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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. I've been positive all year mate. Now every bugger hates me lol.
  2. Won't players be going to the African Nations Cup ?
  3. Do we have to resign everytime we do something wrong? It all gets a bit pathetic. If somebody is the right person for the job, then so be it, but too many calls for relegation are making a mockery out of our government. People are people, and they mess up, regardless who they are.
  4. We sold our creative midfielders. We don't have funds to replace, so yes, I guess we are moving back in that respect, but sometimes you have to step backwards to move forwards without wanting to throw clichés into the mix. I don't think he's run out of ideas. I see us dominating the majority of games. I think it's just that Everton FC are not good enough as players.
  5. We are about 50 bazillion in debt. We all knew the money from sales would mostly go to the bank. Accept it. We'll get people in, but it won't be huge money signings.
  6. Lets put the fecker in a big pot with some sprouts, and dashing of turnip. Bagsie the thigh.
  7. The guy is innocent until proven guilty for crying out loud. What's wrong with people? This is England. He is a high profile player in a 'touched up' allegation. Where have we heard that before?
  8. I can't speak for London cabbies, but most drivers I know will stop for a fair if they are light (empty) because they need the money. If they don't stop, they might already have a job on board or going to pick one up. Skin colour wouldn't come in to it. There are thousands of drivers from other cultures in big cities.
  9. Avinalaff


    He was chasing it.
  10. Watched 2 films last night. Henry - portrait of a serial killer. Kill list. Both very shocking and very violent, especially Kill list, where the violence is way over the top.
  11. Mate, it's very dodgy ground. You're your own man though and live and die by your own doings as they say.
  12. Avinalaff


    Too much chasing the chicken will leave you blind.
  13. You castrated your dog? Damn. * Puts hand down pants and reassures balls that all is ok.
  14. It would be better if it was a point blank directive, right across the sport. For all we know, there may actually be such rules, but if there isn't, it might be worth reviewing the situation. Diplomatic immunity isn't what I'm getting at, but if you are in an airport, on the duty free side, are you under English law, or European law?
  15. My Steam game list is getting a bit long lol.
  16. Yeah, I guess that could be true. I started PC gaming late in life, and only really took it seriously regarding playing for teams in around 2004. 99% of my time was playing FPS and shooters were always my favourite. When we were kids, we were blessed with Space Invaders, Sonic, and Pac man during our teens, but earlier than that it was the basic beep beep stuff of the early consoles.
  17. Amir seemed very upset at the decision. I didn't see the fight, but Amir is a class boxer. I've a feeling he has a point after reading about it and seeing his interview.
  18. Avinalaff


    Ha ha, I see the same groans happen regardless of league lol.
  19. I did clarify the sentence you highlighted, but it's not important. As long as there are players moving between different countries, there will always be problems. Suarez didn't make the comments in a restaurant or supermarket. He made them to another player on a football pitch. Whilst on a football pitch, that pitch should be seen as neutral territory. English laws can't come into it, or at least shouldn't. If a side from Tunisia come to Goodison, are they to all adhere to English law, and learn the do's and do nots of our society before they get off the plane? It's a bit drastic. The pitch should remain immune to the laws of any land. The only law that should exist on the pitch, is one set out by the governing bodies. That way, all teams that compete on the pitch know exactly where they stand. You can argue that Suarez lives here. He may well do, but he is not an English citizen, and as such can just as easily be deported. Racist or not, he should have a clear set of rules that he 'must' adhere to, regardless of country, and that can only come from FIFA. Otherwise, if Evra goes to Uraguay in the World Cup, will it be ok for fans or players to call him Negrito, just because he is in Uraguay? We can't impose our culture onto other cultures. The only neutral ground, where everybody can be themselves, yet still live in harmony, is to have a separate body that they all must live under, and that body must surely be FIFA. IO hope I've explained my point well. It's not always easy.
  20. You'll probably be better starting a new thread Paul. Some here though: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/EVERTON-FC-FOOTBALL-SONGS-/190616450333?pt=UK_SportsMemorabilia_Football_Memorabilia_ET&hash=item2c61a0351d
  21. You can't say that mate. We have American members here.
  22. It wasn't relevant to the 'English' thing, but more that it seems to be widely acceptable in other countries. I think the Internet makes the world a very small place too, and as we all play under Fifa, we can't enforce English standards on things. They need to be separated under what is allowed under the rules of the governing bodies. For me, FIFA needs to make things absolutely clear to all players what is and isn't acceptable. Then, and only then, can all players be in no doubt.
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