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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. It reminds me of the away match against Lisbon. Need to find better stream. Poor tonight.
  2. We need to presume he is staying and get behind him.
  3. I can't be watching another 45 minutes of that. If our players think that performance is acceptable then please sell the buggers to lower league teams asap.
  4. Dare I say it but Saha looks our best player tonight, except he's in the middle of the pitch.
  5. Are we going to play some football tonight? We can't defend for 90 minutes against Spurs.
  6. Hi matey. Good luck for the season and the challenge, but tonight our season begins .... ahem.
  7. Really? Maybe I'm missing out on this new social skill. I liken it to somebody following me around with a wet wipe and cleaning anything I touch. It's that nerdy to me. A bit like folk pointing out ones spelling mistakes. I must be a proper Victor Meldrew.
  8. Hmmm ... it's funny once, but twice in one day? That's just being a smart arse, but don't let me stop you.
  9. Shouldn't we be having this conversdation ...........after............ the transfer window? Until it closes, you can't accuse the club of not spending.
  10. The 'fine' for jumping off a tall building is the death penalty
  11. It's not a race or a competition Mike. Who gives a shit if something has been posted before, be it in a thread, the shout box, or written on the side of the Holy Grail? Get a grip lol.
  12. Oops, I thought this thread was the secret numbers to next weeks lottery, but I've realised it's just another negative anti Moyes thread. Damn my naivety.
  13. 1.Why Everton and how long have you supported them? I watched my first game as a babe in arms, with my dad and his brother, who were probably supposed to be baby sitting. 43 years later, I'm still wishing they'd took me to a pantomime instead. 2. Everton and Villa seem to be a mirror for each other at the moment, both Clubs being careful with finances and both have been plundered for some of our better players by the big boys, what do you think the future holds for both Clubs if the current pattern continues? I expect the big clubs across the globe will eventually form their own 'world' league, and the big investors will concentrate their funding on that. Any clubs not able to compete will be left behind. It seems to be the next logical step for football, as money will destroy the game of that I have no doubt. 3.David Moyes was touted a while ago as a replacement for Sir Alex Fergerson when he retires, but in the last few seasons this has tailed off somewhat and i have also heard some Everton Fans calling for him to be replaced!! what are your feelings in this matter? I'm a Moyes supporter, and he has my loyalty and patience. I look at the bigger picture, and realise he is up against it with Everton. Other fans are a bit selfish in my eyes, and impatient, but they have a right to their opinion. 4.Everton were reportedly a target of a recent buyout by the Qatar Investment Authority along with Blackburn Rovers, what do you know about this and how would you feel about becoming one of the "Money" clubs in the Premier League considering how Man City and Chelsea have been demonised? I'm at peace with being the poor club that we are, even if a few more quid in the kitty wouldn't harm us. The way Moyes has had to be resourceful has been a joy to behold, and shows a side to management that few appreciate fully. Getting into Europe and to Wembley felt such an unbelievable achievement, and brought excitement back to our club. I'm not sure having those things given to us on a plate would be quite so exciting. I'm lucky in that I've seen successful teams at Everton, and my history with the club may be different to many younger fans, who are thirsty for silverware, but I think that our club may not survive the cost of Premiership football without investment in the long term if things don't change. 5. Louis Saha was recently racially abused on twitter, John Terry is facing criminal charges for comments he allegedly made to Anton Ferninand and Louis Suarez has been banned for racially abusing Patrice Evra, why do you think these incidents have reared their head again? and what message do you think Liverpool FC sent out with their support of Suarez? ​This is a subject that is very controversial, and irrelevant to our fixture, so I'm going to pass, and simply say racism is very much a problem I wished did not exist. 6. The Transfer window is upon us once again, what players do you think Everton should sign working within the tight budget that Moyes has? and who would you like to see shown the door and why? We have many contracts expiring this season, and many players nearing the end of their careers, and I don't see how we can avoid having to sell one or two big names, be it in January or August, as we don't seem to have the funding to rebuild the squad. Any players coming in will be a bonus to our numbers, but with 3 long term loans already on our books, I feel it will be a quiet window, and one that will see fans frustrated. Players such as Bilyaletdinov really need to be moved on while they have value, but we can't afford to lose others, as our squad is too small. 7. What are your feelings and thoughts about Aston Villa and its Fans? They're a historically strong club, and played decent stuff over the years. No real opinion of their fans to be truthful. 8. What you you think of the uproar that the appointment of Alex McLeish as Aston Villa Manager and how do you think he has done thus far considering all the goings on at the Club over the last 18 months? Not taken much notice if I'm honest mate. I've had my mind on our own issues. 9. If you could take one Player from Aston Villa and sign him for Everton who would it be and why? Toss up between Darren Bent, or Agbonlahor. We need a striker badly. 10.Which Teams will finish in the top four and bottom 3 of the Premier League this season? Top 4: City, Utd, Chelsea, Spurs Arsenal. West Brom, Wolves, Wigan, and that's totally different than my prediction a week or so ago if I'm honest. 11. Who will finsih higher this season? Everton or Aston Villa? Everton will be favourites, but the outcome of the game might be a big boost to either team. 12. And finally Match Predictions? 1-1 DRAW All the best to your lads for 2012.
  14. Our only difference is an eff'n ell. Hi matey, and good luck for the season and for 2012.
  15. How can one categorize 'they'? People are all different, and have different things to offer, and different needs. Some come here for one reason and some come here for other reasons, but our country has benefited immensely in many aspects, even if it has negative aspects to it also. Cast our minds back to the days when we were pillaging many poorer countries than ourselves, or colonizing the globe, and the whole argument seems a little hypocritical.
  16. With respect to all 'sane' Americans, America is one f**ked up country.
  17. http://www.evertonfc.com/evertontv/home/6783 Extended highlights
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