing at this. Is it a serious question or is it just a bit of banter? Baines will almost definitely leave us soon, but it won't be for £10m and it is unlikely it would be to Stoke. We are holding him back with our current situation, and he has the potential to be a world star in the same breath as the Rooney's and Ronaldo's of the world. He is not only one of the best Left Backs around, but he is probably one of the best dead ball specialists too, and would probably justify a record signing for us. Is it still raining in Stoke?
  19. All getting a bit out of hand. The FA have made a decision, and it's up to them to do their own house keeping. Destroying Suarez isn't the solution. Destroying racism is. He is but one of many. Let's not use him as a warning to others. That would be terribly wrong. His punishment needs to be specific to 'his' act, and he is serving his sentence. He now needs to be protected from all this hierarchy finger pointing. Suarez isn't a representative for racism, and Liverpool aren't advocates of it.
  20. I'd love to lighten up too. Believe me when I say it's easier said than done matey. I'm overly honest. Some folk don't like that. My truth isn't necessarily their truth. There in lies the problem. If folk debate, I enjoy it. If folk are personal, then I react. Maybe I'm a bit sensitive, but I rarely instigate things. Telling a popular member they are a moaner, and telling an unpopular member they're a moaner will probably get two different reactions, in the same way that calling a fit confident guy a 'fat git' might get laughed off, a little more than calling a not so confident out of shape guy a fat git. Forgive the analogy, but you get my point. Not everybody sees the same things as funny, nor will they react the same. I'm kind of past the point where I care about whether I ever get banned or not. If lads keep having a go, I'll gladly keep having these conversations. It's easier for certain lads to back off, than it is for me to lighten up, of that you can be assured. I've no interest in continuing this argument mate. If we can get along, great, if we can't, then let's respect the other lads and knock it on the head. All the best.
  21. Paul, if you had any balls you'd have just held your hands up and recognised offence had been caused, deliberate or not, but instead you set about trying to defend yourself by insulting me further, and to be honest, looking like a bit of a shit in the process. The fact that you have, serves to show me that you had issues with me regardless, and that itself would back up my interpretation of your initial remark. To be honest mate, I can't be arsed with people like that, who think they can get a laugh at somebody else's expense, and then spit their dummy out when they are questioned. I really don't like you at all lad, so do me a favour and fall down the stairs or something equally uncomfortable.
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